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Everything posted by GraveBusta

  1. You need a special sprite sheet and those are hard to get, there is a few animated sprite sheets here and there but they are really rare,also getting a clean sprite sheet to use as a template is even harder. I am not in remotely pro to ABS scripts but I do know that default XP sprites can cause derpy looking issues.If you want english I recommend xasabs site I gave,if you want a more simple up to date abs script go to the official Jp site. I am sorry I could not help with the sprite issues.
  2. XASABS, moghunter I think is the main one who updates and translates now but I prefer this site https://xasabs.wordpress.com/ the site is abandoned but the scripts work just fine. Also careful ABS scripts are far more challenging to use then most battle scripts.
  3. Yep I am not a rich guy 500$ and not being allowed to purchase online was my limit, so I did research I downgraded to windows 7 ran almost 2x as fast and stable as 8.1 but at the same time I was forced to upgrade back to 8.1 due to the fact USB ports were not functioning correctly. The same thing happened on my laptop I have,Kinda makes game development a lifeline for me I cannot get a job where I live and I have personal reasons I strictly imprisoned by this state like I am on house arrest yet I am not on house arrest.
  4. It is a gaming site that supports any kind of gaming even exploiting and cheating.They do not do anything server sided so I guess you cannot say it's hacking KoG just the client, all you can do client sided is wreck the economy in game. I was an idiot thinking back then I could get revenge for them treating the players like garbage and brain washing people. All I did cheating was make KoG more rich by help making the game economy worse and forcing players to have to use item mall more to sell crap to get the in game cash they needed to buy things.
  5. This is actually a bad thing,this means price value of everything will skyrocket
  6. That is a silly worry look at gamekiller I do not premote hacking I am an ex ELX user myself, the site never is afraid to post about things not hacking and the site itself is made to support hacking with rules and guidelines to bring balance. I will not be going back I was only around cuz I hated KoG's guts now that I don't get a thrill out of trolling KoG anymore as payback I have no need to go back to gamekiller, I am also a bit regretful of my past actions revenge just isn't my strong suit I suck at it and I decided instead of wasting time ranting and getting revenge I should do things that make me feel good and be productive that is why I left gamekiller I am more into game development then warring with companies now. In other words I matured a bit the past year I make no excuse for cheating client sided with ELX and I am not going to be stupid anymore, I realized how much of an idiot I been last year.
  7. I was interested in Unity but the worries are far greater then the using like 1. Where to start? Yes there is a manual but sometimes the manual feels rather unexplained and/or it skips too far ahead and then back tracks 2. How to legally release the games, yes unity is free and pro offers more packages and a feature or 2 and are not necessary but I am not good at understanding what their license allows and what it doesn't with free
  8. What time of year on these forums do we have a high population? I noticed it feels a very quiet to me and I was wondering what I am doing wrong that I only see a few on here and there.
  9. It does provide a sense of balance but lets talk about this some other time this thread is about 8.1 if anything people should talk about how to make 8.1 faster.
  10. I found an interesting project called Xen, it's a linux,windows,and NetBSD(no clue what that is)all together in one and its 100% free!If I can get .exe running well on it I will never need windows again because .exe is the only thing keeping me on windows, this means most games will run fine (most) and I do not need wine. This is a mere test I am not installing it on my main pc til my junk laptop tests out the software a bit. I am very new to linux and programming and this could either be gateway to awesome or disaster xD It is a hyper visor but still pretty dang cool if you can make it work well.
  11. learning the scripts isn't too hard but getting assets without being able to make your own is really hard to do especially with advanced scripts like xasabs the script itself requires a special sprite sheet that is hard to find, and there are no sprite makers for xasabs that I know of. TBH the creator of the script transforms RPG Maker into a whole new engine.I might be better off making my own scripts with a team member making the assets.
  12. I suppose the no honor among thieves is a guideline don't distribute cracks yourself,don't talk about plots to crack,and use common sense on what you crack. Follow these rules and no one complains I guess ><
  13. lol I know it's not illegal but it is also not legal it is greylined much like private MMO servers but far less dangerous,my point in not supporting piracy is because common sense most forums will ban you if you try to say you support pirating anything one such forums is selling the RPG makers. Also 100% Agree apple is far worse and greedy
  14. GraveBusta


    I purchased already I gotta say the engine itself is powerful but needs a bit of tweaking,attack and camera animations is the largest flaw but I am sure if you ever support scripts or allow scripts but only under certain guidelines things could go pretty far. I like the whole gui editor it is as simple is RPG Maker but more advanced and flexible.
