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Everything posted by zahraa

  1. Heya Miku! Welcome! Good luck with your "skill assessment". btw a college for game design sounds so cool :D
  2. O.o that's probably the strangest game I have ever played lol But still it can amaze me because I have no idea what you had to go through to get this done :o Good luck with further updates :D
  3. I loved my previous avatar but it was way too depressed so I changed it. Cheer for happy avatars! ^^

    1. zahraa


      Hm, Now the only avatar that comes to my mind is a photo of myself xD

    2. Kitsuki


      I always get an empty feeling of regret and guilt when I change my profile pic... I try to stay loyal to them D:


      but this new one of yours is really pretty! <3 love it!

    3. Polraudio


      I been using the same one since 2007ish lol.

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  4. hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is actually a phobia, Now try to memorize its name :)

    1. zahraa


      Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest English word. Scary...

    2. ShinkuAura


      I have a rare phobia. It's called bobfourtwentythreephobia.

    3. zahraa


      aka Spheniscidaeaphobia. Sorry I couldn't find a treatment :(

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  5. What? lol I read it all without even realizing how long it really is :thumbsup:
  6. lol I was referring to this though http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/i-didn-t-chose-the-thug-life-the-thug-life-chose-me-1.png
  7. I used to write a lot of stories and poems when I was a child. Also I have worked with computer since I was 4 (Mostly playing). I always liked computer, But I had never thought about game development, I had no idea how games are made. One day when I was bored I installed a game that my father downloaded for me before (I think I was 10). It was the first RPG I played and it was done in RMXP. Later I found RMVX but I couldn't work with it so I totally forgot about game development and all. When I was 13 accidentally I found RMXP and I loved it. My imagination started to grow and I totally fell in love with game development. I really have no idea what inspired me...It was all an accident lol So I didn't choose game development, Game development chose me xD #meme
  8. zahraa

    Are you crazy?

    In fact I did get down, I did see those weird stuff *Shots kitsuki three times after she felt on the ground*
  9. Need to divide my time between my game and my sister's dissertation :|

  10. zahraa

    Are you crazy?

    You made me google it D: *defenestrates kitsuki*
  11. Hello tgramsus! Unfortunately I don't have time to play it but I wish you luck with your game. I like to suggest you to work a lot more on your maps. Check GDU gallery for great mapping examples. Also I need to mention that the spider battler doesn't match the game...I think VX spider battler is better, If you have VX though. And make sure to have a gamepage here when you made some progress in your game: http://www.gdunlimited.net/games Have fun!
  12. . . . So, Are you crazy? Vote and write the first reason that comes to your mind :D I say YES. Because sometimes I have dreams about video games that haven't been developed before, Now you can guess my plan >:D Let's see how many crazy members we have here :D I'm sure some of you haven't lost your sanity yet!
  13. Oh yeah that's a great idea for sure! EDIT: I totally misunderstood it but still it's a good idea lol
  14. Of course I know it. I don't think you can actually develop the game you want in RM without using some extra scripts. But the whole point of RM is to make game development easier, Especially for people who don't know scripting. I can't say how much time I spent on the animated battle system of my game to make it what I want (And it's still buggy) Even though I was using scripts. This engine is for RPGs after all and I still believe they should put much more effort into the battle system(s). If I could script my own battle system, I wouldn't be using RM now. BTW liked the idea of text based battle system xD
  15. Um I don't think we actually need it here. We have "Resource Showcase And Critiques" for non engine-specific learning. Each engine also has its own section for learning. I think our forums are more organized. I myself learned a lot about RMXP in this website and I didn't have any problems so I don't think there should be a learning center. On gdu about 70% of sections are about learning lol You did split that learning center into more specific sections here, Which is the right thing to do. If you have time to improve gdu I'd suggest you to work on Game section and make it more customizable :)
  16. zahraa


    That's absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen on internet :ehh:
  17. Is it just me or those maps look like RMVX maps too much? Also it's disappointing to know it has the boring turn based battle system again. It's good to know it has mouse support and higher resolution games. (My first post on this new section of forums :D )
  18. zahraa


    Awww bob looks so pretty irl. Just look at his cute legs *-* Please make sure you feed him on time.
  19. Can't wait to see Black Butterflies logo being appeared on the homepage of GDU :D I have to wait though...

  20. Heya! Welcome to GDU. Feel free to ask your questions. I hope you have a lot of fun developing games!
  21. Umm it's not really my place to talk because I have to pirate almost everything I want. It's because my country is under restrictions and I'm not able to buy anything. Not a single company is interested to have their services here. Online stores don't ship anything for us and Paypal is blocked and blah blah blah of course u can buy games from stores here but in fact u r paying another pirate to get the game, so yeah no real retailer. But imo Pirating = Stealing. No matter what ur excuse is. It's like stealing a table from a store. You might say hey I just wanna see if it's nice in my house then I'll buy it if I like it. No, You're still stealing it. If the company lets u test it then it's fine but if it doesn't, u r stealing it. Like it or not. As pol said having a demo helps a lot (not in my case though) I know it doesn't really feel like stealing because it's online and all...Anyway I think it's fine if the game/music/software is very old. As I said earlier my words have no validations because I pirate everything. But I liked to share my opinion anyhow :)
  22. damn it damn it damn it I wanna chew my laptop right now o.o

    1. Polraudio


      Want to trade? The other day my desktops watercooling broke and completely fried everything.

    2. zahraa


      Hmm...Fried desktop? Sounds tasty :D

    3. Kitsuki


      >o< what happened, Zahraa?

  23. Heya jojo! Welcome to the site. Don't hesitate to ask your question! Good luck with RPG Maker.
  24. I was reading some of my old posts the other day, Oh god my English... o.o

    1. ShinkuAura


      Kutchi misu suki mais bob.

    2. Marked


      I noticed Z, you're a pro now! Totally can't tell it's not your first language.

    3. zahraa


      omg thanks Mark ^^

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  25. 100% agree with blackmage + Don't go wrecking your beliefs and ideology like that, I don't know why she talked to you that way but I assume you believe she actually has a point. So, Instead of hurting yourself or wasting your time overthinking it, Just rearrange your mind and try to analyze what she said. Then you'll probably feel like she wants you to change. But remember, It's just the matter of balance and choice, Like blackmage says, Everything is neither right nor wrong. Eating meat won't kill you in a day and being a vegetarian doesn't warrant a long happy life. You just need to keep the balance. It's not so hard. I believe path of success is like a fingerprint, You can't find two persons who have the same fingerprint. People have different definitions of "success". I need to remind you this old quote that says don't try to be different, Just be your best self. You're unique. Anything could happen, But never disturb yourself like that. Every problem has a solution after all :)
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