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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Well I have like 21 times your posts. :P
  2. Thanks guys! Marked, I mean that it doesn't do anything when I change the icon. I tell change it to None but they stay there. :<
  3. I can't edit the icons for my topics for some reason. Marked, please fix this. :<
  4. The game sounds really neat! I like the tribal art on the title screen. Good luck!
  5. Can't wait to see the rest of the graphics! You're work is awesome. ^_^
  6. Okay, now I can celebrate. ^_^ It's 1:04 AM
  7. That's essentially what I just said man.
  8. Welcome to the forums Rook! That's my brother's screen-name. ^~^ If you need any help with RMXP, don't hesitate to ask. I can't wait to see some info on your project. ^_^
  9. Why hello there! Welcome to the forums! If you need any RMXP help, don't hesitate to ask.

  10. EDIT: It seems I was wrong about the rules. :S Your, post did contribute to the debate even though it was a reply to an older topic. Sorry 'bout that. :sweatdrop:
  11. ...Why are you making a new topic for this Crimson? There already is one.
  12. ...That would be tomorrow. ^_^
  13. Kiriashi

    Your Pics

    Neither. Was just a joke. ^~^
  14. Kiriashi

    Funny pictures

    ^~^ Time to make our happy organs laugh. Rules: Post funny pictures. Don't post words. Don't steal my pie.
  15. Kiriashi

    Your Pics

    I call photoshop.
  16. What operating system are you using, and where did you download RXMP? And please post a screenshot of the error.
  17. I really like that tree! I have a suggestion [and keep in mind that I man not an artist at all, so this may be a totally stupid opinion]. I think that the darker part of the tree needs more... shading? lol.. It just needs more stuff. Don't know how to explain it. :lol:
  18. The grass tile looks great! However I do think it should be less square and more random.
  19. Those white lines stand out way too much.
  20. Diese Webseite ist nur in Englisch . Es tut mir leid , Sie müssen jemanden, der es ins Englische übersetzen für Sie. Inzwischen bin ich Verriegelung diesem Thema. Senden Sie mir eine PM , wenn Sie eine englische Version bereit haben . Ich will nicht , dies zu tun , weil ich sage kannst du eine Menge Arbeit in dieses Thema zu schreiben . Entschuldigung. :( Außerdem habe ich einen Online-Übersetzer , so dass diese wahrscheinlich klingt schrecklich. :sweatdrop: BEARBEITEN: Auch, wenn ich sagte, "PM", ich meine private Nachricht. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um PM mir: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&fromMemberID=2908
  21. What do you mean by open-ended? :huh:
  22. Someone out there on the net set the passage settings for us all, but I don't know where to find it anymore. You just gotta look everywhere!
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