My end goal for the game is to be almost like a medieval village/company sim except it will be in first person instead of playing god. You dont play god, you play as a normal person just working his/her ass off. Every worker will have skills that levelup and if they dont have the level requirement to do something, they cant do it. Every worker will also have to be kept happy, be paid, fed, have a place to sleep, and they can die if not taken care of. They may even get angry and quit. So if you only have one miner that can mine lets say addy, they quit, and you dont have the level to mine it, it kind of sets you back.
Since your in first person you can see everything grow before your eyes and actually live it. Interaction i plan on making it as real as i can. I want to minimize using menus for anything. So in order to hire people you will look in a book thats on the table and actually interact with that book in the real world instead of a menu poping up. In order to see how many items you have you will have to walk over to the storage building to see how many of something you have on hand. going to be a complex game but i want the player to feel like they are actually living in it.