This is an old project that i was working on as a minigame to Mine Clicker. It might still be a minigame for the game but idk yet.
Anyways the game is a 2d space game where you play as a ship and do nothing right now but fly around, mine stuff and thats about it so far.
There are physics in the game so you can bump into stuff and watch your ship fly out of control while you hammer the shift button to get it to stop moving.
Controls(not updated ingame):
-WASD to move
-Right Click to interact with mining asteroids and to access the menu for planet Zadune
-Left Click to pew pew(pew pew noise not included yet)
-Left Shift for brakes(known as inertial dampening)
-Planets will rotate around the sun like a real solar system
-Mining of resources
-Fun Ship physics
-Bumping into asteroids
-Finding the edge of the solar system
-Reading features to make the game feel better than it is
-Interacting with planets to barely do anything!
-No AI(yet)
-Noise from pols mouth to make the thruster sound
Future Featuers:
-More noises from pols mouth like ghzeeeeeee for the mining laser or kaboom for blowing up of things and maybe a tink for hitting into things
-More ores to mine
-Proccessing of ores
-Planetary management
-Ship upgrades and modualr shit(thats right not modular ship i meant shit but in all seriousness i meant shit damnit it meant shit omg stop it fingers. SHIP there we go.)
-WAY bigger solar system and prob more than 1
-Put up outposts, bases, space stations, hookers/stripclubs, bars, and other stuff
-Police that will scan your cargo for illegal stuff like hookers, strip clubs, dildos, condoms, drugs, slaves, and etc....
-Badolice that will scan your cargo for legal stuff like thongs, ore, bars, dildos, drugs and silverware.
-Dynamic economy based on supply and demand.
Known Problems:
-The game lies about a help button existing
-No inventory to check your trunk
-No menu for quitting the game(use F4 if you play in fullscreen to close the game or die and click quit)
-Nothing really to do yet but its still cool to check out
-No mining lasers
-No pew pew sounds
Happy space adventures....for the 5min this games worth playing right now.
PEASE! Let me know what you thought about whats done so far. Pwitty pwease :cry: ?
Dev V1.01 - 8/19/21
-Added Solar Relays and Catchers(prob really buggy in a fun way).
-Locked FPS at 60 so computers don't die from using extra power that it doesnt need to.
-Changed the particles for fuel and oxygen to feel a little more realistic.
-Changed mining speed to be a little better.
-Added Particles for the thrusters instead of a static image when thrusting away.
-Added a blackhole ore that sucks you in and kills you if you get to close(Some bugs with the mouse over text that will be fixed in the next version).
-Expanded space and added an asteroid system(not filled with asteroids yet)
Next version possible updates:
-Inventory for both the player and home planet.
-Ores will actually give you ores when mined instead of being fake.
-Asteroid System Omega V will actually have asteroids you can mine.
-Collision damage will factor in speed. Meaning you might die if you are going to fast(or miss the solar relay catcher :P).
-Coordinates system so you know where you are in relation to your solar system(your sun will be 0,0).
Huge maybe(0%-25% Chance(This stuff will come sometime in the future tho)):
-Ship Upgrades
-Planet Stats like population
-Shop to sell ore
-Money(i hope so cause selling ore...).
Dev V1.0 - 8/18/2015
-First public release
Source Agreement and Download:
Note: My code is probably very very messy and confusing so good luck XD
[spoiler=Source Download and Agreement]> I will not try to profit from this. > I will give the creator(Polraudio) credit in someplace noticeable. > If i upload or link a project made with this source i will leave a link to this topic. > I understand that the creator has no obligation to help with problems i may have. > GDU is the place to be. Download: By clicking the download link you agree to the above terms