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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. There will be upgrades for the player ship. I forgot to add that up there lol. There will be plans for sort of a SP story/adventure mode with a randomly generated galaxy(assuming i can correctly program the orbit system to work with random generation). Inventory system is nearly finished for both the planet and ship. Just a few bugs that been pissing me off that are kind of game breaking lol. For the next update i many even add a crafting system for making things like fuel barrels and stuff so you can fuel up on the go while mining in the asteroid system. Right now development is going a little slow as a prepare to move to a different town. Finally moving on my own away from my family.
  2. Update will be coming soon with the following features. -Coordinates system so you know where you are from home -Mining -Inventory for both the ship and planet -Will be able to deposit items to the planet -Solargates. Yes i added Solargates(Stargates) that will let you dial up a gate you found, Fly through the wormhole and end up on the other side. Tip: Make sure you remember your home address or you might not have enough fuel to fly back. Every gate will have a unique 5 character address that will be on the gate its self. -Solar Relays will be completely removed as the solargate replaced them. The Future of the Game! So the future of the game has been changed alot. Its no longer going to be a single player adventure game altho that might be added in the future. The main focus of the game will be a fun competitive multiplayer. Each team will get a solar system(dont worry there will be multiple maps). The end goal is to destroy the other teams star and planet in that solar system. What will the gameplay be like? Each team will start in their solar system with a planet(more planets might be added later), star and a solargate. When you first start the game you will want to rush off to explore and find other solargates and asteroid fields to mine. Once you find a solargate you wont automatically know the address so you better have a notepad or something to write it down so you can tell your team. So after you done some exploring you will want to mine some resources to help your team build some stuff. What can you use resources for? You can use resources to build various stuff to help your team. Items may include the following... -Fuel Barrels so you can fuel your ship up on the go without worry about going dry and floating there waiting to die lol. -Oxygen Tanks so you can refill your O2 on the go. -Medical Supplies so you can heal your crew on the go. -Repair Parts(Still on the fence about this once) to repair your ship if it gets damaged. Yes i saved the best for last. -AI Ships to help you defend your home and attack the enemies. They will also try to destroy enemy bases along the way. -Turrets to help you hold an area or defend your home. -Bases to help you setup a forward base that you can spawn at and build stuff from. -Research bases(maybe) to research new buildings that can be placed Building types: -Power generation(maybe) to power everything -Research building(maybe) to research new stuff to make -Matter Fabricator(maybe) for when resources run low or the map is out of them. Can use it to generate resources using power. -Factory(maybe) for customizing and building AI ships. One huge thing i want to do that im still thinking about so this is a big maybe. -A commander who will be in change of building the buildings and commanding the AI ships. The commander will be in an RTS type mode instead of being in a ship. The commander can only see what has been explored by other team members or AI ships. The commanders location is on the planet so if your planet gets destroyed the commander will be out of the game so no new buildings will be able to be placed. AI will just sit there and attack only what comes close to it. You will also not be able to respawn at all.
  3. Kitsuki you didnt activate your copy of Mine Clicker yet. I sent you a PM with the copy.

    1. ShinkuAura


      She's too busy at school. lol

    2. Kitsuki


      yup school is killing me... when I finish working on SAT and school (in a couple weeks probably orz), I'll check it out :D

