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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Kiriashi

    Your Pics

    Hrmm? >.< Is that so odd? :lol: I bought another one today, 'cause I was at the Microsoft Visitor center in Redmond (I live in WA for all you nooblets that don't know Kiriashi, god of rmxpunlimtied). It is quite nice. :P If you guys want I could *cough cough*scanitforyouguysanduploadit*cough cough*.
  2. Yay! Chapter two! It was nice! Continue writing please; I'm hooked.
  3. That's not the point. Anyone that still uses an older program probably doesn't need a community to help with it.
  4. -Sigh- Agckuu, that was a reiteration of what Chaos said in the first post. <_< This is a simple skill to make if you have the right animation graphic. :mellow: Have you tried making the common event for the skill? I can make a demo on how, but first you should attempt to accomplish this on your own.
  5. Like anyone would listen to that. :P Lumina, the link you posted has a TON of awesome resources! :mellow:
  6. Then completely disregard my post. ;)
  7. DW is awesome.... :rolleyes: Anyways, the main page looks interesting..... but we should have a flash opening. :lol: And the buttons that go to the VX and XP pages should be buttons, not text. ;) Like black to white buttons, since the background is black... maybe a creamy white... kinda grayish... or if you're british, greyish... which firefox says is not a word, but grayish is.
  8. Try mid (midi)s. They seem to loop on their own for me.. :blink: It is actually quite helpful! :lol: Though they take up more space (I think); midis are good for BGM. Making your own music wouldn't hurt either.
  9. Are you sure you don't want to switch to www.rmunlimited.net? That might be a good change... I can't think of anything for the new domain name... I don't even know how to suggest something for it. :lol: I'm looking forward to the "Enter Site" page though. :P
  10. Kiriashi

    Ninja Glove

    This game is fun! Once I beat your score, I'll challenge you to a game. :P
  11. Well what effect do you want this to have? What happens when the player throws items? Everything is possible with eventing.
  12. Kiriashi

    Your Pics

    ...heh. I bought a Visual Basic 2008 book today... :rolleyes:
  13. Kiriashi

    Ninja Glove

    It took me a while, but I matched your score! I didn't crop it to prove it is a different image.
  14. I know how long you've been here! 182 days to be exact! Nice to meet you man! I have no clue what srpg95 is, so your game will be rather knew to me. :lol: See ya' round the forums. And for the record, RMXP and VX have awesome interfaces. You don't know what you're missing.
  15. Kiriashi

    Red Hair Dude Expressions

    Made by Projectlight
  16. Made by Projectlight
  17. Made by Projectlight
  18. Kiriashi

    More VX RTP Expressions

    Made by Projectlight
  19. Made by Projectlight
  20. Kiriashi

    More Ralph Expressions

    Made by Projectlight.
  21. ... Put spaces in-between sentences. Hello guys.How are you? = Bad. Hello guys. How are you? = Good... well a comma would be better, but yeah. Anyways, what you wrote sounds cool... but we don't know much about the storyline... Got any screenies? :rolleyes:
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