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Everything posted by Leon

  1. Another scripter. Interesting. Welcome.
  2. Just pisses me off, man. Worse yet, them and playstation push the blame back and forth as to whose fault it is for the missing DLC. Who the hell cares? Replace it, and call it good.
  3. Leon

    Wyzrd & Ark

    The company a man keeps says alot about him.. and these two are two of my best friends. What's this say of me?
  4. Okay, a small rant, and if anyone could help, I would appreciate it. But I am so pissed off at companies like Activision! I got my ps3 in Feb, and got Marvel: Ultimate Alliance recently. HOWEVER! I cannot play as Psylocke, one of my fav characters, or any of the other DLC characters because Activision didn't feel like payin' the rental fee of the servers to allow ppl to continue to download it! The only way I can get it now, is if someone who has the DLC gives me their PSN sign in and password. Ain' that some shit?
  5. :blink: When did pokemon become so... complicated?
  6. For those of you who do not know, Wyzrd was one of the original legends. Though he wasn't that great with RmXP, he was a great morale booster for the site.
  7. And if he leaves again, I know where he lives...
  8. The Master of the Mic, the Sultan of Song... Wyz! Welcome back man.
  9. Happy birthday, man. Had I not burned my stash, I'd have mailed it to ya. Sorry, man.
  10. Another victim. Excellent.
  11. Who are these mods that actually are active? I mean... I may not post often, but I police atleast once every 2 days. As for a solid staff, [sarcasm]Try oak, or cherry. both are very sturdy. [/sarcasm] You should go with people who are active, yes... but also look at how well you can trust them, and if they'll abuse the power.
  12. is it even possible to do that w/ a DS?
  13. It was more of an action/rpg (more on the action than rpg) sidescroller, but Faxanadu for the NES would make an excellent remake.
  14. It is hard to see the forest through all the trees. Now, if you want to fight for her, start. I don't know how, since I know nothing of what you two do together or whatnot, but if you are willing to fight, give it your all, and you'll regret nothing.
  15. Deca, It will end up being a lot like yours. They say America is free... well, it is slowly turning away from that.
  16. Leon

    Easter Rant

    I can kind of see where you are coming from. Next time Easter rolls around, I'll spread strawberry jam in the grass and tell the kids in the daycare i work at to go find Jesus.
  17. I don't watch anime, but I have two catchphrases from prime time I enjoy, though one isn't really a phrase, first up: House M.D: House's NCIS: Gibb's Headslap
  18. I thought people would enjoy this news... lol
  19. I honestly saw no humor here. I'm not dogging the clip or anything. I just didn't find it funny.
  20. @formless: Unless the Republican's Hail Mary pass makes it, the bill is as good as passed. Also, some parts start immediately (the taxes, the care for children, and college students on parent's healthcare til age 26, etc), but others (easier medicaid for adults, adults cannot be turned away for preexisting conditions, etc) don't kick in until 2014. @Crimson: I do find this as a kick in the head to every citizen who wants freedom. The problem is those who don't care are sitting on their hands. Just remember: 'The only way for evil to triumph is for good men [or women] to do nothing.' @franklin: A new president cannot change it, but a new legislation can. If the republicans campaign well, and the healthcare is proven more harm than good, then there is a good chance that this year will end with the House and Senate as Republican, and in 2012, if the presidency goes to a Republican, then the bill can be pulled before 2014. Some damage will be dealt (assuming the bill is bad), but not as much as if it does hit in 2014. That is assuming the bill does cause more harm than good, mind you. Now, me, personally, i LOVE some of the parts of this bill, but there are some major turn-off points for me: Unconstitutional, requiring people to buy something they don't want. (OMG we woke up in Russia this morning [That '70s Show. xD]) Bad Timing, as in with the unemployment rate at 9.(something)%, it is a good idea to cover them, but with the deficit where it is at... that is NOT good for the economy.
  21. Welcome. I hope you learn alot here. we are all willing to teach.
  22. Hey, i just did a search on 'rmxp' to ensure i no longer had the directdr virus, and in both yahoo and google, our site is listed second only to RMXP.org, who, in their headline lists they are no longer active. I thought it was pretty cool... Going from scratch almost what, 3.. 4 years ago to here? Sure, the engine is a dying breed, but we are one of the top. Congratulations are in order for the following who stuck through it from beginning to end: Polraudio Isaacsol Emily Ark (though he is seldom active, he is.) Wyzrd (he would be active if he could use rmxp. i talk to him oft) Kiriashi Joey and, of course, Marked. Further, to ensure nobody is hurt by that statement, the site is what it is thanks to all the active members we have had. Everyone from Agckuu_Coceg down to Zephyr, and everyone inbetween. Thank you everyone for keeping the site going.
  23. You think that's bad, Crimson? Experts predict some 700,000 jobs will be lost due to this bill (though they never specified how) And he is going on to immigration reform, which will, without doubt, increase the unemployment rate higher and lower wages.
  24. The bill is longer than a harry potter novel. As for paying for it, with the U.S. unemployment rate at 9.6%, and the deficit is like... 1.7 trillion or something like that, even a 22% income tax won't be enough. Further, most families are making ends meat as it is... increasing taxes is going to lower the quality of living, and increase the cost of living.
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