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Everything posted by Blackbound

  1. Yay another female who likes to make RPGs :) welcome to the forum.
  2. what does the error say? if it gives a line number whats the line number?
  3. did you also see that there was a scrollbar in the codebox? did you get every line of code in the codebox?
  4. bans joey for being the last post before mine
  5. HOMEWORK create a function that takes a user input and sets it to 3 possible outputs
  6. for this lesson, we will be using variables and introduce a new function. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int food; int quantity; float price; cout << "What do you want for dinner?" << endl << "1: Pizza \n 2: Pasta \n 3: Pocky \n I want "; cin >> food; if (food == 1) { cout << "how much Pizza do you want?" << endl; cin >> quantity; cout << "PREPARE THE OVENS WE HAVE " << quantity << " PIZZAS ON THE WAY!" << endl; price = 3.95 * quantity; cout << "here is your food, your payment is " << price << endl; } else if (food == 2) { cout << "how many pasta bowls do you want?" << endl; cin >> quantity; cout << "PREPARE THE BOILERS WE HAVE " << quantity << " PASTA BOWLS ON THE WAY!" << endl; price = 8.95 * quantity; cout << "here is your food, your payment is " << price << endl; } else if (food == 3) { cout << "how many boxes of pocky do you want?" << endl; cin >> quantity; cout << "PREPARE THE SHOPSEARCHERS WE HAVE " << quantity << " BOXES OF POCKY TO FIND!" << endl; price = 1.95 * quantity; cout << "here is your food, your payment is " << price << endl; } else { cout << "sorry we dont have any other items"; } system("pause"); } As you can see we have some new stuff in this code. int food; This creates our first variable called an int (which is basically a whole number above or below 0) float price; This creates another variable named price. This time its a float. The differences between a float and an int is that a float takes more memory space and an int is less accurate. (you cant do real prices with the int variable) if (condition) This checks and performs the next command if the command or the next series of commands if the condition is true. This is usually followed up by the keyword "else" or "else if(condition)," there is no semicolon on the end if statements. If you want to use a single command after the if statement, don't use brackets. cin >> (Variable name); This tells the compiler to ask the user for input for the variable used.
  7. iostream.h as long hand would be Input Output Stream. This controls the primary functions for basic input and output as the name suggests.
  8. Other browsers include Safari and Netscape Navigator. The reason there are different web browsers is that each one renders a web page differently and how they read various HTML tags.
  9. Chrome has a dynamic pop up blocker, spell checker, takes up less visual room, runs faster than most of the other browsers, uses a redone java/flash engine and loads newgrounds for a person who has never been there before in less than 2 seconds on a decent connection. It also tells you when a page fails to load by saying "AW SNAP" :P
  10. Blackbound

    [XP] Status Help

    What I want to know is if its like a universal skill reflector or are some skills immune to the reflect?
  11. Blackbound

