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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. I see. ;) That's interesting. I don't get why people have different screen names.
  2. That isn't what I meant about linearity. The fern plants, mushrooms, and water are linear. You can pull off your dead/alive effect without being linear. As for the water, here is the autotile. Also, please don't get defensive, I'm trying to help. (I am NOT saying that you are being defensive, this is for future reference.) This is a happy community. :lol: P.S. It's duly noted.
  3. Look man, criticism isn't something to defend yourself in replies with. I am trying to help you. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter what you think, it matters what the players think. Do you not agree? Take a look at this map: Link Doesn't that look more realistic to you? I'm playing your game now. EDIT: I can't even it finish it. I'm sorry, but it is way too glitchy. When you are in the woods, you can easily get stuck with the old man in your way, the zombies can corner you which causes an infinite loop of death, and as far as I can tell, they do one hit damage.
  4. It is five thirty here, and pitch black outside. :blink: I'm scared! :(
  5. Kiriashi


    You say that, yet you DOUBLE POSTED! Dun, dun dun. xD Use the edit button man.
  6. How did you know who he was, he has a new name?
  7. I'm not quite sure what you mean. I don't know how to use this "Tracker" system. Am I supposed to get my comment amount for you?
  8. Here is a quick mock-up type map I made that resembles yours. Try to place details on a map like I did. I am currently writing mapping tutorials, so meanwhile practice and keep the following in mind: Do not map in a linear style. Try to look for errors; common ones include: cutting off shadows or edges with other tile, using a tile that doesn't fit with an adjacent tile, leaving blank areas. Think about what you are placing on the map. For example, those stumps wouldn't be there, because there is no reason for someone to cut down a tree there. By the way, welcome to the forums! I like your avatar!
  9. Are the amount of comments on profiles someone has made saved anywhere? If so, can you display it on the profile pages please? I need to beat Polraudio in more things he beats me in. :P My comments > his comments, my profile views < his profile views. :(
  10. ROFL at your Member Title.

  11. It IS the super secret thing you're going to announce for RMXP Unlimited!!!

  12. Every time I see this topic, I wanna come in here and say: "I don't know what the weather likes and dislikes... everyone loves donuts.." xD I know I'm hilarious..
  13. No we do not, but if you are looking for a specific tutorial, like how to make a title screen, head over to RMXP.org for a quick browse.
  14. If you need ANY help at all man, just ask. Welcome to the forums! Check out these tutorials: http://www.rmxp.tigerseye.uk.com/
  15. (So I asked the question in here.... silly me... xD) I see. Well I would really like to be able to submit my own tutorials in there.
  16. What about my other question? Regarding the tutorials section.
  17. Kiriashi


    But that way, I don't think people will be paying attention to who they are nominating.
  18. If the problem has been solved, please say so. :rolleyes:
  19. Good job on making this! Maybe people will stop posting this problem now. xD
  20. Okay, so the RMXP error is (I think) resolved. I've decided to postpone, if not completely cancel, my daily tips until I get a tech demo for RMXPS. I've gotten a good start on another mapping tutorial (Farm Town Interior), but I've yet to finish that. I will make a map for Collector sometime this month. The tent tileset dilemma is over. The guy who wanted to do a project for the HB Games 5 year anniversary contest decided to cancel is project, so I'm free of that. I decided that I will not be starting my own game any time soon, and school has cooled down for me. So basically, I've got a hold on things now. :)
  21. Turns out Kiriashi wasn't dead. The end.... xD Sorry sorry. Continue. :rolleyes: P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
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