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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Upload the mp3 to a website like http://kiwi6.com/ Copy and paste the link in [mp3player='2']k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/tq377jf7qf/battle_theme_with_starter.mp3/[/mp3player] tags like that. the tags for each player in a topic have to be different. That's the first number in the tag, aka after the mp3player=.
  2. Sounds pretty good. Keep it up! I think the "lyrics" don't quite fit with an RMXP battle scene, but it's cool nonetheless.
  3. Oh jeez. That's a mouthful. You must love your keyboard... Well the actual origin of the problem is not really important. When I said you shouldn't bother with fonts you need to install, I mean like.. at all. No custom fonts. I mean sure, getting an autofont installer is nice and all but... its not something people like. What would be really cool is if you wrote your own font handler, so windows isn't even involved. xD I think your current title is epic, even though it doesn't make any sense. c: If you develop the story more, and have the "Once More, with Feeling" title mean something, then that would be awesome. Like I said earlier, the title made me want to download it. As for titlescreens, ask Kevin.ds for one once you have an idea of what you want. He's awesome at making them, and does it for fun. ;D Also, there is a screen that skips the titlescreen. I would use that, and then event the rest, aka the cutscenes, and the actually titlescreen. I see. Well I recommend using like.. some wooden board picture for the background or something, 'cause the windowskin clashes so much with your awesome white bubble speech. I never noticed the Map name.. interesting. xD Or did you just now add it? I guess I have a bad memory. And try to use autorun as little as possible. It can drain fps massively. Hmm. Interesting. I'd say go for it anyways, and like you said, be careful. Make certain sections of your map, and disable the ability for the messages to appear depending on where the player is. Or something like that. Don't you just love game design? xD In all seriousness, I think this is one of the most fun parts of game design; figuring out things like this. You're game has to have SOME spelling mistake. It's an indigame rule. After reading them a bit, and thinking about it, I realized that you were using the typos as a way to tone the kid's character. However, I do think it is overdone just a tad. >_<" Maybe use apostrophes to signify the slang speech. For example, if someone says "u can kill em with the 50 cal" as opposed to "You can kill 'em with the 50 cal." it becomes more obvious that the 'em wasn't just ignorant writing. Does that make any sense? >___< lol. Anyways, it's up to you over course, but my advice would be to lower the "typos" a bit. Well you did it rather well. Most people don't pull cutscenes off very well in RMXP. The use of the jump command was a nice touch with the shoes and stickyburrs "or whatever you intended the's to be. I couldn't keep myself from giggling. xD Wait a second... did I not finish it? o_0 Is it possible to not get beat up? Le' gasp! D: I guess I need to retry tis.. Well it sounds like you have a good idea of where you're going to go from what you currently have, and that's great. You don't have to have the whole thing planned out, really. Lot's of good RPGMaker games are made up by the authors as they go along. You can be sure that I will be keepin' up with this game. =D Leviathan?! Fricken hecks yeah. Lol. Not sure how you would do that in RMXP... I guess you could go inside it with the secondlast tileset. Eh? EH? Another great example of character development. The all-evil baddie cliche has almost become boring. Cliche's aren't always bad, and people actually avoid them too much, but having characters like you mentioned sounds really interesting, a lot more so than super cliche RPGs. I can't wait to see more of your maps. That's pretty much the main reason I play RPG Maker Games -- to see what other people can do. Whoa whoa whoa. Spoilers! Lol. Warn us next time. :3 Nope. ^_^ I hope I sufficiently kept up with your expansive post.
  4. It's similar to that. Have you ever heard of RPG Maker VX School? It's... well similar.
  5. This is a little late but... ..Interesting. Right now we'll take all the shops we can get, so I'm approving this for now. Good luck. :3
  6. Haha, yes fonts can be quite the opponent. But I don't quite understand what problem you were having. I can utilize the Comic Sans MS font just fine, as it is in fact a default windows font. Anyways I'm downloading the file again. :3 EDIT: Playing. ^_^ First thing I notice is default music, titlescreen image, and windowskin. I know you're not done, just mentioning it. xD EDIT 2: OK so the messages are in a cool box, but the signs and stuff aren't. D: EDIT 3: Lol at the random message from Sarah. Though that shouldn't stop the player's movement. EDIT 4: Your fire skill says this: Delas fire damage to one enemy. I think you mean deals. =P EDIT 5: One of the kids says "chek," though this seems to be intentional. As with the "owt," though that one is unnecessary. EDIT 6: The smacking around was quite funny. :3 EDIT 7: Wow that dragging around looks painful. Good thing i'm unconscious. Final statement. Well that was entertaining. xD Are you going to finish this anytime soon? Your forest mapping was rather unique. Nice job.
  7. I just found a kid that's more Bieber than Justin Bieber

    1. Marked


      its an auzzie D:

    2. Kiriashi


      I'll make sure Tomo takes him out by Thursday.

    3. Tomo2000


      -cocks shotgun- awww yeah

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  8. It's a different approach at teaching. Obviously as we have both agreed on, the current approach of tutorials only does so much... but that is the current approach.. My idea involves a lot more interaction, though it will require a lot more effort. I'll show you what I mean once in a few weeks or so. I like you. Lol. You have great potential as a member here.
  9. You are definitely a trusted user. I'll PM you the password.
  10. So has the download link in the first post been updated? I can't wait tot try out your game. They say don't judge a book by its cover, but I can sure as hell judge a game by its author. Your writing skills prove your game is of a higher quality -- and I haven't even played it yet. ^_^ EDIT:I just redownloaded it and there are still external fonts. Reupload the new one please. :3
  11. Heretic, you really ought to just use Comic Sans, considering its pretty much the same font. Look at all the trouble people have to go through to get fonts installed to play games. It's silly. More people will play your game if you just use a default font. I really wanted to check it out but couldn't be bothered to hassle with the fonts..
  12. So true. Getting good at mapping ain't gunna happen overnight after reading something someone else wrote, or looking at other peoples' maps (though the latter is a necessity.) Furthermore, those old tutorials aren't really good at all, because they don't go far enough. There are only three of them after all. I'm working on someone else though. :3
  13. I would actually first suggest you get a handle of RPG Maker XP before you try using sdks like the pokemon starter kit, which are much more complicated than the default RMXP.
  14. Approved! I also took the liberty of adding an mp3player to your post for that song. You should start doing that will all your stuff. :3 Great job, and keep it up.' EDIT: Also when I played it, I had Sons of Plunder by Disturbed playing in iTunes and forgot to pause that. Strangely enough, the two songs almost mixed perfectly for a bit. c:
  15. ok, please PM me the loophole you found. Second, that isn't a bug. You can only carry up to 30 different items. choose what you carry carefully!
  16. That's Kevin for ya'. :3 Anyways I was just posting to say don't worry about asking questions. Ask all the questions you want. ^_^
  17. Kiriashi

    EXP/Stats Curve

    That definitely does makes sense, so either go with higher stats, use another battle system, or make your own.
  18. Might as well have been paint; what matters is his amazing skill. Epic job Chief.
  19. I'm checking it out now, mostly because the name intrigues me. :3
  20. *Super Special Awesome Seal of Approval* Awesome topic.
  21. Don't get my ego too high now. Lol.
  22. Because I'm making something much better.
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