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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. about half way through the GUI tutorial. hopefully tmr i can finish it for everyone to see.

  2. Id say your best bet is to start with JS since its easy to learn. But no worries im going to try to make some tutorials that are very nooby friendly here. Im currently working on a GUI Tutorial that will help you get the basics of coding down. Once you learn the basics of unity GUI you will know how to do almost anything with coding....with the only limitation being how you think. I got bob and flesh started and they are doing very well in unity now.
  3. Currently working on a noob tutorial for unity gui

  4. var number = 10; is not good practice. when you define a variable do it like this. var number : int = 10; its best to define a type so it doesnt have to guess what type it is. in some cases you will want your number to go above 2,147,483,647 so you would want the number to be a double instead of an int and if you didnt define it and just used var number = 10, i will most likely make it an int and an int cant go past 2.14 billion. I think i may work on a noob friendly GUI tutorial that will also go over some basics of coding and what you should/shouldnt do.
  5. You need to know how to think logically to even get into coding. Coding is all about logic. If this happens do this thing that's the basics of coding. In JS/Unityscript its very very simple to do an if if(GraveBustaPostCount >= 37){ print("His number of posts is greater or equal to 37") } We can also do an else for if it doesnt meet the requirements of above if(GraveBustaPostCount >= 37){ print("His number of posts is greater or equal to 37") }else{ print("Post requirement not met") } can also do 2 if's using && if(GraveBustaPostCount >= 37 && GraveBustaPoints >= 100){ print("His number of posts is greater or equal to 37 and points are greater or equal to 100") }else{ print("Both requirements not met") } Very basic coding and you will be doing that kind of stuff LOTS! I can help out with unity but only if you show me you are willing and trying to learn. Id highly suggest starting with GUI since it will be used alot and will be good for learning. Its where i started to learn how to code. This link is all i used to get started. http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/gui-Basics.html just make sure when you test your code that your script is attached to a game object. If you have any questions please post in the unity section. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/forum/92-unity/ But i want to see at least some work before i help(you dont even have to read the stuff in that link, if your good at learning from examples this will be very easy for you). Its alot easier learning from nothing than trying to learn from lots of stuff like RGSS.
  6. Specs isnt the issue lol. If anything windows 10 seems like it takes less than 8.1, and 8.1 takes even less than windows 7. so just stick with 8.1 till the full release of 10. you might be excited to go to windows 10 but it isnt ready yet.
  7. In my experience LOTS of people fail at making a good fan game and sometimes make the main game its self look bad. A very good example of this is Final Fantasy XP(Sorry bob you knew this was coming). Personally id say stick with an original game because you feel more into it because its yours and you dont have to worry about people bashing you if you dont do things right(will be the case 99% of the time). And if you do well enough you can get a cease and desist order since its actually illegal to use someones IP. Id stay away from fan territory. references are fine as long as they are not exact EX: I would have gotten sued if i used Amulet of Glory(from runescape) in Mine Clicker, instead i use Amulet of Flory to avoid getting sued(since my game is commercial). But you wont have to worry about that if its going to be a free game, mostly what will happen is a cease and desist unless your really unlucky and get sued lol. Your own original game will be far more creative anyways since its your own. Sorry for my messy format, i kind of get like then when i ramble lol.
  8. A few things. Some drivers might not be updated or might not work for windows 10. Some examples are my Razer Deathstalker Ultimate, the Switchblade UI doesnt work. Some people were having troubles getting AMD drivers to work. Some personal info may end up on microsofts servers since they are collecting data in the preview. Don't have internet on at all when installing the OS because you will be forced to use a microsoft account. TBH i would at all till the actual release. Its only worth checking out, not worth using as a main OS till full release. Personally id stick with windows 8.1 because you will have far less problems(if any at all).
  9. I could do a contest for a copy.
  10. Thanks guys. Lots has changed since the last version i posted here. Once i get a real website ill do some real advertising. Hopefully i can get a few buyers. If i get enough $ from this game to live ill work on it full time with lots of overtime. Either way it will get done but more buyers = more time i can spend on it.
  11. Hello everyone. I am happy to inform you that Mine Clicker Alpha has been finally released! The game is now available for $2.50 while in the alpha state. We are currently working on some big updates to the game so you can expect some cool stuff to come in the future. The requirements are low right now but may change in the future as we get Management Mode into the game. Minimum Requirements: Disk Space: 100mb CPU: Dual Core 2gh RAM: 1gb GPU: Directx 9 compatible card(128mb) Now for the crappy trailer that doesn't really tell you much about the game XD. Purchase($2.50): https://www.humblebundle.com/store/product/mineclicker/7SDLfk3h2 If you wish to try the game out before buying it you can play the demo. http://mineclicker.weebly.com/
  12. Game cannot be put on the humble store T.T. but on the plus side i can still use a widget to sell my game through them. I just need to setup a site for the game with money i dont have lol.

