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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Check out my concept so far. All made in unity.

  2. This isnt a game nor will be, it will be a mode in my mine clicker game. This is by far not complete in any way or even close. If you wish to check it out please do as the link is below. http://www.mediafire.com/download/dewh4ytdihe50h3/ManagementModeConcept.rar I have tons more planned. The ability to hire workers and see them working. Skills will be Mining, Smithing, Crafting, Farming, Hunting, Woodcutting, Accounting(Maybe), and Management(For workers and not you). You will be able to build buildings on hot spots to further increase your capacity to do stuff, store items.....so yea thats not even everything thats planned. Enjoy and comment what you think of this very early concept, expect bugs.
  3. Yea but this community is usually good with this kind of stuff. The system for this is designed correctly so its going to be accurate for the most part. someone spamming isnt going to beat someone who is actually contributing lots.
  4. They seem accurate to me... then again the system just reset the year this month.
  5. Don't see why file size is an issue. As long as its under 20gb i think you will be perfectly fine. Personally id say keep it all to one game unless they are long like 8+ hours for each chapter... then split it up.
  6. Congrats to the top 3 members who have been awesome for the month of January. Good luck in February everyone :thumbsup: .
  7. Heyo Raniero, welcome to GDU. You came to the right place for help :) Its best to start small and work your way up.
  8. ~Topic Moved To RPG Maker XP Requests~
  9. Game is getting so close to release. Game should be finished sunday and testing should start monday :D

    1. Polraudio
    2. FleshRenderStudios


      I want the first copy lol :p got my money waiting :p

    3. Polraudio


      Testers will get the game monday to test throughout the week. if your interested in testing/reporting me your tests message me sunday on steam when you see me and ill add you to the list.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  10. Believe it or not but i didnt really start learning to code till i got into JS in Unity.

    1. Bob423


      Same (I'm sure you knew this). My web design class didn't teach much actual coding and I'm sure we both agree that we hardly learned any RGSS. I haven't done as much as you, but I'm headed in the same direction as usual :P

  11. From my understanding they will allow you to stream both ways. I also heard they might be allowing people who have windows 7 to upgrade to windows 10 for free. One dumb thing but not set in stone yet so dont quote me on this. They are going to have a games for windows live replacement thing buttt...... you can only use it if you have and are paying for xbox live. I dont see it going well with steam being free and all so i doubt they will be doing it. If anything it will welcome console gamers to the pc master race. IMO i dont see anything bad going to happen with any of this stuff they are doing.
  12. GV.CraftingExp += (GV.AddyOreExp+(GV.CoalOreExp*8))*100*GV.Crafters*PrestigeUpgrades;

  13. At first when i tried windows 10 many months i wasnt impressed at all. but looking at it now im impressed(still havent tried it in many months). Cant wait to see what it becomes.
  14. Hmmm... Hard to say since i havent ran into this problem before. Do you still see the bios aka where it shows the logo/brand of the computer on startup or does it not display after it says starting windows? How many watts is your power supply?
  15. I recently discovered this today and OMG its amazing. You have to check out this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&x-yt-cl=84359240&v=aThCr0PsyuA https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&x-yt-cl=84359240&v=aThCr0PsyuA Just imagine all the awesome stuff you could do wish this. 3D modeling would be made very easy as you can just model over a real object.
  16. If anyone is interested in a twitter like thing for gamers you can join here. its invite only so join while you can. http://player.me/?invite=polraudio

