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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I got both the 1st month they came out.
  2. I understand it a lot more that other tutorials. Im going to look over your script and rip it apart a little and learn from there. Thanks Leon. If i have any questions i will be sure to ask.
  3. Cool a In The News forum. This might get used lots.
  4. Hard to say. Where is that Kiriashi gone to?
  5. Sorry it was late guys. I just fully got internet yesterday. People to vote for: - Kiriashi - Polraudio Winners: -Polraudio Reward: PM me with 2 colors you want for a windowskin.
  6. Cool. Cant wait to learn about Arrays and Hashes.
  7. I would like to be a tester. What kind of scripts you looking for?
  8. Touches me very much. I should say that to people cause they try to do them things to me. People always want me to do things their way when i know my way works just as good. This is very good. This made me think about lots of things. Thanks for taking your time in writing this.
  9. Hey welcome to RMXPU. If you need help just ask. I'm always glad to help in any way i can.
  10. Cant wait to play it. Maps look great. But your swamp needs to be less straight.
  11. I was bored and tired when i took it.

  12. I hope everything works right. *Crosses fingers hoping forum don't break*
  13. Can you make an easier tutorial on how hashes and (dang what was the other one?) works. I tried the tuts at Creationasylum but they dont give good examples. I want a better way to store data for my scripts instead of using variables.
  14. Same thing i do with my maps.
  15. This looks like it would be a very very fun game. Im so getting it when it comes out.
  16. This sounds like a good idea but it would be very hard. But worth a shot. Ideas: 4 layers instead of 3(Getting sick of 3, not enough room) Pixel movement option. All i have for now.
  17. I swear i posted something here. O well. Happy early birthday Formlesstree4.
  18. Thanks, and Take your time. I know your busy with lots of other things.
  19. We should use RMXP's Battlers. EDIT: you need to provide proper credit so any random pic off of google wont work.
  20. Im sorry but this person has not been back in a year.
  21. Now you ruined the movie. Im not going to watch it now and im never going to buy it. Im going to jump of of a cliff now. Just Kidding. Yea it looks like it would be a good movie. Cant wait to watch it.
  22. Happy birthday joey. Here is some cake. Everyone enjoy. EDIT: I leveled up your card for your birthday.
  23. It wont let me edit my Profile Information. Every time i submit it i get the error.
  24. Welcome. What kind of stuff do you do in RPG Maker?
  25. Hey Hey Hey.... Look what the dog dragged in. Welcome back man.
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