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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. FINALLY! No more april fools.

  2. Mine Clicker sold 10,000 copies and i got contacted by a bigger gaming company called Nemo Games who wants to buy my IP for $100,000 :D. Should i do it?

    1. Marked


      It is April 2nd in NZ, so, f*** you. You got me. lol. I was genuinely happy for you tho :'(

    2. Polraudio


      Yea i hate this day. i got 4 hours left.

    3. zahraa
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  3. Polraudio

    GIF support?

    I cant seem to find anything on it. The only way i know is to use a sprite sheet and a battle system that supports it. I cant really help out as i dont use RPG Maker anymore but im sure someone who knows such battle system might be able to help out(my rpg maker knowledge is fading away lol).
  4. Was having fun making a little 2d space game. Minimap was surprisingly very easy to make. http://i.imgur.com/E3EQkD2.png

  5. Looks interestingly weird lol. I played lots of tower defense games and this one looks like it will be alot of fun. Keep up the good work :thumbsup: .
  6. Its hard to get banned here lol. I only ever had to ban 1 person. You have to be a really huge asshole in order to get banned and your to kind for that to happen ;) . But yea since you made this topic were going to have to ban you :P .
  7. OMFG how the hell did i miss this release. Usually unity tells me about updates when i launch it but this time it didnt. So downloading.
  8. Thats not $25 and cloud lol. thats $25 a month for that feature. Scroll down to "Exclusive Unity Pro benefits" http://unity3d.com/unity/professional-edition They are trying to compete with unreal by letting you do monthly payments for PRO instead of 1 flat rate of $1500. Also click here for what the cloud thing is. https://build.cloud.unity3d.com/ Personally i cant wait till unity 5 comes....even knowing i dont really have a use for many of those features.
  9. Time flys when your having fun or throwing clocks.

  10. Currently working on the item system for using items.
  11. Yes you can make a full game with JS. My game mine clicker is purely JS. Everything you can do in C#(its not C+ or C++) you should be able to do in JS. I only use JS because my scripts are always shorter and easier to work with. You can even use JS for one script and C# for another if you wish. This RPG system will be purely JS.
  12. This will work for both 3d and 2d. The battle system will be 2d based but easily changed to 3d if you know a little coding and a bit about unity. im not going to have animation or anything since this will be a very basic system. I want to keep it as basic as possible so people can easily add features they want. I may in the future once its done expand on it and add my own wanted features.
  13. How many would be actually interested in a very simple/basic RPG system for Unity? By basic i mean i layout the very basics but if you want extra stuff you will have to code it yourself. In order to understand how to even use some of the systems you WILL have to know programming. So don't expect this to be plug and play friendly or to have easy making of things like RPG Maker has. This will be for REAL game development and not kids toy development like rpg maker. Sorry it it sounds harsh. I want people to understand this isnt going to be as easy as rpg maker to use. This is for people who have some understanding of code or are willing to learn. The features i have so far: *Add custom actors *Add custom enemies *Add random actors *Add random enemies *Unlimited actors/enemies *Unlimited actors/enemies in battle *Unlimited actors/enemies in the menu Stuff i will never add(Subject to change if people want to help): *Tile mapping *World creation *Anything related to world creation *Default resource kit(you will only get the sample graphics that are in the project) *Keyboard/Controller menu support So far the menu system looks like this. NOTE: This project may seem dead from time to time but it will be worked on if there's enough interest. I wont be able to work on it all the time due to me having my own game to work on. But i will upload the project source from time to time for people to checkout/help with if they want to. NOTE2: It will be made with mouse in mind for the menus so if you want keyboard/controller support you will have to add it yourself.
  14. Currently working on a RPG system for unity in my spare time. so far i got the player info and menu started. Theres even an option to completely add a random character with random stats. http://i.imgur.com/OlHkZ6y.png

    1. Polraudio


      I thought about that but id rather give it for free. Theres not enough free systems for unity.

    2. Polraudio


      got more done on the menu system. looking sexy so far. http://i.imgur.com/734fD5Q.png

    3. Marked


      even better! :D

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  15. Thank you bob for approving my tutorial so i didnt have to abuse my powerz :P.

  16. Its mine clicker. http://www.mineclicker.net/ Unity only requires you to buy unity if you make over $100,000. They dont take any royalties no matter how much you make. Wish i didnt have slow internet...taking forever to get UDK lol.
  17. Made our first Mine Clicker sale :D

  18. I still have yet to really give unreal a try. I been really into using unity lately. Infact the game i made in unity is up for sale :D
    1. Marked


      Also yeah was just testing ur form :>

    2. Bob423


      Took me a second to realize you're talking about the html tags lol

    3. Polraudio


      Nothing i can do about that since this damn host doesn't give me access to any files at all. But it was the best deal to get a simple website up($12 for the first year). Theres not even a file browser. Damn you godaddy.

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  19. HAPPY NEW MONTH!!! We celebrate new years so why not months XD.

    1. zahraa


      Hmmm...In that case, Why not days and hours? Wait....HAPPY NEW SECOND!!!

  20. Started to work on an RPG battle system for unity. Not sure how well this is going to go lol.

  21. Didnt notice anything and im usually the one to take care of things lol.
  22. Just as black mage said. Try to have a demo ready. Id also try to plan the demo out to an ending point, don't be like ok here what i got. Make the demo end on a cliffhanger to make the player wonder whats going to happen next and want to come back for more. Also remind them at the end that it was a demo so that triggers something in their mind and make them think awwwwwww i didn't want it to end.
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