    [XP] Status Help

    Plague- will be hard with Common Events, but can be done Toxic- This would be a little confusing but it can be done as well Berserk- I don't know about this one you might need a script Confused- Script required Charm- Only able to be half complete Stone- Countdown will need to be scripted, Needs two different states Zombie- any "Heal" skill will need to have a common event on it- expect a headache when dealing with this state Bleed- This one is gonna have to be done with scripts Guard- May be tricky. will this affect more than one character? Auto Life- hard, but not imposable with common events Reflect- Difficulty depends on the skill used... EDIT
  12. Your Basic C++ Program Create a new project by going to File->New->Project. Pick CLR Empty Project and name it as "MyFirstProgram" Once you have that done, you will see on the bar to the left that says "Solution explorer" has the name of your program. Right click on where it says "Source Files" and hit Add->New item and pick "C++ file (.cpp)" and name it Main now copy the below code and put it into the file you just created and we will dissect it piece by piece. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ cout << "Hello World" << endl; system("pause"); return 0; } before we start dissecting it, lets make sure it works first. Go to Build->Build Solution or hit F7. (It should work, the only reason it might not have worked would be user error) #include<iostream> this includes the file "iostream.h" from the main source library. #include <from library> or #include "from local directory" using namespace std; This tells the compiler we are using the namespace "std" (Which stands for Standard not Sexually Transmitted Desease) int main () { We are opening a function titled Main, It take no arguments and returns an integer. cout << "hello world" <<endl; we are using the standard library function "cout" (pronounced C out) to tell the compiler to display "Hello World" and then start a new line. system("pause"); This tells the system to pause what its doing and wait for user input and displays "Press any key to continue" return 0; This tells the program to return the number 0 as the Main function's ouput } this signifies the end of the main function and should not be forgotton. If you forget this your code will screw up.
  13. Here is the list of Keywords and Functions and what they do in detail. int functionname() This creates a function that returns an integer- First appearance int can be used for other things too. Fist appearance- Tutorial main() This is supposed to signal the compiler and tell you that this is the primary function for your program. It can have any return type. first appearance- Tutorial return 0; This tells the function to end and return whatever it is told to return (in this case, 0). You can make it return a variable as well First appearance- Tutorial #include <headerfile>/ "headerfile.h"/ <cheaderfile> this tells the compiler to include this specific header file. If its in the directory it will include it. If it looks like an XML tag and doesnt start with c, it will look for the file and add its functions to the current program. If its in quotes, it will include the header file thats listed in the current directory. If it is a tag but it starts with a "c" then it will look in the c header library. first appearance- Tutorial using namespace std; Namespaces are used when you are making various large programs like a massive set of databases and/or variables, this just says that we are using the namespace "std" so we dont have to write std::cout... more on that later. First appearance- Tutorial system("pause"); This tells the program to say "wait please, the user needs to read" First appearance- Tutorial cout << "words" << variables << endl This tells the program to display the words and variables. endl tells the program to end with a new line. keep in mind that C++ IS CASE SENSITIVE. almost all programs that use C++ that I know of use lowercase default function names. First appearance- Tutorial
  14. Welcome to my C++ programming class. If you would like to join, Reply to this thread. How class here will work is that I will give you an example program, and dissect it, and your homework will be to make a similar program. Once you have your homework completed, you may send it to me in a PM. for example, your homework for my tutorial here would be to rewrite the program to say "Hello "+ your name that you would want to be called as. An example solution would be "Hello Tatsu." Don't go crazy with what you type however. You will need the Microsoft Visual Studio Express development environment before you continue. You can download that here: VC++ Anyways, welcome to class :)
  15. if you mean from youtube its [youtube]<video cerial>[/youtube] ex: Youtube Video ->
  16. Gore I actually refuse to put into my RMXP because I have quite a fear of blood and gore. If a game has gore/sex/language/nudity, you should let the player know in advance before they get too involved.
  17. did you ask a wizard or an alchemist for help?
  18. [Tatazaki needs to have a cool environment to work with his ice, and the sun doesnt help him much- at twilight is when his show is supposed to start, at the same time so does the bind on Jacob's arm get stronger- its also why he bought a load of apples. he isnt gonna go anywhere for a while]
  19. Bans aya so I can break the chain again
  20. Index Part 1: Getting and installing your compiler[P2:0x1] Part 2: Your Basic C++ Program [P3:0x2] Getting and installing your compiler[P1:0x1] Now to get your Compiler. Select Visual C++ Express Edition. Once you have it downloaded, run it and do something that doesn't involve the computer or the internet for an hour or so (yes it takes forever to install). Once you have it installed run it, and wait for it to set up and load. Before we get into any coding, I want you to go to Tools->Options... and click the plus next to Text Editor, Click on All Languages (not the plus next to it) and make sure there is a check in the box that says "Line Numbers," make sure that is checked so you can find your errors faster. Click OK. Your Basic C++ Program[P2:0x2] Create a new project by going to File->New->Project. Pick CLR Empty Project and name it as "MyFirstProgram" Once you have that done, you will see on the bar to the left that says "Solution explorer" has the name of your program. Right click on where it says "Source Files" and hit Add->New item and pick "C++ file (.cpp)" and name it Main now copy the below code and put it into the file you just created and we will dissect it piece by piece. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ cout << "Hello World" << endl; system("pause"); return 0; } before we start dissecting it, lets make sure it works first. Go to Build->Build Solution or hit F7. (It should work, the only reason it might not have worked would be user error) #include<iostream> this includes the file "iostream.h" from the main source library. #include <from library> or #include "from local directory" using namespace std; This tells the compiler we are using the namespace "std" (Which stands for Standard not Sexually Transmitted Desease) int main () { We are opening a function titled Main, It take no arguments and returns an integer. cout << "hello world" <<endl; we are using the standard library function "cout" (pronounced C out) to tell the compiler to display "Hello World" and then start a new line. system("pause"); This tells the system to pause what its doing and wait for user input and displays "Press any key to continue" return 0; This tells the program to return the number 0 as the Main function's ouput } this signifies the end of the main function and should not be forgotton. If you forget this your code will screw up.
  21. Bans joey for getting lost in the chain of bans
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