Alright, Since you've been active enough to bump this thread I feel that this warrants a response. Unfortunately, there are two problems with your request; one is minor and one is major. The minor problem is that this is posted in the wrong section, which not only looks bad but could result in your request being ignored. People who fulfil requests look in the resource request thread not the game development discussion thread. I'm sure a mod who does there job effectively :shifty: , will move this to the right board soon. For any further resource requests please post them in this thread: . If a mod does not move this thread, which would be a shock :biggrin_002: because they never slack off or go on 2 year vacations :nono4: then PM a moderator to move this to the appropriate thread. Even though they might appear to have nothing to do, they are in fact busy doing something which is so important it appears to be nothing and is in fact to convoluted for normal members to understand or even care about. :rofl: Now I do realize that this is becoming a long diatribe but, if you are really interested in finding ABS sprites, you will not complain about the length of said response and proceed to actually read it.Or continue reading it, but lets be honest chances are you skipped most of what I stated earlier, and I don't blame you, but hey I don't need ABS sprites now do I? :haha: . Now the second issue is that not many spriters are willing to even sprite for an ABS; I can attest to this for I am a spriter. ABS sprites tend to be requested a lot and not a lot get results or even such descriptive responses such as this =D . However, I digress. Your better of searching on google. Furthermore, the difference between ABS sprites and normal sprites is that ABS sprites have to cater to specific functions such as throwing motions or attacking motions unless you specify what exactly you are looking for help will do this to you :haha: and not even give you the time of day. Simply stating
won't get you very far, you'd have better luck winning the lottery, which if you some how won you could use the money to pay a professional graphic artist to sprite abs sprites for you :rofl: or better yet hire a game design team or form a game design team/company to make a real game :jay:. You would have better luck learning how to sprite modify and modifying abs sprites of Arshes and Alice, which could provide you will all the boy and girl abs sprites you would ever need :yes: . As a note, this isn't a support forum for Rpg Maker XP, this is an rpg maker community so the more you participate the more likely people are to help you. You could post an introduction topic like my newbie friend, Achantion here or even a bloody status update ಠ_ಠ. I mean even if I didn't actually read his nor plan to read yours mainly because I don't like to read long things its the sentiment that counts. But lets be honest even if you become an active member and a well liked part of the community which is statistically improbable, a snowflake in hell would have a better chance than you would getting ABS sprites especially for free. ~_~ However, do not fret my friend, for the chances of you getting help for other less incredulous and egregious requests will definitely improve.
~Lizzie S
P.S Thanks to our oh so diligent, overworked, underappreciated, saint-like dieties we call global moderators this board has a limited number of smileys and I had to resort to the less colourful but equally effective ASCII emoticons such as ಠ_ಠ or =D (but strangely none of :3 mainly because I didn't feel like it it(hah bet you didn't know I could go red inside a parenthesis(well your wrong(so there(we need to go deeper! ಠ_ಠ (BRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!INCEPTION)))))) which are less colourful but equally as effective as there colored smiley counterparts. =3
P.S.S Then again I could just color them like so ಠ_ಠ, but I really hate to color text especially the color red.