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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I tried to do the battlers but Fail keeps popping up. For some reason they don't want to recolor right.
  2. Yup. It will always be open. Current Pic: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/9356/unlimitedmembers.png
  3. Everyone Please stay on topic and avoid spamming. Current Pic: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/9356/unlimitedmembers.png
  4. Mapper. I can map modern day stuff. I hope.
  5. ~Closed~ 2 people this month not bad.
  6. Nice. Like the updates. Icons make everything easier too. Cant wait to start adding some scripts in with the new submitter once its in there.
  7. I do admit it did happen to me a few times.
  8. Me. I'm straight. Dont know what else to say. Whatever anyone else is im cool with it. Like the old saying goes "Be who you want to be"
  9. There is one way around this. Get on internet when opening RMXP. I never had problems with vista on any computer when i tried RMXP. All you need is internet and bam should work. 1% chance of it failing. Lol didnt see that down there.
  10. Polraudio

    Your Pics

    No offense but You remind me of... me. The only computer looking person in the group Your good at bowling. Only 1 pin left. I suck at bowling.
  11. Yes the Cake is a lie. Welcome to RMXPU my friend. If you need any help fell free to ask.
  12. The lag has gone away for me. Like the new ideas and features. Now i can see how many messages i have waiting without entering the forum. Easier for people who are in a rush. Cant wait for the new script submission system. I definitely love this awesome idea. Time to bring back my idea of Personal Pages. Each member gets a page they can deck out with html or something along them lines.
  13. Polraudio


    Yea. I wonder if Leon would know why my images are under the menu.
  14. Polraudio


    I have very limited internet so i cannot stay on long enough to give you the script and its not finished yet. Im having problems with displaying images over the windows. It keeps going under it.
  15. This sounds like it would be fun.
  16. Polraudio

    VX Question.

    I only have limited internet at the moment but i know there is a XP to VX project somewhere. I had it but lost it. But i know there is one. Maybe Nisage can find it for you. He knows how to google.
  17. This is very good. Good job at it.
  18. Yup you may. I was going to do him(Sounds wrong) but sure.
  19. I loved mine. 1st hour = 10min exam 100% 2nd hour = 10min exam 100% 3rd hour = No exam(Went Home) Day over Next day 4th hour = 30min exam 89% 5th hour = No exam(Played on Laptop all hour) 6th hour = 5min exam 10 questions, Read passage and answer questions Went home graduated the next day. Very easy finals. I actually did all exams in one day and stayed home the next day.
  20. That would be a sweet one Formelesstree Love my card see..... Well Kiriashi you better not go into defensive mode or you will lose 1000 life points. Wahahaha!
  21. Sounds interesting. I will give it a try. Here comes lots of visible commands.
  22. June Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -Kiriashi -Polraudio
  23. Ok i just thought of something that would be fun to do. Im going to be testing my skills in menu systems. If you want to request a menu system draw a layout of it for me and i will try my best to do it. Now, i wont be able to get to everyone so first come and 1st serve. I cant guarantee anything but i will try everything in my power to do it. Must be for RMXP.
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