  13. Best way to learn is to make edits till you learn it. I started by adding the gold and steps window to the scene_end. Its best to start with GUI.
  14. Use google translate and the find feature. Search your way through the scripts and change the text you need to be in English. Not to hard. Just takes a little reading. Usually when you see something in quotes inside a script it means its a String, aka what you see not in English. Not to be rude but you shouldn't be trying to add scripts if your scared to edit them a little :P. You will need to learn about code sooner or later.
  15. Submitted my game to humble. Hopefully it gets approved.

  16. If anyone wants to see my cheesy crappy trailer for mine clicker. NOTE: The game isnt out yet so your seeing the trailer before official release. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3JYZ1P1fY-QMUtkaExmMks1XzQ/view?usp=sharing

    1. Bob423


      Could make 2 versions then, one that says "coming soon" or something.

  17. 1: GUI would be a good start. Its where i actually learned how to code. 2: Any game you make with free can be sold(as long as your not already in a game company or make over $100,000 in that year). If you start your game with the pro trial you are not allowed to sell your game, even if you transfer it over to free. Best bet is to just start with free since pro doesn't really offer anything worth using and everything pro offers can be remade via scripts anyways. My game is going to be going on sale here within the next few weeks. I would like to put my game for sale on here for RMU points as well to give the community another way to pay for the game.
  18. I usually notice it more on the weekends and during holidays. Usually we get a huge activity boost in the beginning of the year and the beginning of summer. Im usually always online here and don't really reply unless i can contribute to the conversation. I want to make unity tutorials but theres a bajillion ways to start using unity. And it doesn't help that no one really seems interested to even try unity. If anyone really wants to boost activity start using unity, post any questions you may have and me or bob might be able to help you out.
  19. If you add me on steam and dont reply when i talk to you, you will be removed cause i dont know who you are. Talking to you Analkin if your on here.

  20. Im using 8.1 and have no problems at all, no forced one drive. and with start is back its exactly like windows 7. Then again i know how to actually install an os fresh without all the shitware that comes with a computer. Best thing you can do when you get a computer is reinstall the OS without all the crappy software that comes with it then install start is back. If anything windows 8.1 runs far better than windows 7. Once you get start is back the OS becomes just like windows 7. you get a start menu thats just like windows 7 but better. You can boot straight to the desktop and skip that stupid as hell metro interface(i havent been in the metro interface or seen anything like it in a year). Just takes a tiny bit of work but its well worth it. I can see where non tech people are coming from. Trust me once you get start is back and set all your default programs to all the windows standard stuff like windows media player and windows photo viewer the OS will be exactly like windows 7 with tons more features. I have noticed far less CPU usage and at least a 10% increase performance for everything. People just treat windows 8 like its the plague lol. Just takes a bit to get it like windows 7 but once it is, its well worth it. People using my computer cant even tell the difference between 8 and 7.
  21. Yea Start Is Back is the best thing you could ever get for Windows 8. Was worth every cent and made windows 8 exactly like windows 7. Gets better with windows 10. so far im liking windows 10.
  22. Hey there SailorMedamonGirl1, welcome to GeeDeeU XD.
  23. Yea info panels are the newest stuff i ever played with. Those will be phased out. As for the graphic quality. im not going to go to crazy. mostly what you see is the style im aiming for. right now everything you see barely uses any verts and tris. if anything everything in the entire world right now combined uses the same amount of verts and tris as 25% of 1 object in most modern games. So when its finished it should run good on most computers. There will be more quality settings so no worries there.
  24. My end goal for the game is to be almost like a medieval village/company sim except it will be in first person instead of playing god. You dont play god, you play as a normal person just working his/her ass off. Every worker will have skills that levelup and if they dont have the level requirement to do something, they cant do it. Every worker will also have to be kept happy, be paid, fed, have a place to sleep, and they can die if not taken care of. They may even get angry and quit. So if you only have one miner that can mine lets say addy, they quit, and you dont have the level to mine it, it kind of sets you back. Since your in first person you can see everything grow before your eyes and actually live it. Interaction i plan on making it as real as i can. I want to minimize using menus for anything. So in order to hire people you will look in a book thats on the table and actually interact with that book in the real world instead of a menu poping up. In order to see how many items you have you will have to walk over to the storage building to see how many of something you have on hand. going to be a complex game but i want the player to feel like they are actually living in it.
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