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Everything posted by Blackbound

  1. Size: 770x270; Likes pastels. anyone who is good with art; could they please help?
  2. ... is it wrong of me to want to move to canada now?
  3. hmm... Heres what I see: Two planes hit the towers.... and the two towers fall as though it was a demolition project! If the planes caused the attack, wouldnt the towers FALL OVER? not STRAIGHT DOWN? The pentagon explodes..... but wheres the plane that hit it? It looks more like a stunted C4 bomb to me. Take a look at the stock market, you see another clue: There were a bunch of bets made the previous day that the corresponding airways were going to plummit, and there were HUGE bets. THEN 9/11 HAPPEND AND ABOUT 9 trillion dollars vanished from the stock market! in the same day mentioned above..... 3.6 trillion dollars vanished from the US Government. Then 9/11 happened and that thought vanished!
  4. Does this only work on IPB or can this work with PHPBB and SMF as well?
  5. Blackbound


    The width of the orange and green blocks are 5. The tail of the orange block has a length of 3 The tail of the green block has a length of 2 8 is the width of the red triangle 5 + 3 = 8 The red triangle and the blue triangle have different slopes. Red triangle has a slope of 3/8 - ~37% slope Blue triangle has a slope of 2/5 - 40% slope The completed first shape isn't a triangle... but a rhombus!
  6. Ive used PHPBB2 and PHPBB3. I was introduced into SMF while I tried working with the excessively complex PHPBB3 SMF 2.0 RC3 I was able to dive into in a matter of seconds. You dont need to know any PHP/HTML/Javascript/CSS code to work with it, and regardless of whether you know it or not, you can add a spoiler tag to the forum in about 3 clicks. SMF admin panel -> Packages -> Download Packages -> [browse] -> (ctrl F - Spoiler) - Download next to Spoiler Tag -> Install Mod -> install No PHP to work with, just a few (ok mebby a lil over a half dozen) clicks. Also... ya dont like the mod? Uninstall is even faster Admin Panel -> Packages -> Uninstall Mod -> Uninstall (next to the mod you want to remove) Ive never got PHPBB3 to do that >.<' However there is one thing I would like to note about SMF - There is a line you need to change to get rid of the "Ugly avatar Scrollbars" You have to change the line from Auto to Hidden. This gets rid of the scrollbars. SMF has its own built in Debugger so if you are gonna install something and you are not sure if it will work with your current mods, download and hit install mod... but dont hit install yet. SMF will either give you a green go ahead saying the mod itself is safe to install, or a red "Holdup" I have seen alot of things you can do in a SMF forum without the aid of php knowlege. If you actually do have PHP knowhow then you can do alot more with SMF.
  7. Byethost is indeed a very very good free host. However we are not with them right now thanks to a rather generous donation by our current host. Our current host gave us a prepaid Priemium plan. SMF is also a very good piece of forum software. Power wise its very very close to IPB. (its really only mebby a year or two behind) It is the forum software I have been using on all of my current sites. (count- 4)
  8. *Gives everyone a cookie* fighting is bad, cookies are good

    1. rgangsta
    2. Joey


      *steals all the cookies and hides in a tree somewhere* xD

    3. Blackbound


      *steals a joey via hax powers and feeds to alligators and returns cookies*

  9. This has turned from a suggestion to a massive debate. There is a forum for this Marked has worked considerably well on this forum and every single staff member is still trying to keep it civil. From my understanding this is a Development Forum. This is Not a gaming forum. Requesting this topic be moved.
  10. Rules come in two sets: Written rules and Forum rules you already should be aware of. When posting, you should post with the sense to understand both of these rule sets. One of these rules is "Refrain from double posting unless you have a reason to" This forum does not have anything that would hinder a child viewing this site. I would say we should keep it that way. Swearing makes things worse for the site and should be kept down to a PG rating.
  11. Kiriashi does everything within his power to help others. He will remove the second post but he wont remove the request to not double post unneccessarily. I own 3 forums and I only allow double posting under the following conditions: 1: bumping an old topic that needed to be bumped (with the exception of posts in a land of dead posts) 2: Updates to programs 3: Stories and writing works. Other than the above I see no reason to double post.
  12. This looks like a nice project. As for the name, I was thinking Last End RoleMaker
  13. ;o cocoas ums > most other ums

  14. lesse.... Ive been playing games since Sony came out with the PS1, and from my understanding: Sony: Usually sell the best console in terms of power, then doesnt upgrade it at all until half of its console life- aka wait till its been around and its price has dropped before getting one Microsoft: Stick with PC, 99% of the time, if its released for the 360, its also released for the PC Nintendo: they seem to be dropping the newest stuff and is avoiding the real serious graphics. I do not know if they will catch up with graphics on the consoles, however they seem to be bringing BIG game with a new handheld: the 3DS. Ususally if you wanna try something new, get their systems. Thats the trend I see with them.
  15. Ive been on and off quite a bit for here but regardless what changes occour while I am gone, it is still a forum I come back to. Thank you for introducing all sorts of stuff to us Marked!
  16. theres a method to modify the source of wine... but I dont know how to get it to compile.
  17. Apparently Wine cant emulate all of the RMXP features related to audio. heres what DOESNT work or what crashes the program: Playing Midi files: I noticed this when I actually playtested the game. Midi does NOT play at all. MP3 Pitch: changing the pitch on an mp3 file will crash the program apparently. I believe this is an issue with wine's audio drivers.
  18. I heard somewhere that the Mac kernel and the linux kernel are very closely similar, this is the first that I heard Windows and Mac being similar. and by distro is it Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fredora, Slackware ect.
  19. What distro? and from what I know, Linux is older than Windows (quite a bit older I think), but I dont know how old Mac is.
  20. Alright, youve got linux installed and realize... RPGmaker VX/XP doesnt quite work on a fresh install of linux! Heres what you do to make it work: Install Wine (I recommend using the very latest packages); ubuntu users: open terminal and put in sudo apt-get install Wine Install Winetricks and open it up. (NEVER EVER RUN SUDO WINE FOR ANY APPLICATION!) Using winetricks install the DirectX Redistributable. Now install your RPGMaker you are ready to run and rock! Reason for posting: I never saw an RPG maker installation tutorial and I thought it would be a good idea to add one :)
  21. Tip: click inside this box to load the editor
  22. I reccommend you get a few "Accuracy Up" potions and get a "haste" spell as well as a "concentration" spell. those will save your but like no tomorrow.
  23. I would like to see this RP running again (I think I can remember what my character was gonna perform)
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