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Everything posted by Kiriashi
Hmm... well my family can't afford to buy anything for Christmas because we are going down to Texas for my older bro's wedding; this will cost a lot. Though I guess a list for fun wouldn't hurt: Arkbennett's Activity ***** The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks *** Money ****** A 500 billion TB hard drive (Or two; two would be nice). *** More money **** More Visual Basic books****** Time to write tutorials, work on my billions of projects, and play my old games. **************************************** EDIT: Not me! ^_^
Hmm.. I guess I'll rent the DVD when it comes out. ^_^
I can try to make a map example for ya'. *gets to work*
The new Reputation Plus button
Kiriashi replied to Kiriashi's topic in Feedback, Bug Report and Forum Help
It's not fixed for me. I still see "Reputation Plus". -
... :rolleyes: Rosetta Stone is the absolute worse way to learn Japanese; well, second to anime that is. Look, I can't change what you do, but I'm telling you now that it's pronounced Heh bee. I'm on the phone with a friend from Joetsu, and she confirms it. Back on topic. That sounds pretty interesting. What kind of settings will there be? And will there be a setting that includes everything from the start?
:lol: Sorry about the post being so small; I accidently deleted a lot of the text before pressing submit. (I edited before your post anyways, but not to what it was before). I don't want to seem like a troll! :unsure: Again, sorry about that. I'm excited for the program and can't wait to see what you do with it! P.S. You don't get to choose how it's pronounced! xD It's not like potato or tomato; or neither. Japanese words do not have variations in pronunciation, at least not in that way. He is always Heh, A is always ah, ke is always keh. That's just how it works. I'm only saying this so you are informed, so don't take this offensively! ^_^
Hebi is pronounced HEH BEE. That introductory video was well informative, thanks! I can't wait to see some progress.
Bah! xD Well Turkey day is over... but the eating of turkey is not. ^_^
It's nice, it's snazzy, and it stands out more... however, it completely replaces all instances of the old green plus graphic. What's this mean? Well anywhere there used to be a green plus, there is a "Rep +" graphic. This INCLUDES places that have nothing to do with reputation. Examples: Or this: Or this:
Here's a Mario one: ``` ``` `` ``.. `-. ` `.. `.-..:: `` ```` ``.-..-///o` `` `--...-//-/ooo` ..``..--.```./:-:+oo+o+:` -....-/so:..-/oooooy+`.-:- `:--..-:ss/-:/oohsoys/.-/oo- .:---.--/+++ososysysyysyso+- ``....` `/:-----:/syhyoosoooshdhso/ .-:+osyyyyyyyys+:. +/:---://+osysoooossssso/``:oyyhhhhhhhhsoooosyhhs:` ++//://+oosyyss++osssso/:shmmmdhyhhhho.`.+y: `-ohdy: :+oooossyyhhyys++os+//shmmmmmmdyyyyys`-oyo+h+oss.sddo` `.-/osyhhhhhyssooooo+ymmmmmmmmmdhyyhyo-yy/``oo/sh-.hddy. `.```.-:/+ossssooossdmmmmmmmmmmdddhhhhh:/:......oh+-ydddh` -+sooosssyyhhhhhddmNmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdhys+::-syo/ddddms `mdddddddmmmmmmmmmNNmmNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmmdyooydddddmm- hhhhhhhhddddddmmmNNNNNNmmmNMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmmdddddmmy yhhhhhhhdhddddmmmNNNmdhysddhhdmNMmyyhdmNNNNNNNNNNmmdmmmm. ohhhhhhhddddddmmmNNdyysssso+/::/yN/+oossyhmNNNNNNNNmmmmm/ /hhhhhhhddddddmmmmmyysssss/.