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Everything posted by zahraa

  1. Uh it seems I'm a bit too late...I have bad a memory from a game developing contest that I entered before, It was somehow...fake?! Damn I guess I'm so unlucky. I always have many ideas in my head...No time to use them :ehh: Anyway let us know if you won! Wow. I can't manage to develop more than one game at the same time! Make sure to keep them high-quality! I'm not into PS btw.
  2. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay :) btw do you have any projects under development? Could you please tell me about that contest? Good luck!
  3. HOOORAYYYY! My game already has 10:26:16 of gameplay! Still, I have +10hrs to develop...

    1. Polraudio


      wow your making a 20 hour game?

    2. zahraa


      yep, There are 8 island to explore (I've done 4 of them) and some strange places in my game, so +20hr is predictable. Also the main reason is that short games don't satisfy me even if they're perfect and even if there are going to be episodes.

  4. then you can use something like this windowskin : http://uploads.im/bJw8V.png Well you can change your windowskin in game using an event command called "Change windowskin" on the first page. So you can change the windowskin to the default after a conversation. It's simple. Please tell me if I didn't understand you correctly or you can't understand me correctly :)
  5. I think you don't need any scripts for that O.o You can replace that rectangular selection with the pic you like and you're done. this is an example: http://imgur.com/okGULfn
  6. zahraa

    May Voting!

    Bravo dear friend! :dance:
  7. Uh hey guys I figured it out! Thank you Heretic86 for your hint. The solution was very easy ( Only three lines of codes!). Please lock this topic :dance:
  8. zahraa

    Random Questions

    Oh I'm so sorry guys! I realized that there is a problem with seventh question! I mean gender not genre :annoyed: I feel so stupid...Forgive me...
  9. zahraa

    Random Questions

    My exam was excellent! I don't have exams anymore. I'M FREEEEEEEEE! Hey dude I believe you can have them :thumbsup: Seriously?! :) :(
  10. zahraa

    Random Questions

    Hey guys! It's me! The great queen of "The Cafe" section in our forum! Well I'm very nervous right now because I have a hard exam tomorrow. Anyway I have time to come here and post something most of the time. Now I wanna ask you 10 random questions...just to have fun. 1. If you could kill only one person in the world, Who would you choose? Justin Bieber :| 2. If you could be an animal, Which animal would you choose? Eagle 3. If you could change your name when you were born, What would you choose? Well, Anything except my name...Maybe Natalie or Nova. 4. Do you choose family or career? In fact I don't have career right now but I think I choose career 5. Name something that you love but many people hate? Pets (especially birds) 6. Name something that you like to eat right now? Ice Cream 7. Would you like to change your gender? No 8. Tell a good/bad memory from past year? My uncle passed away :( 9. What are you planning to do this week? Color my hair and change my hairstyle. 10. Name something that you really want to have but you can't? I want two things: Freedom and Iphone6 :grin: Also feel free to add your questions. Good luck!
  11. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay, I'm sure you can find many good resources for your game here. Now you have a second chance to make your game, so try to make it better and more professional! Good luck!
  12. So you want to know what's on my mind? Well it's none of your business :|

    1. Marked


      ..whats on ur mind?

  13. One day I'm gonna fly away, One day when heaven calls my name...

  14. zahraa


    Yes it's a bit strange, I think we didn't upgrade our windows for a long time, That's why I remember windows 98. We still have that PC with win98. It's a pain to work with it. I haven't play Doom. I played Babyz (Yeah I know it's a meaningless game, but I was just a kid) and Sonic (From Sega games) most of the time plus a game that I can't remember its name. I think Doom was a bit harsh for me in that age. I also have a video from my childhood when I'm asking my dad to stop recording the video and start Sonic for me and There's another one when I'm playing Sonic but I'm too short to see the monitor easily XD Oh and I remember I usually asked my sister to play Splatterhouse 2 (It's one of horror games for sega console, We played it on PC with an emulator) It really scared me and I couldn't sleep at night but I kept it as a secret so I could ask my sister to play it again :|
  15. zahraa

    May Nominating

    WOW! Thank you guys :cute:
  16. zahraa


    You make me remember my sister's words... I feel so bad :dizzy: Yeah, Good memories of Windows 98 are still in my mind. It could open all my favorite games! I really miss some of them. This is what I say to myself all the time! But there are always things that I want to do and learn with computer. That's why I feel like I can never ever leave it. There are always new technologies, new softwares and many exciting projects, I want to learn them and then I can make the next big thing... Or maybe it's just my stupid imagination.
  17. zahraa


    Oh I'm so happy to see I'm not alone! I thought I'm the only one who has a few friends because of computer addiction. Yeah it's extreme hard, I start using computer when I was 5 O.O
  18. zahraa


    Hello everybody! I really like to talk about it. My family says you're addicted to computer and you should give up. I spend all of my hours working with computer and searching on internet, and I get very angry and sad when I can't reach my laptop (and internet) I don't mind being addicted though. I want to know your opinion about it, Are you in the same situation? Do you think it's REALLY bad to be addicted to computer? Does this ruin your life? Let's discuss my nerdy friends!
  19. I can't see many changes and the link doesn't work for me. Anyway what happened to you? You look very lost and confused :( I wish I could help you somehow. btw your avatar is so cute.
  20. Hi! Welcome to the forum. Do you use RPG maker XP or VX(ace)? I can help you with RPG Maker XP so feel free to tell me ur problems. It's so fun to learn game developing. Enjoy!
  21. Hey dude I want to support your idea, and I even had the same idea. Check here : http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/10535-what-is-happening/?do=findComment&comment=84838 see? It was very close to your idea but it failed. Idk why. I can't say it was all Mark's fault. Anyway It really made me lose my motivation. Sorry for lack of support :( I love you guys and I love this site but it seems we can't grow anymore. But still, I like to see changes...There is always a little hope.
  22. Idk. Do whatever you want O.o I'll finish my game soon and then I'll move to a new engine and probably a new site... Anyway I'll never forget you guys because I learned many things from you :ehh: Good luck Mark. This site was amazing, You did a great job.
  23. Here you go. It took me ages to upload because of our *Add the worst swear you know here* internet connection. Tell me if you still want to change something in this character.
  24. I'm a bit sick and I have to study hard for my exams. It's awful O~O

    1. Marked


      get well soon!

    2. zahraa


      Ty, actually I'm not sick anymore...I have another problem now :|

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