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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Don't play games with me. I know what you're doing. :P
  2. Hehe.. xD That was pretty cool. There's a lot to work on though. For instance, only three lines of text in text windows.
  3. ~Moved~ That was.. okay? Please put a little more worked into your event systems before posting though.
  4. Keep in mind that it currently is online. The server is offline till 3:00. Which is like 8 minutes..
  5. Too true. They make games un-enjoyable.
  6. ...Nothing? Just open it. And download avast or avg. Mcafee sucks.
  7. OH! From the warioware games. Riiiiigh. Gotcha. Forgot about that. He's a super villain though. Not a super hero.
  8. Wario...man? What? He doesn't have a suffix..
  9. You can use the VX sprites in RMXP to make little dwarfs or hobbits. xD That's what I do. They work perfectly for miners.
  10. You already said thanks! Though I do appreciate it. ^~^ If you have any requests, check out mah request topic.
  11. Eco, make sure you don't click the Post button more than once. You're posts will clone themselves. xD Another thing, I think that we have enough forums guys. There's a lot that aren't used enough. We don't need other sub-forums that will just be clones of the cafe etc. Take a look around. ^~^
  12. Oh yeah? Well you were too late! xD Cortash, there's a lot of RMXP resources on the internet. You just gotta look around. There's usually a search field in every single site, so use that to help you find stuff. ALso try just looking around in the forums to see if there's anything useful that you don't know about. I found that topic through google in literally two seconds, so you should be able to do the same. ^_^
  13. I just tried it. I didn't even open for me. :<
  14. You might not even be sent the beta though. They're probably only sending it out to a few people.
  15. It's taking forever for the beta to be sent to us! xD
  16. Well this is still the beta, so he's probably running tests etc.
  17. You are getting close to becoming super topic-poster man: Flute to my what?! WTH does that mean?! lol We don't have that expression in America. ..That one guy that can turn invisible? :huh: There's quite a few of those. Holmes is the best super hero! xD Wait... WTF?! Did I just quote myself on something I hadn't even said yet?! :blink: Anyways, I already am a super hero on Thursdays... so yeah. Me I guess.
  18. You don't believe.. me? :< It's a good program; shouldn't be deleted.
  19. http://tinyurl.com/33lx6dk Second link from the top. ^_^
  20. Because we already have given the sub-forum a try. I didn't work out. Like Marked said, the poll has been conclusive.
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