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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. Enigma


    :excl: warning Inception approaching :excl: ZERIAB! *super duper special awesome huggles* I've missed you. :3 ANYWAYS, Noob, why aren't you using the poll feature? My vote is RMXP though. The poll feature isn't accessible for "Noobs" :D thats why i've never made a poll :( (BRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM) (BRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM) is my guess :ph34r: (BRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM)
  2. this is a conspiracy there is no way cake could get over 8999 votes THE CAKE IS A LIE!
  3. Pie because it the corner baked good of life
  4. Infinite Loop Sarcasm, the highest level of sarcasm. Also known at Quantum Sarcasm or Q.Sarcasm. Occurs when sarcasm surpasses double, triple, or even centuple sarcasm. This results in a quantum state of both sarcasm and sincerity. Even the user does not know which is which.

    1. madanchi
    2. Kiriashi


      Well that sounds REALLY logical. ¬.¬'







  5. Alright, Since you've been active enough to bump this thread I feel that this warrants a response. Unfortunately, there are two problems with your request; one is minor and one is major. The minor problem is that this is posted in the wrong section, which not only looks bad but could result in your request being ignored. People who fulfil requests look in the resource request thread not the game development discussion thread. I'm sure a mod who does there job effectively :shifty: , will move this to the right board soon. For any further resource requests please post them in this thread: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/71-resource-requests/ . If a mod does not move this thread, which would be a shock :biggrin_002: because they never slack off or go on 2 year vacations :nono4: then PM a moderator to move this to the appropriate thread. Even though they might appear to have nothing to do, they are in fact busy doing something which is so important it appears to be nothing and is in fact to convoluted for normal members to understand or even care about. :rofl: Now I do realize that this is becoming a long diatribe but, if you are really interested in finding ABS sprites, you will not complain about the length of said response and proceed to actually read it.Or continue reading it, but lets be honest chances are you skipped most of what I stated earlier, and I don't blame you, but hey I don't need ABS sprites now do I? :haha: . Now the second issue is that not many spriters are willing to even sprite for an ABS; I can attest to this for I am a spriter. ABS sprites tend to be requested a lot and not a lot get results or even such descriptive responses such as this =D . However, I digress. Your better of searching on google. Furthermore, the difference between ABS sprites and normal sprites is that ABS sprites have to cater to specific functions such as throwing motions or attacking motions unless you specify what exactly you are looking for help will do this to you :haha: and not even give you the time of day. Simply stating won't get you very far, you'd have better luck winning the lottery, which if you some how won you could use the money to pay a professional graphic artist to sprite abs sprites for you :rofl: or better yet hire a game design team or form a game design team/company to make a real game :jay:. You would have better luck learning how to sprite modify and modifying abs sprites of Arshes and Alice, which could provide you will all the boy and girl abs sprites you would ever need :yes: . As a note, this isn't a support forum for Rpg Maker XP, this is an rpg maker community so the more you participate the more likely people are to help you. You could post an introduction topic like my newbie friend, Achantion here or even a bloody status update ಠ_ಠ. I mean even if I didn't actually read his nor plan to read yours mainly because I don't like to read long things its the sentiment that counts. But lets be honest even if you become an active member and a well liked part of the community which is statistically improbable, a snowflake in hell would have a better chance than you would getting ABS sprites especially for free. ~_~ However, do not fret my friend, for the chances of you getting help for other less incredulous and egregious requests will definitely improve. ~Lizzie S :bye: P.S Thanks to our oh so diligent, overworked, underappreciated, saint-like dieties we call global moderators this board has a limited number of smileys and I had to resort to the less colourful but equally effective ASCII emoticons such as ಠ_ಠ or =D (but strangely none of :3 mainly because I didn't feel like it it(hah bet you didn't know I could go red inside a parenthesis(well your wrong(so there(we need to go deeper! ಠ_ಠ (BRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!INCEPTION)))))) which are less colourful but equally as effective as there colored smiley counterparts. =3 P.S.S Then again I could just color them like so ಠ_ಠ, but I really hate to color text especially the color red.
  6. Enigma


    Go to the database and select the tile that the map your house is on uses then select and empty tile(is transparent on map, is usually white) and make it impassable MAKE SURE THIS IS NOT THE DEFAULT EMPTY TILE(the tile to the top left corner) as this will make the entire map impassible with this blank impassable tile place it in the area of the house or wherever you want to keep the player from moving The thing is no matter how large the graphic for the event is an event can only actually take up one tile of space
  7. Participating in the forum project makes you cool. It also reverses global warming and saves 15 kittens per post. Forum Project has been shown to increase happiness in the world as community participation increases.

    1. Bob423


      then i wont participate :( i wub puppies

    2. kellessdee



    3. ProjectTrinity


      My projects come first. D':

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  8. Messed up my haircut -_-

    1. Marked


      lmao did u attempt a self-cut?