  15. Kinda defeats the purpose of buying the pc if you have to pirate or buy even more software to use it to it's full extent and yes it is microsoft's product they are allowed to be cheap and cold business partners but my opinion still holds that windows 8.1 is a scam and windows 8 (not 8.1 they are different) can run as good and maybe better then 7 but the configuration is unfair it tells you what you have even though you had no choice. I could rant all day about the morals an how wrong 8.1 is but I am going to leave it here it is an opinion related topic. I hope microsoft takes into consideration that not everyone can afford to pay an extra 200$ for something that already costs an arm and a leg for those barely getting by.But I really doubt they will with windows 10 because windows (microsoft)is a company they will not mind playing dirty as long as they do not get into legal trouble to squeeze as much money out of people as they can, they embrace the nature of rich get richer and poor get poorer it's a sad reality we all either have to get over it or find out own way around it. BY NO MEANS DO I SUPPORT PIRACY!
  16. You can make touhou fangames but there are guidelines that must be followed I can go get them if you want they made by the owner
  17. windows 8.1 is the worst OS ever born,people say 8.1 and 8 are the same while in appearance they are but in performance 8.1 will rip you a new one.CPU pointlessly spiking,drivers failing for no god damn reason and randomly far worse then windows 7 had issues with and you had that god awful One Drive you cannot even fully turn off without doing dirty work. I definitely feel you
  18. I am thinking that maybe I should practice a bit but maybe not. I am not a pro so I seek advice from those who know what they are doing. Should I practice by working on a fanmade game (yeah I know this is a very sensitive style of game design the only legal ones I see thus far to be openly distributed is touhou which is not an issue for me I like the art style) or jump right into my own series with no experience possibly wrecking any potential for story and plot and making a bad game. 1. I do have help and this game is going to be an action rpg and he is helping me script game maker studio to make the RPG mechanics built in to it. 2. I have no intent to throw RMXP away when I do go for the main series I plan on making it on multiple genre so RMXP will be my 2D turn based and maker3D will be my 3D turn based. This is all hard work and I do not expect it to be done over night. Please should I do fanmade to gain experience or should I just skip into the main series?
  19. For the most part this script isn't so bad it's a challenge but not impossible to learn without learning to code,however I am a bit stuck on tool creation the main site that is still up and not taken down for reasons unknown http://xasabs.wordpress.com/. if I could get some help it would be most appreciated. What has me confused is how the TOOL map works and the http://xasabs.wordpress.com/creating-tools/ doesn't feel very detailed at all. I may be trying too hard but I just can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong when i create the tool I still can't seem to get the tool to register in my map to use with the event change weapons event as if the item doesn't exist at all. I tried following the script instructions but that also went wack. Idk why but I have no issues with the other parts just the TOOLS wich is the core of the skills,weapons,and items that I cannot seem to get the hang of.
  20. While I was exploring I found a pretty neat script,but you know I can understand nothing of the download it is not english,I am not gonna bash on whatever language this is with english I just like to know what I am doing with copy rights and I am curious as to the features the user that hosted the file for RTH left out that I may be missing I have experimented with the gameplay and I gotta say it is pretty good i give this script a 8.5/10 I wish to get to the official source to I can use google to translate for me so I know what I am doing please. The script with little to no info can be found at http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-xp/custom-battle-scripts/rth-abs-2-6 if I can get a site to the main project's host that would be nice please if not,can I please get some help with it? I do not know if it's legal for anyone to translate this for me either other then the author of the script. PS I was unsure as to where this is to be posted and the person who hosted the file I viewed his profile says last activity was about a year ago i think unless I read wrong I found a similar yet better script case closed sorry for the dumb question I can be pretty stupid.
  21. I am GraveBusta and I found this place and I am quite interested in looking around I am a bit of a noob with it comes to forums, but I do hope we get along well I also come from rpgmakerweb forums as well this engine inspires great and friendly communities ^_^
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