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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. :< I'm sure Joey was just kidding around with whatever he said that upset you. Sorry you're becoming inactive, it's always sad to see someone leave. Hope to see you again soon! Good luck with your job.
  2. The bottom one looks a little bit more Indian. :S Good job though.
  3. The hair looks a little odd. Other than that it's pretty good. ^~^
  4. This project looks pretty cool! I wish you the best of luck! Hopefully you won't get discouraged and cancel it in the future. Can't wait to see more progress.
  5. Hey hey guys, do not turn this into a flame war. :nono4: I don't think it would be right for me to lock this topic or anything like that since it's in Mature Discussion, but I can say this: Be mature. Everyone gets to post their opinions. And that's all they are, opinions. Though I only agree with one of you, I think both of you need to calm down. Okay? ^_^
  6. Not that I know of, no. Sorry. :sweatdrop:
  7. Hello everyone! Ecowolfsteen requested that I make a tutorial/demo for quests in RMXP. I made this demo to explain how to make one. Read the comments in the events after you play it to read the tutorial. :3 Steps to making a fetch quest: 1. Make a new event to represent your quest giver. Give that person some text asking if the player wants to accept the quest. 2. Give the player some choices with the "Show Choices" event command. They should be two positive or negative answers. 3. Under the branch for the positive choice, tell the player how many items he needs to bring back. Then turn on self switch "A". 4. Under the branch for the negative choice, insert a text message from the quest giver such as "Too bad." Quest Giver event page 1: 5. In a second page of the quest giver event, change the Condition to Self Switch A being on. 6. In the list of event commands, make a new conditional branch, with the condition that a certain variable is equal to or greater than the amount you want the player to have to bring to the quest giver. Take this time to name your new variable. 7. Under the branch for the condition being met, display a thank-you message saying that the player brought the right amount of the required item. Then tell him that he has his reward. 8. Give him the reward whatever it was. This can be items, money or whatever else you can think of. 9. Display a separate message telling the player that he got the item. You can change the text options and play a sound effect too. This is common when a player receives an item in RPGs. 10. Turn on self switch "B". 11. Under the branch for the condition not being met, click the "Control Variable" command. Change the variable from the one you named earlier to the next one on the list. Give it a name such as "Number. -- This variable is going to be used to find out how many more of the required item the player needs in order to complete the quest. We're going to subtract the amount of the item he currently has from this variable. 12. Keep the Operation at the default (Set), and keep the Operand at the default as well (Constant). Change the number in the Constant box from zero to the amount of the item the player needs to complete the quest. In other words, if the quest giver asked for five dead squirrels, put five in here. 13. Now that we have made a variable that equals the required amount of the item, we are going to subtract from that number by the amount of the item the player has gathered so far. Click on control variable again, set the Operation to "Subtract", and change the Operand to variable. Change that variable to the first one we created; the one that holds the amount of the item the player has. 14.Now make the quest giver tell the player how many of the item he has, and how many he needs. You can use \v[x] in a text message to display the value of a variable, where "x" is the id of that variable. There should be two of these variable tags in this message. Quest Giver Event Page 2: 15. Make a third event page for this event, and change the condition to [self Switch B is ON]. In the list of event commands, insert a message where the Quest Giver says something like "Thanks for getting me those items!". Quest Giver event page 3: 16.Now we have a working quest even, but we need a way to increase the first variable so that the quest is doable. Make a new event that has a graphic related to the item the player is gathering. 17. In the list of event commands of this new event, insert a "Control Variable". Set the Operation to add, and the operand to a constant of 1. This will increase this variable by one when the player picks up the item. 18. Now insert a text message displaying that the item was picked up. 19. Turn on self switch A. Quest-Item event page 1: 20. Make a new event page for the quest item event, and change the condition to [self Switch A is ON]. Leave the graphic box and event command list empty. Quest-Item page 2: And there you have it! A working RMXP fetch quest. That tutorial was just thrown together, the real tutorial is the demo. Check out the comments in the event commands there to see how I did it. I love my demo. ^_^ http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/files/file/272-fetch-quest-demo/ Enjoy.
  8. 466 downloads

    This should help you out with variables! In this demo you will make a quest where you have to get ten flowers; when this is done, you will get a reward. Hehe... reward. ^~^ Play it to find out. :P Also, if you get stuck here's some hints: (Check the comments in the events to see how it was made; basically just the girl event, flower event and event below the pirate captain.)
  9. There are quite a few merged tilesets out there on the net, you just gotta look around.
  10. You had me at Vikings. : >
  11. Also, Crimson is a girl. :3 The new child graphic looks great! Keep up the good work. ^~^
  12. I can't wait to see more progress on this! I'm excited that your getting back in to RMXP as well. The story sounds interesting; who doesn't like vikings? :3 Post screenshots nao plz kthnxbai. ^_^
  13. WKO, why do you think that it has to be celebrating African American's freedom? There's a time to celebrate that; the fourth of July is for celebrating our country's freedom as a whole. It's rather silly to not participate in the fun just because there isn't a special part of the 4th that recognizes African Americans. There isn't one for Caucasian Americans. It's just celebrating our independence as a nation.
  14. Dude, it has nothing to do with white people being free, it was the united states being free. That included African Americans; and you know what? They had it much better off in the US then everywhere else at that time anyways. Independence Day is a day to celebrate the United States becoming a liberated country; you shouldn't turn it into a race thing.
  15. Kiriashi

    Map Requests

    Spell out yer' damn words. ^_^
  16. Your maps look really nice Miles. They just need some more detail to them. Anyone have any maps to post from their games? This topic needs a good ol' bump. Here's one of the greatest RMXP maps I've ever seen: Warning, large image.
  17. I can help too. ^_^ At first I have trouble noticing that a topic is in the wrong place. I just get right to the postin' and don't notice. :3
  18. Rather interesting that you are using RM2K3. Good luck with your game! Also, may I have permission to edit your post so that it looks a bit more organized?
  19. Googled it. Seems like it's an alright game maker. RMXP is the only one for me though. ^~^
  20. Kiriashi

    Map Requests

    It's in my queue. ^~^
  21. Yeah well it wasn't my fault. When I saw the topic in the forums list, it was under Game Development, however when you click it, it takes you to that topic, and shows that it is in RMXP support. So there. <_<
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