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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Polraudio


    I will see if i can find one.
  2. I would play this. I play all sorts of games. Graphics don't bother me.
  3. I think you know what one i want. If you Dont Know
  4. Polraudio


    How many crystals are there?
  5. Polraudio

    question & help

    Yup. Try the script and let me know how it works.
  6. Polraudio

    question & help

    Yea that would be a Side-View battle system then. I have a favorite one i use all the time. http://www.creationasylum.net/forum/index....showtopic=13724
  7. Here is the girl. The battlers are kind of hard to do, but i will try my best.
  8. Polraudio

    question & help

    So your looking for a Side-View battle system?
  9. Yay Leon is back. I can come up with some crazy ideas for scripts and game ideas for ya.
  10. I wouldn't mind learning more about scripting. Leon is the reason i got into scripting and keep pressing forward. The easiest tutorials i found to follow.
  11. Oops im very very sorry. I was rushing things. Here is one of the guy. I got the scarf as dark green as i can. I hope its good. I will get the girl and battlers once i wake up.
  12. 1st one 2nd one Battlers will be coming soon.
  13. Polraudio


    I might be able to script the menu if you draw a layout of it.
  14. I forgot to mention. If you need help with scripting or scripts in general ask me. And people stay on topic please.
  15. I only have one question(Maybe). Do you want it to where you cannot go to the menu at all. i mean throughout the whole game cause there's many ways i can do this and i dont want to mess up something you need.
  16. I remember you. Welcome back. cant wait to see some of your game.
  17. This will require lots of scripting. and for the online part, i don't know if you can do it.
  18. This is nice. Sorry i didndnt reply earlier.
  19. I love this game. Cant wait to play more.
  20. Polraudio


    Haha i got out on May 22nd hahaha. I win more.
  21. Well welcome to RMXPU. Dont worry about questions. Questions are good, it keeps the place going.
  22. Polraudio

    Your Pics

    Nice try. Didnt even have to click on the link. Im going to have to come to Washington and take one of you.
  23. Well, i hope to see you around. You will be missed very much. :(
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