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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. So am I, it just totally doesn't say so. <.< >.> V.V ^__^
  2. Slightly NSFW THAT'S badass!
  3. I don't know what is:
  4. Kiriashi

    am the only one?

    I don't get any issues with the second beta.
  5. You can try editing this one of citizen 18 by naramura. Sadly he/she didn't do one of citizen 17 that I know of. Hope that helps.
  6. I prefer peach tea. ^~^
  7. Lol, i just deleted your double post, and then I was like "oh wait this is the spam forum." xD
  8. He mentioned that he doesn't even get that issue. However, I just realized something. A friend of mine recently downloaded a demo I made in RMXP, but it just opened then closed. Make sure you have the RMXP RTP installed.
  9. If you are eventing this then you should check to see what the player has done recently, or what happened in the game recently.
  10. How the crapdoogle did you notice that? Sounds interesting Chief, love the logo. Can't wait for more juicy details. You're not going to sell it right? Or can you even sell Linux OSs?
  11. Kiriashi

    am the only one?

    You still didn't elaborate on the problem, or what you were trying to do.
  12. "sommeting"??? I don't follow.
  13. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/help/learn-how-to-install-windows-xp-service-pack-3-sp3 ^_^
  14. RAWR Image slightly disturbing.
  15. I think I got this working so that the player can't change the equipment. I'll upload a demo when I finish.
  16. Do what? Posting as little as that is spamming I'm afraid. Don't take offense, just informing. ^_^
  17. Kiriashi

    Entering a name

    No problem. If you have any further issues, don't hesitate to ask. Edit: HEY GUYS I MESSED UP! Okay thanks to isaacsol I just realized that the answer to the second question is technically wrong. :< Potassium is actually 19, and CARBON is 6. So yeah, for all you who actually KNEW the answer, thats why you're wrong. IT WAS LATE! :<
  18. You don't need to be telling other members the rules, that's not your job. ^_^ RKO didn't make that other post anyways.
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