  4. Its like IRC almost. When you join a server you see a list of lobbies for that server that you can join and talk to people in it through voice or text. You just double click on any of them and if you have permissions to enter it you can go into it. Then you can hear and talk to anyone in it. Heres what the client looks. Im connected to a gaming community.
  5. Ill def use it alot. Ill even use it when i play games with friends online because its so much easier to use TS than skype. No worrying about who is going to host the call or their internet cutting out and disconnecting everyone. With TS you just jump on and no worries. It would also be a great tool for helping people. we could have help me lobbies, one for training. Im all down for managing it.
  6. Yo marked how hard would it be to get us a teamspeak server so we can all talk through voice? It will be very nice for when we want to collaborate with each other or just hang out without having to use shitty skype or steam.
  7. Things id like to see with a modern/mideval type feeling(almost like the wild west time period). -Houses(just exterior and no interior). Few variations like maybe 3 with 1 floor and 3 with 2 floors. porches are optional but would look cool. -Textures like roads, grass, dirt, dirt/grass(mixed for good transition material), rocks, cliffside textures, cobblestone for those cheap towns, maybe bricks and soil. -Wood bridges with angle peices also and stuff that are kind of like walk ways(http://img07.deviantart.net/8d4f/i/2012/162/2/5/the_small_wooden_bridge_by_tudybeck-d534gn7.jpg) -Some bushes/shrubs -fences wooden and cobblestone and maybe bricks Sorry for requesting alot I think that stuff will give people a good start with resources to make a basic game. If it turns out well i may make some scripts to go along with it.
  8. It all depends on how its used. Ill let your imagination fill in the rest :P ~Updated Game~ Dev V1.01 - 8/19/21 -Added Solar Relays and Catchers(prob really buggy in a fun way). -Locked FPS at 60 so computers don't die from using extra power that it doesnt need to. -Changed the particles for fuel and oxygen to feel a little more realistic. -Changed mining speed to be a little better. -Added Particles for the thrusters instead of a static image when thrusting away. -Added a blackhole ore that sucks you in and kills you if you get to close(Some bugs with the mouse over text that will be fixed in the next version). -Expanded space and added an asteroid system(not filled with asteroids yet) Next version possible updates: -Inventory for both the player and home planet. -Ores will actually give you ores when mined instead of being fake. -Asteroid System Omega V will actually have asteroids you can mine. -Collision damage will factor in speed. Meaning you might die if you are going to fast(or miss the solar relay catcher :P). -Coordinates system so you know where you are in relation to your solar system(your sun will be 0,0). Huge maybe(0%-25% Chance(This stuff will come sometime in the future tho)): -Ship Upgrades -Enemies -Planet Stats like population -Shop to sell ore -Money(i hope so cause selling ore...).
  9. I been wonderin this question after talking to salty about the sites current condition. So the questions: -What brought you to this site? -Why did you decide to make an account to post? -Why are you still here? --- What brought you to this site? I made a forum back in the day with a friend called RPG Crazy Creations. My friend was looking for affiliates and found this place. My site didnt work out very well(because it was a free host) so i decided to check out this place. Why did you decide to make an account and actually post? I wanted to get my stuff more known around communities and this was the most friendly community i could find. Other communities were way to big and all assholes to everything i posted. Why are you still here? Im still here becasue marked keeps me in his basement and forces me to keep up my posting quota to get fed each day. In all seriousness im here because i love this place. Its a nice small community with lots of freindly and helpful people. I have made many friends here and were friends in more places than here. If it wasnt for this site i wouldnt have met most of my friends. I mainly love helping people and showing off some of the stuff i make. This site is my internet home and i plan on keeping it that way till the site completely dies. Please post your answers below.
  10. Hey felix welcome back. I surely remember you. I usually remember everyone who has over 20 posts.
  11. Last person to reply to this will get a free copy of my game. People who spam will be disqualified. Time ends when my status is no longer on this page. http://www.mineclicker.net/

    1. ShinkuAura
    2. Polraudio


      Times running out Kitsuki

    3. Kitsuki


      GermanyXItaly1000, the GDU member. ;) Is he actually just a landmass that somehow developed a personality and signed up for an account? we will never know