  17. You can do anything in JS with limited knowledge. It will look the same to the user either way. The only difference is behind the scenes and efficiency. When i first started JS in unity my script for 1 thing would be like 1000 lines, now its about 100 and does the exact same thing. The user sees no difference on their end. JS is very easy to learn once you start using it. The main thing you will be using is and if statement. if(Apples >= 2){ print("You have enough apples"); }else{ print("Not enough apples"); } if(Apples >= 2 && Pears >= 4 && Oranges >= 1){ print("You have enough fruit"); } For beginning thats about as complex as it gets. Its all about logically thinking and using the unity documentation to see what code does what. Its the same thing as doing events except you have to type it out instead of just clicking on what you want to do. If this happens, what happens? is what you will be asking yourself alot when coding. I made some complex scripts in my time. I once made an inventory script that was a grid. When you collect items they get put in your inventory in the order they are collected. You can also right click on the items to drop them on the ground then you can pick them back up if you wanted. Coding is one of those things thats really easy once you get started. People are just to scared to try it because they think it will be hard. With an attitude like that it will be hard :P. Coding is no different than learning how to use the event system in rpg maker. If you ever want to get into JS coding with unity just post a script you have somewhere and ill try to help you out with learning how to make it more efficient and get you better at coding.
  18. Everything is still working as it should. I just completed it just fine. Cant give you hints more than everything works like it should. The next clue for people who finished already will be posted later today(if you havent finished you wont know how to solve it so dont expect it to be like oh im just going to start there :P).
  19. Wow you are good lol. I didnt expect anyone to get that last one. Ill post the next clue tmr sometime to give others a chance to catchup.
  20. The rules are very simple. First person to the finish line wins. I will not be giving clues to what stuff means or how to solve stuff. That you will have to figure out yourself. Person who wins will get a whopping 500 RMU points from me personally. When you get to the end you will know what to do because it will tell you. Good luck everyone. Here is your first clue. Happy clue trails. 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110000 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01100010 01101001 01101110 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01100101 01110111 01000010 01110000 01110010 01001110 00111000 01100011 Please dont post answers here. You may say how far you gotten or if you are joining in on the hunt. If you are confused and dont know what any of it means PM someone who may know that has joined the hunt(That doesnt mean me because i wont help you).
  21. WOOT! Thank you very much :D
  22. I could if i really tried but id rather finish these games first. Graphics isnt my strongest point so to make a "great rpg" id be able to pull it off with shitty graphics lol. Id give myself a 7/10 for my skills in unity. Time is all it takes. Its not if it can be done, its how it can be done. Once you get into that coding mindset all the systems and stuff become easy to code. The coding is the biggest thing you will need to learn. If you can think logically it will be really easy for you to learn. As long as you start with JS it will be really easy. In order for you to learn you need to be willing to learn. Dont think you can just pickup unity and learn everything in a week(in rpg maker you can learn everything in a day or two). I think the biggest turnoff for unity is that there is so much to do. You have to make every graphic, every system, and building worlds is easy but so tedious for 3D where rpg maker just hands you all the stuff for you to play with. Both my games are going to be commercial and if they sell well i plan on making a small studio for game dev. If you are willing to learn and can show that you are capable of working well in unity i may have a job for you if i make enough $ to hire people. I got lots of great ideas id love to come to life but dont have the manpower or artistic skills to make it come alive. sorry for rambling on and on, im in a rambling mood lol EDIT: Wow my posts are all over when i ramble lol.
  23. From my experience with unity over the past 8 months ill list the pros and cons i have discovered. Pros(No order): -Editor Extensions!!! -Easy to use once you get use to it -Assets store for easily finding free and paid resources -Can sell resources on the assets store easily -Can sell a game made with the free version of unity -Everything in the pro version can easily be made in the free version(you wont really need pro for anything unless your looking to make a big budget game) -The free version isn't limited in terms of features and the only differences are features you wouldn't really use -Nearly no tile limit, and unlimited layers -Unlimited maps/scenes -Documentation is well done and you have full access to it offline. -Coding is really easy to get into and use to(Javascript is the easiest language to use and i highly suggest it) -Animator -LOTS of support -A REAL game development engine -Not limited to a certain FPS -Will rarely run into limits -Supports every standard audio, graphic, and model filetype -Has sprite slicer so you can use sprites made in any format -Physics/gravity built in so no need to code physics/gravity -Can make a game for any platform unlike rpg maker where you are stuck with windows. -Custom resolution and graphic settings -Can make games and port it to web with no extra effort -Can easily make an online game Cons(No order): -Takes a while to get use to everything -No easy way to place tiles if working on a tile based game(you can use this cool tool to make maps) -Have to code everything yourself except movement as that's included in the standard assets. -No save system included but there's a very nice free one available -Everything isnt handed to you on a sliver platter like rpg maker. -1.25gb download(sucks for people with bad internet like me) -Doesn't have modeling in the engine but why should it lol. I got a good voxel modeling program if you are interested. If you dont know what a voxel is its a 3d pixel. Its just like building in minecraft. I could go on all day but these are the main features that make me happy to use unity. Not really many cons because theres not much that is bad. All the cons are a time thing. If you are not willing to spend at least a few hours into unity every day to learn it then its not for you. I spent usually around 4-8 hours a day on unity. My far fav feature is the editor extensions. You can make your own ui and tools for for stuff. If you wanted you could actually code everything RPG Maker has and make rpg maker in unity its self. I haven't played with it myself but i seen some very awesome stuff. A very interesting fact is that you have 999,997,000,002,999,999 cubed units to use per map/scene. You could actually have maps 1,999,998 x 1,999,998 if you were to set each object to be 1 pixel per unit. by default its 100 pixels per unit so if kept at default you should be able to get maps as big as 199,999,800 x 199,999,800. thats using 32x32 tiles thats not counting the height. with height you can expect to make at least 100 full games in 1 map/scene lol. Also combine that with unlimited layers and WOW! If this was helpful in opening your eyes up to what unity has to offer let me know. If anyone has any questions about what unity can and cannot do ill be glad to answer any questions.
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