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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Anyone have a spare $2700?

    1. vincestick


      Geez Pol, just 4x that amount?? You have it easy, mine is like 15x that (not including supplies) what a world!

    2. kellessdee
    3. Kiriashi


      It's only a 50 dollar difference.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  2. Omgz. That's awesome Isaac. What keyboard do you use?
  3. Kiriashi


    Alright well that pretty much clears things up I think. So, my experience with RGSS is less than stellar -- in other words I've just started TBH. So why am I replying to your request? You gotta start somewhere. Chances are someone else can and probably will do this for you before me, but I'll do my best and try, So basically I'm saying I can't promise anything, but I'll try. xD
  4. Makin' something in RM95 :D

    1. Kevin.ds


      Lol kiri just woke up haha xD , did you finnish your map :D

    2. Kiriashi


      Almost. We'll have to compare tomorrow.

    3. Kiriashi


      And by compare I mean you'll have to weep

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Kiriashi


    What exactly do you want in the Achievements section? 'Cause selectable options should be in one row or column, and I don't see any window that's the size of that section. And use a 640x480 (actual size) layout for your mock up. : /
  6. Get ready for... http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7903-rmxpu-mapping-contest-1 Any RPG Maker. Any Tileset from its RTP. $20 Steam game grand prize. STUFF JUST GOT SUPER SERIOUS BROS. Full details can be found in the topic on the forums. There's a huge banner for it. Can't miss it. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums
  7. Added to the list. Man the competition is growing fast. :3
  8. Yeah that's what I meant. I don't mind the email thing. It should just be the standard procedure: >User Inputs Email Address >Your site sends validation link. >User clicks it and is approved.
  9. Gunna have to zip this and mass upload it to the gallery. :D <3
  10. /$\ ATTENTION /$\ In an attempt to spark activity, I will be giving $20 worth of steam game(s) to the grand prize winner. Good luck peeps. Get mark. Get set... wait for the 4th. MOAR PEOPLE!!!
  11. MOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. Oooh. I should make banner for this for the forum index. AND THE FRONTPAGE.
  12. I remember this! =D There doesn't seem to be a link to download..
  13. Awesome find bigace. Guess my googling skills are subpar. :3
  14. Heretic, No you can not reuse old maps. They must be started on the 4th of November. As for the events and scripts, Pol said that would be allowed in later contests. ; )
  15. Kiriashi

    Mapping Help

    Better and better. The area highlighted in black (oxymoron...) needs to be even thicker, so that there really is a border. The burgundy lines denote very linear placement of trees. I only marked a few, so hopefully you can pick them all out and variate your floral placement just a bit more. Another technique I like to use is to make a "fog" film of shade (just a low opacity black or dark green) for the edges of the forest so that it looks more... forest-y
  16. Well looks like I've been volunteered. Dunno if I can beat Kevin though. He's quite the mapper. :3 /action puts on mappin' gloves. EDIT: Also Lucas I don't quite understand when we are allowed to start.
  17. Looks like someone's about to win their second MotM in a row. Good. I won't have to change the banner.
  18. Totally agree with Pol. I even registered to check it out, and got an email saying my account was in queue for validation or whatever. BAAAAD idea for a starting out website. Most people who join and get that email will forget about the site..
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! <3 <3 <3

  20. Kiriashi

    Help in SBS

    Whenever you ask a question regarding a script, you need to post that script. Make sure you put it in spoiler and code tags, too -- like this:
  21. That was a quite enjoyable opening to a story I will definitely follow. :3
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