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  12. Would have been quicker to just play with the speeds lol. I didnt know and it took me 1min to find out. Speed: 4 Freq: 6
  13. Welkome to Gee Dee U. I went to college also for game design and learned a few things. 95% of what i know about game development was self taught. If you are ever in need of game development advice feel free to hit me up.
  14. This is an old project that i was working on as a minigame to Mine Clicker. It might still be a minigame for the game but idk yet. Anyways the game is a 2d space game where you play as a ship and do nothing right now but fly around, mine stuff and thats about it so far. There are physics in the game so you can bump into stuff and watch your ship fly out of control while you hammer the shift button to get it to stop moving. Controls(not updated ingame): -WASD to move -Right Click to interact with mining asteroids and to access the menu for planet Zadune -Left Click to pew pew(pew pew noise not included yet) -Left Shift for brakes(known as inertial dampening) Features: -Planets will rotate around the sun like a real solar system -Mining of resources -Fun Ship physics -Bumping into asteroids -Finding the edge of the solar system -Reading features to make the game feel better than it is -MINIMAP! -Interacting with planets to barely do anything! -No AI(yet) -Noise from pols mouth to make the thruster sound Future Featuers: -More noises from pols mouth like ghzeeeeeee for the mining laser or kaboom for blowing up of things and maybe a tink for hitting into things -Inventory -More ores to mine -Enemies -Proccessing of ores -Planetary management -Ship upgrades and modualr shit(thats right not modular ship i meant shit but in all seriousness i meant shit damnit it meant shit omg stop it fingers. SHIP there we go.) -WAY bigger solar system and prob more than 1 -Put up outposts, bases, space stations, hookers/stripclubs, bars, and other stuff -Police that will scan your cargo for illegal stuff like hookers, strip clubs, dildos, condoms, drugs, slaves, and etc.... -Badolice that will scan your cargo for legal stuff like thongs, ore, bars, dildos, drugs and silverware. -Dynamic economy based on supply and demand. Known Problems: -The game lies about a help button existing -No inventory to check your trunk -No menu for quitting the game(use F4 if you play in fullscreen to close the game or die and click quit) -Nothing really to do yet but its still cool to check out -No mining lasers -No pew pew sounds Happy space adventures....for the 5min this games worth playing right now. PEASE! Let me know what you thought about whats done so far. Pwitty pwease :cry: ? DOWNLOAD History: Dev V1.01 - 8/19/21 -Added Solar Relays and Catchers(prob really buggy in a fun way). -Locked FPS at 60 so computers don't die from using extra power that it doesnt need to. -Changed the particles for fuel and oxygen to feel a little more realistic. -Changed mining speed to be a little better. -Added Particles for the thrusters instead of a static image when thrusting away. -Added a blackhole ore that sucks you in and kills you if you get to close(Some bugs with the mouse over text that will be fixed in the next version). -Expanded space and added an asteroid system(not filled with asteroids yet) Next version possible updates: -Inventory for both the player and home planet. -Ores will actually give you ores when mined instead of being fake. -Asteroid System Omega V will actually have asteroids you can mine. -Collision damage will factor in speed. Meaning you might die if you are going to fast(or miss the solar relay catcher :P). -Coordinates system so you know where you are in relation to your solar system(your sun will be 0,0). Huge maybe(0%-25% Chance(This stuff will come sometime in the future tho)): -Ship Upgrades -Enemies -Planet Stats like population -Shop to sell ore -Money(i hope so cause selling ore...). Dev V1.0 - 8/18/2015 -First public release Source Agreement and Download: Note: My code is probably very very messy and confusing so good luck XD [spoiler=Source Download and Agreement]> I will not try to profit from this. > I will give the creator(Polraudio) credit in someplace noticeable. > If i upload or link a project made with this source i will leave a link to this topic. > I understand that the creator has no obligation to help with problems i may have. > GDU is the place to be. Download: By clicking the download link you agree to the above terms https://www.mediafire.com/?x6p4fy8ucoxfu08
  15. Got a derpy space game ill upload once i get up. Well its hardly a game yet but is sowly getting there.

  16. Got a derpy space game ill upload once i get up. Well its hardly a game yet but is sowly getting there.

  17. Got a derpy space game ill upload once i get up. Well its hardly a game yet but is sowly getting there.

  18. And stream is over.

    1. Polraudio


      What did you miss? some 3D modeling of some rooms/items and cool lighting for furnaces.

  19. Live Mine Clicker development for anyone who is interested. My friend shane is working on the game currently.

  20. ~Topic close requested by topic creator.
  21. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    banned for banning someone incorrectly and banning someone in the spam forum where spam is allowed.
  22. Dont reply to this status

    1. zahraa


      You know we enjoy doing it because we're forbidden from it :) *runs away*

    2. Kushito
    3. Bob423


      D...did you just post a reply with no text?

