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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Kung Fu = meh. :rolleyes:
  2. Weren't allowed??? xD Just head over to ign.com or e3.nintendo.com tomorrow at 9:00 AM Pacific Time.
  3. Do you have any nick name ideas? Your name is kinda' hard to write out.
  4. Now I wish that I was able to do this... so I can become an admin... :drool:!!
  5. Kiriashi

    Repeat Sleeping

    Never question Arkbennett's RMXP knowledge. :nono4: jk
  6. Dude, there's already a statistics page: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php?option=com_stats&view=default&Itemid=203 Now now, we all know that I'm the only real activity/posting whore here.
  7. For now, MEDIA FIRE! http://www.mediafire.com/
  8. Kinect seems interesting, but I doubt it will be as awesome as it could be.
  9. There is no "Story Development" board. There is a "Story & Characterization Support", but Incongruous just wants our opinions on the subject, so this is the perfect place for his development. ;) And I just googled Freeza and saw a picture; I thought his name was boo. xD
  10. That name kinda' reminds me of OoT's fire temple boss. :P
  11. So are you active now or what? ^.^

  12. It's kinda weird that you prefer villains, but I think that it would be rather interesting to play as the bad guy. You're game sure would be unique. By the way, this is the perfect kind of topic to have a poll, you should add one.
  13. What are you talking about Crimson? :S
  14. It's not really stealing much, but it's also not really new. I don't see why someone would want to replace their current XBox with this.
  15. xD Kinda' sounds like you're scolding him. lol
  16. Welcome to the forums! If you need any help with RMXP, just ask! No Crimson, I said it twice!
  17. Did you read the first post? xD http://www.gametrailers.com/e3/livefeed/microsoft There's a live feed on that site, right now it isn't live though. You can watch the microsoft Xbox 360 expo there right now. Nintendo's expo is tomorrow at 9:00 A.M. Pacific Time.
  18. Welcome to the forums! If you need any help with RMXP, just ask!
  19. Joey, EA is going on right now. :P And for all the nintendo fans: Nintendo of America's twitter account Just posted a pic of Reggie: Anyone up for editing it? xD Fill in the blank paper with something relevantly funny:
  20. The new xbox seems like the same thing except shiny.. which is nice I guess...
  21. They're making a Xbox. Hmm...
  22. Try this instead: http://www.gametrailers.com/e3/livefeed/microsoft And Joey, I just heard someone say it. xD
  23. Apparently they're calling Project Natal "Connect" now. Natal sounded cooler. :P
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