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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Welcome to GDU Stanley :) Bob
  2. Don't drink and code or else you may go out of the line and make an error somewhere.

    1. ShinkuAura


      I wish you told me this earlier.

    2. Bob423


      He posted this status before you did that lol.

    3. Bigace360
    4. Show next comments  63 more
  3. *Cough* Pol get golden cog? :P *Cough*
  4. August & September Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: Contributor: @drago2308 Misc.: @Omar510 --- Didn't forget this time :P
  5. Welcome to GDO....i mean welcome to GDU XD
    1. Marked


      Lol that sux 4 u guys. Not sure about the plan of action

    2. Bob423


      I've said this before: "Why isn't it .net?"

    3. Marked


      should be .org really.. although .net would be the way to go. .net domains are cool.

  6. in vanilla you can fast travel while on a horse and over encumbered. i usually raid the dungeon, put all the stuff outside by my horse, when im ready to go i grab all my stuff, get on the horse and fast travel to a town. Not nearly as good as a wagon but its something.
  7. I had that exact problem except i actually talked to her in person and not over the phone. Over the phone was your problem and taking it to slow as friends. You got put in the friend zone just like i did. I use to hang out with her all the time trying to get he to like me and realize i had feelings for her. I made the mistake by not trying to date her earlier cause she ended up with someone else and thanked me for being there for her. It happens to us all and is hard to get over when it happens. She may seem like she is the one and you really want her to be the one for you but the truth is that she isnt. Best to just keep pressing on and find someone else. When the time comes you will find the one. Just keep doing what you love and a girl just for you will come along(or a guy if your a girl(advice for everyone)).
  8. The only 4 things i dislike about skyrim. 1: The UI completely sucks. Can be fixed with the awesome SkyUI http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/? 2: The game is way to easy on hardest dificulty. Can be fixed with harder mods(to many to list) 3: No spell making. once again can be fixed with mods. theres an awesome mod that adds a whole voice acted story, new lands and stuff to get to the spell making altar. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49032/ 4: The enchantments have to many limits. once again can be fixed with mods. Id say skyrim was a masterpeice. If theres something you dont like you can just mod it to fix what you dont like and can add a bunch of more stuff. If you dont have a PC to play any of the fallout/elder scrolls games im telling you that your missing out BIG TIME! If you havent tried out this mod yet you should cause it makes the game feel completely different and new. can easily add another 100+ hours. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33017/? NOTE: If you ever want the game to be super easy and no enemy a challenge no matter what level you are google around for the weapon windshear. its truly the ultimate weapon as it stuns the enemy almost on every hit(any enemy).
  9. I would like something like what the profile shows for steam. that updates instantly. the sec i went offline it said i was offline here. any way you could make a bbcode or some html we can put in our sig to display that?
  10. Nice. Bug with it tho. when you click on the drop down then click somewhere not on the dropdown the menu goes poof. this works for games also.
  11. Ill sign I, Omar hereby assign all of my interests, rights and benefits absolutely in my soul to Game Dev Unlimited in consideration of -∞ GDU points. I warrant that I have sound mind as required under law in making this transaction power of attorney over my affairs sole legal title over my soul not got any encumbrances over my soul not done any act or omission that may invalidate this transaction not supported Omar's bid to become a GDU moderator Omar (signature) Polraudio (witness signature) Ill surely join in this contest.
  12. When is the end date? Cause i wont really be able to focus on it till the weekend.
  13. If this doesnt give away what im working on i dont know what will. http://i.imgur.com/NNtJ9ME.png

    1. Bob423


      I know what will. Actually just telling everyone what it is. I know what it is, but still.

  14. 14. PLEASE change the first post to what the rules are. cause im seriously damn confused on the rules. and i bet others are. it seems like the rules for this game were rushed and not much thought put into it. sorry Ultim1337Gamer, you got to start taking more time on things and thinking it fully through for every outcome.
  15. OMG i remember this. I could never make it past 3 maps lol
  16. 19....Hurry up bob i cant play this role forever :P
  17. Polraudio Attack 1000 Def 500 Special: When a ban hammer card is in play the monster type Polraudio kills cannon attack till the ban hammer is destroyed(this counts for all players). If another monster type is killed that type takes the place of the old type. Ban Hammer Prevents a monster type from attacking. Whatever type of monster Polraudio kills can no longer attack. EX: If Polraudio kills a dark type all dark types on both sides can no longer attack when this card is in effect.
  18. Sorry but i choose number.........drum roll.......15
  19. Then change the rules lol cause with all this spam its hard to keep track of whats not in the rules. 10
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