```.-o---::/+sdNMMMNNNNNNmmmo -hhhhhhhdddddmmmmmhysssso:.:+syo:----:::/ddddmMMNNNNNNmmo `hhhhhhhdddddmmmmmyssso+:`:oNmhd:---::/oso+ooosNNNNNNNmm+ yhhhhhhdddddmmmdysyd+:: oyNhs+---::/ossso-:oosyhNNNNmm. ohhhhhhddddmmmmdsymmd+-. :s/....----:/yhmy+/++ssyNNNmms :hhhhhdddddmmmmd+hmddmds/-:--------:::/+dy//+osshNNmmh` .dhhhhddhdddmmmd-:hmmhhmNd+/:::::::////+s+//ossymNNms` dhhhhhdhdddmdmh---sNmhyhdhs++//+++++ooss+/+ossmmNh: sdhhhhdhddddddh---:hNNNNmhddyysssssyyyyysooysdmdy+` /ddhhhhhddddddd+:::://+yNNNNNNmmddddddNNNNNNyNmhhh+ .ddhhhhhddddddds/::::/sshmNNmNMMMNNNMMNNNNNdsmmyyh/ hdhhhhhhhhhhhdh////:-mmmhyyhdmNNNmmMMMNhdhssNhyys` ohhhhhhhhhhddmms////:sNmNNNNmdddhyyhhhyyysssssyo` `yhhhhhhhhhddmdmms+///:ohddmmmdysyyyyhhyyysssso:.``.`` ```` ohhhhyyhhhddhhhdmhyo//o+++oooosyyyyyhhyys+++/oo++/::-...---:. /hhyyyyyyyhhhhhdddhhhysooyhhhhhhyhhhhys+:` syo++:-/+/:--:/++` .hhyyyyyyhhhhhhhddhhhhhhhhhddddhdh+:-..` /yyyo/::+-.` `.-/. `yhyyyyyyhysssyhdhmhyhhhhhhhhdddmmmh/` ysooyyys+:::--::/::- ohyyyhhhh/-..-:odddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdddmh` hsoooosyys/.```.://+ .dhhhhhhh+.....-/dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdddmy. syo+/--o+:-......-::` sdhhhhhhhy/:::/oydddddddddddddddddhhhhdmd+` `:/s/-```/ooosoo++o+++- `/ddhhhhhdhhhyyhhdddhhhddddddddddddds::/ommmy/oys /- .shy/-` `.:/+` oddhhhhhhhddhddddddhhhhhhhhddddddddd+.-:/smmdmdhy-`/. `/+/:::///// hddhhhhhhhhhdddhhhhhhhhhhhdddddddddhh///+odmmmhyys`:/-.```-yhhddhhys/ `ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdddddddddmmddhyyhmmmmdhhhs./s++//++syyhhhs/ -ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhddddddddddhhhhhhddddmmmdhhdh/+hddhdddhys+-` +dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdddddddddhhhhhhhhhhddddmmmmddmmy+shhho:-. smddhddhhhhhhhhhhhhhddddddddddhhhhhhhhhhhhdddddmmNmmmdy++o+- ydddddhdddhhdddddddddddddddddhdhhhhhhhhhhhhddddddm+-` yddddddddhddddddddddddddddddhddddhhhhhhhhhhhddddddd. omddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhhhhhhhhhhhdddddhy+ooo+/:`
Whoa, check these out:
Isn't there a word for this kind of art?
Can't own a business without an Adobe Suite! :rolleyes: Hebi, is it going to be free? :unsure: I don't know if I can pay another 60 dollars after RMXP; and RMXP is pretty powerful!
:o That would be pretty damn awesome.
Your personal definition of love?
Kiriashi replied to Blackbound's topic in Debate and Mature Discussion
... Arky?? :blink: You have internet?! :o Adding on to what Arkbennett said: Doing everything you can to make someone else happy, because you want to see them happy. -
Oh c'mon ya'll; just 'cause you ain't Americans don't mean ya' ain't got no room for turkey! :) HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I had waaaaaaay too much to eat. :) I took my girlfriend to a special restaurant and had a private room rented. Twas' awesome. Say, Wyzzy, make a Thanksgiving rap! xD
Because I thought it would be nice if it looked simpler in the comments section.
Playing this game made me discover a knew event command: Change Transparency flag. :blink:
OH! So it was an aquarium decoration thing. Still hilarious.