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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. You know what? I will go through all of them to see which ones are of good quality. However I'll PM you a list of which ones I've decided to delete before I delete em'.
  2. Unreal Tournament is an FPS. I assume Broken Messiah is talking about having player's scores from that game placed on the site. That's more hard work for Marked when he's already got a bunch of stuff on the forums to work on.
  3. Kiriashi


    Yeah no problem. As for the tutorials, you can use google translator. It really doesn't matter how badly they translate it, because the pictures are what you really need to be focusing on. ^_^
  4. Please don't put any special characters in your topic title. ^_^ On topic: Your spriting skills are absolutely amazing! Love the new sprite!
  5. No problem! It's odd you didn't get the Extras folder, but you do now. ^_^
  6. I was able to upload my demo just fine with the downloads manager: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/files/file/270-rmxp-player-input-demo For some reason ".hqx" is added to the end of the name, but you just gotta delete that. Tried downloading it and it works just fine.
  7. Oh I see what you might be thinking. When downloaded it adds an extra extension for some reason. Just rename the file to Player Input Demo.exe That should fix it.
  8. ... I made, and uploaded this file on a PC. :mellow:
  9. Anyone who joins this will get a free advertisement for their game in my signature. ^_^
  10. 238 downloads

    Kiriashi's Player Input Demo. Please read the comments in the events to learn how I made everything. The screenshot isn't from the demo, just one of my better maps. xD This is a very humorous demo I made for someone on the forums to demonstrate player input. You will learn how to ask the player a text based question and do something based on whether or not they answer correctly. Then you'll learn how to do that with a number based question. After that you'll learn the same two things, except where the questions don't have right answers; or in other words, you're asking the player something about them self to be used later in the game. Enjoy! Any feedback is appreciated. P.S. I PROMISE you will laugh, or at least chuckle.
  11. You get an error with mediafire? Try zipping the file up.
  12. Kiriashi


    Marked found a complete guide on spriting with RMXP a while ago. Check that out. Here's a topic with a BILLION guides linked. EDIT: Also, yes, this goes in resource requests.
  13. [Please don't double post, use the edit button.] I will try uploading a file right now. Meanwhile, upload your game to mediafire and make a topic about it. ^_^
  14. Kinda' does look like mack's style. Can't say for sure though. :S
  15. ^~^ Thanks everyone. I'll have some tutorials up soon so I can live up to the title.
  16. I'm pretty sure it's the periods, but if anyone gets any more 404s, please inform me and paste the link here. They can't be fixed if I don't know where the problem is.
  17. There is a bunch of indoor tiles in VX already. : /
  18. Gah I use to know how to do the first one. :S I'll ask Leon, he might do this for you.
  19. Which recent posts? Topic titles with periods will give 404 errors. I'm trying to fix these as fast as I can but people post em so much. :<
  20. We are very fun indeed. ^~^ If you need any help with RMXP or RMVX, just ask! I can make you a demo for an event system if need be. ^_^ See ya' around the forums!
  21. I'll post it tomorrow. So late for me right now. :< Also, please add more to your posts, else they will be considered spam.
  22. ^~^ I don't know what you did wrong, so I'll just make you a quick demo I suppose. Give me a few minutes.
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