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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. You can either set up a shop with one of your skills, or just keep posting. You earn some points for every post. The bigger the post, the better. Well ain't that nice of ya'.
  2. Pfft. No. But post it anyways...
  3. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php?option=com_shop&view=profile&Itemid=218 Donation of points.
  4. I'm contributing all of my points to this.

  6. http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/f310z0yjvr/think_of_me.mp3 testing new recording equipment. 10,000 points to anyone who can guess the song...
    1. Polraudio


      *deletes everyones comment and posts answer then whistles*

    2. Kiriashi
    3. Kiriashi
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. Kiriashi

    Mapping Help

    Yes the trees are better, but your path was nicer in the first one. xD Like I said, better, but not quite taking full advantage of layer splicing. You're ultimate goal is to have ONLY tree tiles around the border. No grass, tall grass or anything should be visible -- around the borders that is. Also I noticed you didn't even make use of the giant tree. D: last but not least, remember there are a lot more than three layers. The priorities of tiles in the set can be manipulated for your benefit in the database (higher priority tiles are always on top regardless of layer), and you can also use the event layer.
  8. I know, that's the one I don't really need a title for right now. xD
  9. Kiriashi


    :| Aww... Sadface. Now I feel stupid. Lol. <INPUT SOMETHING ON TOPIC HERE>
  10. Well like i said I don't really need it right now so I am not going to make an official request as of yet.
  11. OMGZ THERE IS A GHOST!! Oh wait a second.. it's gone... AHH!
  12. You might want to mention that it requires the RMVX RTP. EDIT: Played it and beat the everloving poo out of 'dem monsters. I'm going to be honest and say that it needs some work, but I <3 the music. Also, make sure you are fluent with your message box usage. Some times, the black gradient textbox was in the middle, and sometimes at the bottom. I say keep it in the middle at all times. And don't use the transparent one. And you have an autorun loop at the end. xD
  13. Kiriashi

    Scripting Idea

    I have no clue what you mean by the rotating business, but if you want to teleport a player to the same x and y he was in the last map, just retain those to values, and a third for the map id, in three variables. Those can then be used as parameters for the teleport.
  14. Bigace, you need to put it in code tags too. D:
  15. Kiriashi


    I'm sure you heard about the bumping, so I won't say more about that. ^^" Other than the fact that you went BACK IN TIME TO DO IT! Like Lizzie said, it isn't quite clear what exactly it is that you are asking. Please provide a more detailed answer, and we will assist you to the best of our ability.
  16. Attempted and failed at changing chat setting.s

    1. Kiriashi


      I totally figured some stuff out.


      Currently adding a word filter.

    2. ShinyToyGuns


      In other words, I can't go into the chat room anymore D=

    3. Polraudio


      chat filters are useless anyways. everyone know what you mean anyways.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. I voted for team Steven so that's prolly why yer' winning so pro. :3
  18. Kiriashi

    Mapping Help

    I see your using mah path "technique" <3. Good boy. (Though you need to make the very straight parts more variated. Anyways, I know exactly the problem that you're having trouble identify. While your map is quite nice, it isn't very woodsy. The reason for this is that ALL areas that aren't the path need to be "thick," considering forests aren't as often traversed as say a castle road, so obviously there is going to be a lot more growth. Most people fix this with the canopy autotiles. One person who does it quite well is Lizzie, as you can see in her current project: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7853-rmxpdungeons-of-eternity/ However, this is not my.. style, if you will. I personally hate those autotiles, but they can be used effectively. What I would do is use intense layer splicing to make incredibly thick tree borders around your map. Basically an exaggerated version of my third mapping tutorial. If you are still having trouble, you can send me the your map and I will show you what I mean.
  19. Sounds great. Make sure you use colors all in the same "palette" so they don't clash.
  20. Be patient and I will have a request for you soonish. :3 If you want, you can do one for an older project of mine, which I want to work on some more. RMXP School.
  21. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/rules-and-policies#necroposting
  22. I can't agree with Kell more, especially on potions. I think you should have many variations of the same sprite with those kinds of things (potions, weapons etc). There are many different types of potions in a game, (usually...) and RMXP only provides like 3 icons.
  23. @ Calvin. What's up with all the capital letters? :o Looks so awesome. <3 Everytime I see that pic it makes me think Doom 3 in 2D.
  24. Kiriashi

    Your Pics

    http://tinyurl.com/sexypicofme write my name at the end of the link in order for it to work There ya go hun.
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