Hey there! I'm making a fangame and I really want to know how I can create several biographies for different characters that are accessible through the Menu_Status screen. I'm a bit experienced with RPG Maker XP, and I can mess around with the script a little bit (as in manipulating certain things, adding a bit of text here and there, not too much), but I can't write a whole script myself. I really want a certain format, one where there's absolutely no HP, no SP, none of those numbers or battle statuses (levels, etc). I want a simple screen where, when you access the character's status screen, you will simply see: A picture (I can already achieve this, so leave that to me) The actor name and class (I know how to accomplish this) and a biography of about five lines of text that stretch across the lower half of the screen, whose text and x/y positions I can manipulate to have it where I want. I was able to create such a screen through editing the Window_Status script, but was unable to make several for the characters that I wanted. The same text was appearing on the screen each time (except for name and class). I can attach an image here. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/135/7/9/793cb7d119fc163682c46e0827244941-d65fc0k.png Could anyone possibly edit the Status script enough for me to be able to manipulate what I can do with this game? I need the information to be able to switch with the different characters... that's all... The names, classes, and photos can already change according to the characters. I just can't get the rest. I'd be really grateful if you'd help!