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evil cabbage

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Everything posted by evil cabbage

  1. I agree, the elder scrolls series is awesome, one of the best game series ever invented.
  2. I've noticed that a lot of people are using pirate hats on their avatars...... any particular reason why? Out of curiosity.
  3. evil cabbage


    I seem to be an alien here. I don't use any social networking sites..... (well.... except this one...... although this site is themed around development with RMXP/VX.)
  4. There is no method to add resources to the DB in real time, but you can submit resources (now with file uploading!) here I am hoping to change to a host with FTP access soon. Once I do, real time resource adding will be available.
  5. RMXP Pool v2 Beta 1 is completely different to V1 and is currently available here . Please note that this release was made by formlesstree4, not me and it is rather buggy at the moment (being a beta).
  6. Yeah, I know it really kind of sucked and I learnt from that day how to make better interfaces (and not to use stupid "homemade graphics".) For those who don't know, RMXP Pool has actually merged with Scrive and is being programmed by formlesstree4 in VB. I run the website and database.
  7. This is a patch for Windowskin Maker. It updates the RMXP utility to version 1.1. Soon, I will be updating the setup in the DM New Features: -Fixed a few bugs -All the help buttons now work -Added a "Share" button which exports your windowskin and opens the RMXPU windowskin section in the gallery in a browser window for you to share your windowskin. Downloads: >Box (I apologize for not using the DM, but it seemed a bit pointless to use it for a patch.)
  8. To be honest I really have to agree. Really, it's quite hard for a video game to make someone cry, compared to say a movie.
  9. I'm just wondering, has anyone found any bugs in my RMXP Utilities, because I'm planning to make a batch of updates soon. Thanks.
  10. Odd. I've never had such a problem. What were you trying to download?
  11. Normal Ideas: -Top 5 Most Popular Games -Top 5 Longest Games -Top 5 Most Downloaded Files -Top 5 Members with the most profile views -Top 5 PM Inbox Size -First 5 Members -The Top 5 Active Members (that is, those who are on the site the most, regardless of their post count or points.) Wacky Ideas: -Top 5 Closest to being banned -Top 5 Necroposters (the five who have made the most necroposts)
  12. Well, you can find a great bunch of scripts for this if you look around. If you can't be bothered getting a script, you can also do this with events.
  13. 1,642 downloads

    Okay, here we go again with another app. This program allows you to easily manage your RMXP Projects. The program alloows you to edit and play your projects from one interface. You can also change a game's title, refresh the database and scripts in a project, delete unwanted save files and copy the RGSS dlls into a selected project.
  14. That's okay. To be fair, it's not really your fault, it's Invision Board's
  15. Sorry about the .hqx extension. I think the download manager automatically adds it if your internet connection times out when you are uploading. Like Shiny said, just rename <filename>.exe.hqx to <filename>.exe in properties.
  16. I have finished my fourth utility for RMXPU (fifth if you count RMXP Pool v1). Program Name: Character Planner What it does: It allows you to plan the characters in your game and store them in a project. That way you can easily refer to the characters you made later when you actually go to make your game. Screenshots: Thanks to Kaylen for requesting this! Downloads: >Download From RMXPU Download Centre
  17. 1,941 downloads

    What this program does is it allows you to plan out the characters for your game and store the characters you make in a database, which you can refer to later. This program is similar to my other planning program called Storyline Planner.
  18. I get that sometimes when I am creating apps, but such occurences are very rare for me. This is why I don't use VB, because the apps are on a sort of "premade template", it is a clot harder to have bugs in your app and crashes are extremely rare, even in betas.
  19. The problem with addding more names is that for this program, I used a pre-made name generator object which I simply adapted. Unfortunately, it's impossible for me to add more names to it because of this.
  20. Okay, please note that this is quite buggy as I have only just started work on it. In concept, this app is similar to my Storyline Planner, except that it is for planning characters. Character Planner can also "sort of" work in conjunction with Storyline Planner. The way this works is that you create a character and then you create their "versions". Versions of a character represent the changes to that character over time. Character Planner can sort of be used with Storyline Planner because you can set between which plot points a character version is active for. For instance: Character -Version 1: From Plot Point "A to D" -Version 2: From Plot Point "D to S", etc As this is not really a proper release, I have attached the beta to this post in a .zip archive. Thanks to Kaylen for requesting this! Download: Character_Planner_Beta1.zip
  21. Thanks for the nice comments, Marked. I'm not sure if my setup creator actually allows you to do that, but I will certainly have a look (for future apps).
  22. Hello everyone! This is the third of the RMXP utilities that I plan to make. If you wish to request for an RMXP utility to be made, please see this thread. Program Name: Character Name Generator What it does: Well, it enables you to generate names for characters. You can select from the following for both first and last names: -European Male -European Female -European Last Name -Japaneese Male -Japaneese Female -Japaneese Last Name -Elf Male -Elf Female -Elf Last Name -Orc Name -Greek Mythology Name -Superhero Name -Company Name Screenshot: >Download From RMXPU Download Centrre! My next app is going to be a program similar to Storyline Planner that allows you to plan your characters, which was requested by Kaylen.
  23. 1,975 downloads

    This is a simple program that I made to generate names for characters. I know it's not as good as other name generators, but I thought I would give it a go. Also, besides names, you can also generate superhero and company names.
  24. Never mind. You have to change the file extension to .exe
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