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  23. LARGE STORY TIME! This will be about my entire history of game development and where i stand now. For me it started a long time ago. It all started in 1994 when i was 4. I use to watch my dad play final fantasy 3(actually 6) for SNES and thats when i got really interested in RPG's. I will never forget that RPG since its the very first RPG i have ever seen and always told myself that i wanted to be a game maker. When playing games i always thought about what could make the game better and that i could make a better game. Then a few more years went buy and my mom bought a computer. I didn't even know how game design worked at the time because i never really used a computer before besides using MAC in school and thought games were made on the console lawl. So after my mom bought a computer we finally got dialup and i was so excited because i didn't know much about this internet thing. I looked up how to make an rpg game and came across rpg toolkit and decided to give it a go. It was fun at first but then i got into the advanced stuff. Every fricken thing required this thing called rpgcode and man was it so confusing that i gave up on my dreams of becoming a game designer because it was so hard to make anything good without programming. As time went by i tried it again then discovered rpg maker 2000 and fell in love with it besides the shitty battle system. I got use to it and discovered that there is this thing called rpg maker 2003. I loved it even more because it had the battle system that i always seen in the RPG's that i played before. So i started creation on a game called The Legendary Swordsman. The game was going well but back then i didn't want to show any my creations because i knew for a fact that it wasn't good enough for the public. Then a year later rpg maker xp releases and i tried out the trial and loved it even more than all the other makers i tried before. Sadly my trial ended and so did my game creation.... till i discovered this thing called RPG Maker XP PK Edition. I continued using the illegal version of rpg maker xp for a few years and loved every single moment of it since there was so much to learn and this thing called scripts where i can change whatever i want. Sad part is i didnt know anything about scripting and was turned off by it because it was complex, looked scary and i was scared to break something. I finally tried my hand at scripting in a new project because why the hell not. The worse that is going to happen is i delete the project and start another one. So about 40 projects later i finally started to grasp what scripting was all about. How i started was doing simple things like changing text to funny stuff like Equipment to Strap-ons and stuff(i was really immature back then). Then i finally got into more advanced stuff like adding the gold and steps windows to Scene_End. Then i learned how windows worked and how to make my own custom stuff just by playing around and editing the defaults. I finally got old enough to afford my own stuff and had my own bank account with a debit card and FINALLY bought rpg maker xp. I must have used rpg maker for many more years after i bought it becoming a master at it. Then rpg maker vx and ace come out and fucked things up making me stick with rpg maker xp even more. Then i discovered clicker games like Cookie Clicker and got addicted then i got sick of clicker games being all the same, click this 1 resource then buy upgrades to get more of it. I decided i wanted to make my own and add more gameplay elements than your standard clicker games. I came up with ideas that i wanted like more than 1 resource, skills like mining, smithing, crafting, woodcutting, combat. I soon discovered that rpg makers limitations are not going to cut it for what i need. From what i seen rpg maker only supported ints that wont go past the billions. Keep in mind that i still don't really know coding at all and its June 2014. Since rpg maker wouldn't fit my game creation needs anymore i got into unity and finally learned coding. I started by trying to make a bitcoin clicker game called Cryptomatic but that didn't go very well but it was a good learning experience. Then in august i think 2014 i started work on a clicker game with various types of items, and skills that needed to be leveled up to unlock more items. This game is called Mine Clicker. The main goal of Mine Clicker is to make a game people will remember and change clicker games forever. Mine Clicker is where i truly learned how to code.I thought coding was going to be hard because i had such a hard time doing anything in rpg maker. Once i started to code it was so easy. It was way easier than learning how to code in rpg maker because i didn't have to worry about dumb API and method shit and learning someone elses code. If you think coding is way to hard in rpg maker please stop and try to learn real coding in something like unity. Trust me learning coding from nothing is easier than learning with something like rpg maker. Now that its 2015 and i been using unity for a year and id say i learned more in the past year than in the past 10 years with rpg maker. rpg maker was holding me back from learning game development like it should be learned and done. TL;DR? Come on man seriously i spent all that time and your going to read the short version. You are so lazy. Basically i got inspired by games in general. Longer story short i want to make games better than they are and push game development to the next level. TL;DR the TL;DR? Ok for you ultra lazy people ill keep this short. Games.
  24. You were so crazy that it killed you. Thats why your a ghost.
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