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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. What the f***? And thanks everyone. :)
  2. Well I have 286 posts in that forum, so there! lol. Yeah I was born in there.
  3. YOU CALLED ME A GIRL AGAIN! lol Yeah, I'm not really back, I'm just checking on things.
  4. ..What? You want to change the "Step Amount"? What'd you mean? The amount of steps the player has taken? That is automatically changed.
  5. Bump? I need to know if this contest has ended or not? There weren't any votes for dark or myself, so I went ahead and voted for him. (You said we couldn't vote for ourselves)
  6. There is no problem. The User-Profile count is for all accumulated posts; the value for posts below your avatar excludes posts in the Spam-O-Ramma and other forums that don't increase your post count.

  8. How would Kiriashi post if he was in a straitjacket? The site would be doomed forever.
  9. I'm not Kiriashi! I'm some other person checking up on the site for him. That's all I'm saying.
  10. Sorry man, there is no way someone is still working on this. :( We couldn't communicate properly, which caused the whole thing to fall apart. Get back to work on yer' tiles.
  11. NOZ! Do not follow willowsidhe's tutorials. She doesn't no what she is talking about! I had to come out of my absence to tell you this. Just wait for the tutorials to come to you. They will eventually. *leaves again*
  12. No, my friend. You suck. Spammers who have nothing better to do than sit on their lazy asses, commenting randomly on the "suckyness" of good sites suck. Y o u SUCK.

  13. kiriashi@yahoo.com There ya' go everyone! (No one on this site is a spammer and/or someone I don't want to talk to, so no worries about who sees it. :P)
  14. Hehe, yup. I'm never shy when it comes to not taking pictures.
  15. Hey! That was my farewell hug! Fine, then I get the farewell kiss. :P Thanks Cjboy!
  16. THIS IS NOT PERMANENT FYI Hey guys! I'm sorry to inform you that I will be offline for quite some time, a month maybe. Why? I've been so swamped with all of the stuff on my agenda, that I have no time to do any of it. It is getting kinda' stressful, and so I am taking a break from this place, and other forums. Just in case you wanted to know (or if I was supposed to be doing something for you), here is what I will be doing when I am gone. And yes, this is in order of completion. 1. Fix my damned RMXP script error: I can't seem to make a skill and then fight a battle with it. X_X No one knows the answer, and I can't make tutorials with this problem. 2. Get back on track with my daily tips: the error has really caused a delay for my daily tips, which I will still be trying to update in my absence. 3. Finish mapping tutorials: I've started a whole bunch of mapping tutorials for different tile-sets, and haven't finished any of them. >,< 4. Make maps for The collector: I can't concentrate on mapping when I am online at this site, so this is another good reason. 5. Figure out ShinyToyGun's tileset: That tent interior is driving me crazy, and I also need to set priorities etc. for the tileset. 6. Work on a project with a guy from RMXP.org (now HBGames): I'm the lead mapper of a project in a contest, and I really need to help him out. 7. Work on RPG Maker XP school: Yes, I am making an RMXP version of Aindra's super popular RPG Maker VX school. Don't worry, I have permission. 8. Figure out what I want to do with my projects: I haven't even started making any of my games yet, so I need to make a plan. I have nothing to show for my year's worth of experience in RMXP. 9. School: Maybe this should be higher on the list... nah :P 10. If I was supposed to do something for you, and I forgot, please post here what it was. I am really forgetful with all of the stuff I have to do... Anyways, this'll be my last real day of posting in a while. Hit me up on yahoo if ya' need to. ~Kiriashi~
  17. As the mapper, I obviously have a job to do. xD Polraudio, PM the absolute (or if you have not made any edits at all, I will use this one) latest versions so I can spiffy some maps for you.
  18. ;P Yeah I was just playing. I've been watching and reading your tutorials over and over again, and it is really helping. :L
  19. Nice tutorial man! a few days ago, without any lesson on how to do it, I made a message box pop up when you clicked a button, ONLY if a certain check box was checked. ;) I am so awesome..
  20. Well don't think that I can't even as well........ cause I can...
  21. As always, I'm still in where I was before. I need a tileset before I can map... :(
  22. Can you upload it somewhere else? I cannot find the damned download button on FF. :(
  23. It is probably in the comments in the script. Have you read through those?
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