    2. Enigma
  9. Enigma


    it actually quite complicated, you would have to create a character set for the house I can tell you how but it is an extensive process Create a new map, with the tileset you plan to use for the house Make the house using the tileset and set this map to be where the player starts play the game, move your character away from the house press function + print screen to capture your screen Open your favorite graphic editor Select the house that you want to use and cut it make sure you pay attention to/note down the dimensions of the area you cut out its very important then start a new file in your graphic editor resize the image to the dimensions of the house you cut paste the house in Now, double the width of the image paste two houses touching edge to edge so that the image is not stretched but there are now two houses copy this image and double the width again now repeat the previous step; paste two of images of the double houses side by side You should now have 4 houses side by side now copy this entire thing and double the height of the image Now select the entire image and copy it, then double the height once more finnally paste the new image on top of each other you should now have 16 houses side by side save this image as a png now go back to rmxp and import this picture into the actors folder finally create your event and select the image you created as the graphic When you play the game, the single event should have the graphic of the entire house
  10. Disclaimer: As this is a community project, any is able to participate. It is impossible however for anyone participate in this project without contributing any ideas. In laymen's terms, if you want to put your input, then you must INPUT it in. In order to get the ball rolling there are two important issues that need to be addressed, the Game Name and the Story line; the story line being the more important of the two because the game name should describe the story line. Basically post which Genre of story you desire, a possible game name, a possible main character for the story, and a synopsis (minimum of 3 words :mellow: ) Note: You don't have to post all of these, just one is fine but try to make it make sense. Also you can combine two or more Genres Example: Decadent Nights Horror/Survival Action RPG/Fantasy Shura An insomniac paladin named Shura explores the dreams of a city in order to save his lover from death. OR You could Always vote for someone else's idea.
  11. I forgot the site name lol and I'm not lazy I'm just effort and work deficient :alright:
  12. I recommend using Blizz OS rather than Net Play because it has better performance, more support ,and is in english. Its also easier to set up. Google it because im to lazy to google it for you :alright:
  13. >> <_< This sucks.... HEY, I HATE TO BE THE TIE BREAKER SO CAN SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE VOTE Personally and professionally I vote for Rpg Maker XP I have both programs on my laptop, which is currently in repair but I simply have more experience working with XP, I prefer that editor. I'll be fine regardless seeing as I plan to work mainly on story anyway, and as an eventer I might as well learn VX. Furthermore even though graphics are aren't really an issue, I prefer RMXP style to RMVX's chibi style and the reality of it is even if we sprite new characters we don't have the resources/manpower yet to change the sprite style of an entire game. The way things are looking now, I would expect rtp style to be the style of the choice and since I prefer RMXP's RTP to RMVX's RTP I believe this is a valid reason to vote for XP. And while I do agree with Franklin and Marked about using this to increase the sites VX exposure, I believe that is going to take a lot more than that for us to compete with other vx sites like rmvxmaker.net which currently has a lot more active users than we do already. :unsure: FWI: From further investigation it appears that rmvxmaker.net is a RMVX only forum, in fact there are no other forums specific to any other game maker besides RMVX :mellow:
  14. Heck I do more than most staff members in teh way of helping ppls, when Im active at least :sweatdrop: I also plan to be a reviewer because I prefer that to teaching and stuff Although I am envious of the cool icons you guys have We should totally get an advance member group
  15. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :o Restarting the forums would slash our userbase and actually render our already somewhat dismally forum activity into something akin to the crab nebula, beautiful, cold and somewhat empty. A restructure/reorganization would be fine but restarting would make us appear similar to all those new up and coming rpgmaker forums, which are like protostars popping up in a dying galaxy. Rmxp is like our sun, reliable with a couple of years under its belt and stability. Trust me a forum migration can be a community killer especially around times of low activity. I know from experience.
  16. Yes, you can do this in both eventing and scripting, go with scripting for less lag especially with updating bars Yes, you can do this in events and every thing you can do in events you can script. For example a conditional branch based on the map ID could change the temperature inc/dec rate based on the ID of the map; For more specificity you can even use a conditional branch based on the terrain tag of a tile so that character temperature change will vary based on where said character is standing :rofl: I'll leave this to some one else cause I kinda skimmed over a bit :sweatdrop: In terms of implementation if you need a scripter ask Kellessdee or Lizzie_S just make sure you don't tell them I sent you :alright:
  17. This is a joke, air is good for you, don't take this seriously! If you don't breath, you will die.*Prolonged contact with air has been known to promote breathing, a deadly and incredibly addictive condition. Leading biologists believe it only takes 1 breath to become addicted.

    1. kellessdee


      Did you know that....

      Oxygen is the element responsible for causing "aging," and is thus what is killing us slowly?

  18. I would expect support on an Enterbrain Official forum to be of the same quality as they're technical and overall support :shifty:
  19. Enigma


    :angry: Sees links name "Better be about a cat" Clicks spoiler button :yes: That's what I thought

  21. few things sadder than a dead forum (not talking about rmxpu)

    1. Marked


      @Joey: still annoying

    2. Joey


      ...Want me to leave/change avatar to a non-Eureka pic? :3

    3. Enigma


      the forum im talking about the last status update post was made by me a month ago

      and then the next one was 4 months ago and there are no new posts this year

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