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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. It's not racism guys, he's just playing around. It's kinda' funny to see non-Asians working at "Chinese" food restaurants, no? Be nice everyone! ^_^ P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4! 誕生日おめでとうございます、formlesstree君
  2. ^~^ That sounds pretty cool as well. Nice updates. My favorite is still Seedent. ^_^
  3. Another amazing piece. This story is amazing. Also, to everyone reading, hit some Hatsune Miku songs while reading, they really fit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6QsIRxtszA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcDJ0oqoJKE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AXdpdPkfBU
  4. RAWR! Mah axe piercs through ALL George Lucas armor. On topic: I think that you should write tutorials on what people have the most trouble with, not what's fun, or hardest. ^_^ P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  5. OMG OMG OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry for belated... :(

  6. He knows you more than you know you. He has a CARD on you. c:

  7. He knows you more than you know you. He has a CARD on you. c:

  8. Thanks man! Lol, so true. Hint hint Ecowolfsteen. c:
  9. I HAS PLUS 9 NOT HACK! :< P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!


  11. Kiriashi


  12. lol These are funny. ^_^ Keep it up man.
  13. GET TO THE CHOPPER? WHERE IS IT??! <.< >.> ^.^ V.V
  14. And then there's the fact that they were immortal to begin with.
  15. Kiriashi

    Head Count!

    He can indeed. : > EDIT: He forgot to include that I am cheating on you with him. Sorry man. You're just not online as much. :sweatdrop: P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4! 誕生日おめでとうございます、formlesstree君
  16. Welcome back man. ^_^ MOAR PEOPLE!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR! P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  17. MOBO CAKE! Slash gingerbread thing..
  18. Lol, this is pretty hard to understand but... Yes? :biggrin_002:
  19. Sweet, this will make long topics much more easier to navigate. Thanks a lot Isaac! ^_^ P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  20. Formlesstree4's birthday is today! Let's hear if for our favorite VB.net programmer. Goodnight~ P.S. @Adam: Pragmatic. :P
  21. It;s actually today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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