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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. I personally don't think that there are any zombies in the world, and I think that we would be able to prevent an outbreak of them easily. As in, no zombies are coming. HOWEVER, I do believe that it might be possible for them to come. It could happen, but it won't. That doesn't change the awesomeness of this topic though. ^_^ Keep it up, I will be reading.
  2. I could never get used to that... One day I'd be like "Where is my taskbar?! WHERE!?!" -_-
  3. Hehe. I hope people are using these. Nice job Emmy.
  4. Correct term: FRAKENSPRITE! ^_^ I used to do those months ago, but I lost my touch.. :( Awesome job Raiku, but hilda can change her own clothes! ...(Hilda is the name of that sprite in the default database.)
  5. That video could be quite could.. but you gotta' lose the sticky. :L Also, Derek keeps asking a lot of questions, so he is obviously interested. You might wanna' answer them. ^_^ AND POST MORE SCREENIES!
  6. I see, well I will show a few images in the next one I s'pose. Remember though, that at the end of each week, I will post a demo with all the tutorials in them, in RMXP form. :) Also, I decided not to post tips on sundays, so I have time to work on the RMXP demo.
  7. Well I had an idea similar to this, but I had a lot more rules and templates and stuff like that written down. More like an official topic. IF we were to do this, we should start a new topic, and I was wondering if I should make the topic. :)
  8. You said this: And I don't understand it. :<
  9. 'YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T KNOW?! xD Jk jk. Dude, your background is crazy.
  10. UrHappy, you could delete the letters before you press post. ¬_¬ Anywho, I think it would be a better idea to make a sequel than make add-ons.
  11. Emily-Ann's Import-Export System is an awesome script I must say. Dubes MS is better I think. :P
  12. ... I love you... Nightwish is the greatest thing in.. ever? Grammar me can't has 'cause I in topic of you. Jk jk No really though, I envy you.. Nightwish songs are brilliant. See ya 'round!
  13. Yep! Whatever pops up in my head I will put in my queue. If you have suggestions, then go ahead and PM me with them. And are you saying that you voted that? If so, what would you like to see?
  14. Why do you have GIMP? :mellow: And may I suggest a black background? They are the best for organization.
  15. PLEASE don't necropost. And for the record, the english version is a kid's show. :|
  16. xD Girls Le disco.. hehe... funny... My monitor (which is also my computer) is 1680*1050 which is 23*14 inches. :)
  17. I'm the last person that should be thanked! :P Also, you might upload the attached files to imageshack and post them in a spoiler or something, because if you ever upload more pictures, these ones will go away :(.
  18. This is an awesome tutorial matie! Thanks for posting it up! *Rep plus* Now I won't suck as much with RMXP.
  19. We totally need to do this again. Make sure you put the image in spoilers [spoilers]this is in a spoiler box[/spoiler]
  20. Why can't we all know what you know, Lucas? WHY?! *rep plus*
  21. *Poke*

    Hey dude, PM me if you want me to make you a userbar! It's easy with photoshop, I just followed this tutorial:


    I messed up the font though... I think it's 'cause I'm on a mac and the font is different.

  22. ..? Why would I mind? That makes me SUPER HAPPY! ;P Thanks! I'm almost done with my next one, but I'm still going to post it at 5:09 Pacific Time. That's in a little more than seven hours. :) And whoever voted for "Could be better.", could you tell me what I need to add and change? :lol: I need to make this awesome!
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