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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Well I just joined that one. ^_^
  2. Congratulations! ^_^ Start on EoT first! Please? xD
  3. And you also need to take that contest banner out of your signature. ^_^
  4. Yay! Thanks for writing this! *reads* Can you provide the homework assignments from the previous lesson when you write a lesson? That way we can see what we did wrong.
  5. Looks good man! ^_^ Now do you have more time to write more tutorials? *meep* EDIT: Download link doesn't work for me either.
  6. Welcome back man! I assume the one in your sig is the one you were talking about?
  7. Or you could make more VB tutorials!!! ^_^ Marked, I want it... please? lol Animating in flash is a pain in the ass.
  8. Kiriashi

    Shop Script

    I said that it could be done with events and he thanked me, clarifying that he is fine with it being made with events. :/ Plus this topic is obviously another on of those "Can someone script this for me cuze rpg makrz cantx handle it with teh events" type topics. Also, the demo is done: DEMO LINK: Click to download. Yep, I finished it. There are some fun secrets in there. The events are commented. ^_^
  9. I don't see why people like to have their own website so much, if it won't get a lot of attention for a while. I wouldn't be able to spend a lot of money and have to wait for traffic. It's good that you're happy though!
  10. :o You should be working?! BACK TO SCHOOL!
  11. That's too bad for her. If she's going to learn, then it has to be the hard way. You've got two choices: One: Tell her that if she doesn't act mature, show respect for you (the person giving her a damn place to stay), and your stuff, that she has to leave. It doesn't matter what others say, she is abusing your sympathy, and that's not right. I understand the she is your sister, but kin or not, she is literally stealing. Two: Let your life go on like this, for who knows how long. This obviously isn't much of an option. On a side note, how is IC coming? :rolleyes: And are you here to stay?
  12. :D Hey polraudio, do you think we should start making little RMXP thingies for the voting? We could have the voting go on in an RMXP game just for fun. ;)
  13. Kiriashi

    Shop Script

    I'm almost done with this, so just wait a little longer. I didn't forget! Can someone move this topic out of the RGSS forums?
  14. That would be quite funny if we tied. :P Considering we nominated each-other. I'm voting for who I nominate. :)
  15. Spoiler tags man, spoiler tags. The script looks neat!
  16. I'm not done reading, but it is great! Suggestion: spread the time you write in here and the time you write event tutorials evenly. :P Please? lol
  17. ..I thought you've written some before. What about that character stat export thingy? Leon has some nice tutorials on scripting, and there are more on the internet. OMGz MARKED HOW DO YOU GET THE ARHSES RUNNING AROUND AND JUMPING!?!?!? DOES WANT!
  18. Wow. Mass confusion. Agckuu, I'm the one that suggested 1 variable, not Leon. Chaos, I made the cookie explanation, and you quoted Agckuu. And please use the edit button instead of double posting. As for the latest question, of course not! Only use switches for things you want to be controllable from other events. For treasure chests, just use a self-switch. Self switches are essentially the same as switches, except you can have as many as you want in your game (only 4 per event though), and they can only be turned on or off from the event that they are in. They are basically "Event Switches" where normal switches are "Map Switches". :) Does that make sense? Also, you seem to saying "Sorry I ask to many questions" a lot. Well I LOVE answering RMXP questions, so keep em' coming.
  19. Here is a list of CMSs: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmxp/rgss-scripts/custom-menu-systems.html You can probably find more on other sites, or through google. Once you have searched a lot, then we will try as well. But remember, everyone has access to google.
  20. I'm really sorry to hear that about your dog man. :( That really sucks. I hope you feel better soon. We'll miss ya' but take your time.
  21. That is a phrase people sometimes say to people when they are given something, and that person realizes that they wanted\needed it and take it back. This was not the case, but Jesse's sister called him that regardless.
  22. For your small question (I only saw one), have the cutscene event on "Autorun"; and at the end of event commands, turn on a self switch, and go to the next page of events, and make a condition that the self switch is on. So you're asking for ideas on puzzles? You could add more (or spread) switches on the second floor, or make the switches open a path to the second floor instead of the boss. Maybe put in an underground river, and you have to move a raft through it while dodging rocks or something... and bats! Also make it so that in the second floor, it is darker. Use this picture if you want. A large boulder pushing puzzle wouldn't hurt, as long as you made it unique somehow. Make some pitfalls around your dungeon too! You can have them transfer the player to the map below. If you do this, you could make it so that you had to get to an area on the second floor (assuming it is below the first one), but it was blocked off by something. To get there, you fall from above. I can't see how your jumping puzzle could possibly work, because due to the size of those pillars, the player has to jump on edges. You might want to make bigger/different-kinds-of pillars for tat puzzle, and maybe add bats or something to the equation.
  23. You should defiantly tell her that if she doesn't start acting like a normal human being, that she is out of there. She is stealing from you man. (So are you active again? :rolleyes: I missed you a lot!)
  24. Here is the link at image shack: http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/8106/facemaker32jpg.jpg
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