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Everything posted by zahraa

  1. ahaha it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the topic:
  2. oh Wow it's so beautiful! Though the sprite looks kinda out of place and strange...I'd suggest you to use Loose Leaf generator to make better-looking sprites! Try this one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5-jLv4bIHKDWVJxa05LNDB4aFE/view?usp=sharing And the shadow looks fine imo. The map is very nice!
  3. Just asking, Why don't you use the Ace generator or something like Loose Leaf?
  4. Heya Jet! Welcome to GDU! You chose a very good place to start ;) Keep practicing till you figure everything out.
  5. 2 lazy 2 balance 2 final boss fights and finish Black Butterflies *.*

  6. Of course the XP one. But I agree with dolarmak, That map needs more work indeed. Check this out http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/screen3.png It's not the same tileset but I bet it can inspire you.
  7. Welcome to GDU! There are a lot of final fantasy resources for RPG maker I believe so good luck with your fan game! I remember we used to study a little of vb at school, It was hard :o
  8. I suggest you to check the first tile of the tileset (The white one that you usually use as an eraser) It must be passable and its priority must be 5. Check it and make sure it's right.
  9. Just can't stop loving Eminem <3

  10. Welcome to GDU! Good luck with your project(s)!
  11. Talking about Justin Bieber, I know you guys love him and you can't wait for his new album...Uh it's still unpleasant even when it's a joke XD http://www.quickmeme.com/img/57/575402beac7c975b6ce6024626dfb19f3b801d66b813e0ff9a17d530721dae9b.jpg http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/438230/resized_high-expectations-asian-father-meme-generator-son-do-you-listen-to-justin-bieber-i-don-t-have-a-son-a4208e.jpg http://www.pmslweb.com/the-blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/30-a-tree-who-ends-as-a-justin-bieber-notebook-meme.jpg
  12. Oh I haven't released it yet but when it's done, I'll launch it here on GDU so everyone can play ^^ But you should finish the game to hear your tracks because I used them in the final scenes :P
  13. You're welcome! Good luck with your game and make sure to credit the creator of that sprite.
  14. I don't use VX, Test it and let me know how it looks in-game. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5-jLv4bIHKDd0k0M214MDFKVzg/view?usp=sharing
  15. I swear I haven't ever heard about that guy D: but after a quick search I found something that might be helpful https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/gn1Dhh3vsdt_hfHGuHaacPJBQDg8Oj1RMMhETRMIwA And this one is for XP but I can convert it into VX in a minute if you like it http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/uploads/1289684320/gallery_10621_72_35339.png
  16. Well well I'm here to announce my epic fail :D So yeah I haven't finished Black Butterflies yet...It's just being very annoying XD

    1. Tigurus


      aaww well, you haven't finished it before 1 July but you can still finish it this year! :D

    2. zahraa


      lol thanks for motivating me ;D

  17. Hello! I like your works and I used a few of them in my game! But I think there is one thing that I should mention. I noticed each track has a pattern and it repeats over and over again, I think it could be better if you'd have a base pattern for the track then add high parts and low parts, Like the music goes up and down instead of following a linear path. I'm no composer but it was what felt when I listened to your tracks. Good luck! ^^
  18. I challenge myself to finish Black Butterflies before July :D Let's see what's gonna happen!

    1. Polraudio


      Well got 7 days.

    2. zahraa


      yep that's a real challenge :D

  19. Who has played Hatred? Sounds like a bad game but I'm curious D:

    1. ShinkuAura


      I heard that the game isn't even that violent. It's just the media being too immature again. Mortal Kombat X is much more gruesome than Hatred.

    2. zahraa


      Really? That's interesting...

  20. oh I see! Thanks for the explanation! ^^
  21. General- 6/10 Made w/ Mouse- 9/10 Critique: I don't think it's "catchy", I prefer a darker one and a little bit more...shiny
  22. I think there is a problem with the function above (f(x) = 0.22*x + 0.1222) The normal format for linear function is f(x) = mx + c but if you want to write the function for that table, c is 0 because for the first data, x is 0 and f(x) is also 0 so c must be 0 too.
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