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Everything posted by Marked

  1. I have seen you on Shadow Destiny. I am staff there also. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited. If you would like to be welcomed, you can make an introduction topic
  2. This looks good. I'm going to download it now to take a look... I downloaded it, but it does not run on my computer. It says: Also, I will move this to the computers forum.
  3. I also this at the bottom of RMXP Underground. 5 out of 5 stars. You don't see that everyday. That reminds me, I need a downloads manager. Anyway, I would like to play this up-to-date version...looks like we have a pro game on our hands...
  4. Before you post your graphical resources, first upload them to the gallery. Then you can post the link from the gallery in a topic here, which saves you having to upload them elsewhere. Please credit the Author if the resources are not your yours, otherwise we will have to remove the images. You can find the appropriate category in the gallery here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/gallery/category/14-game-development-resources/
  5. It's sad? I never really thought it was sad, I did leave out a lot of information, but most people wouldn't think its important. I know you will not be able to be active...
  6. Marked


    Battler of an Ant.
  7. Marked


    A Battler of a Millipede
  8. Marked


  9. It's a relief to hear that many of you are happy with the new forum structure. That Academy will put in motion soon, looking at the votes, everyone wants it.
  10. General Rules -Use descriptive topic Titles -Make your request as clear as possible -Include all the details in your request, and be as descriptive as possible -Do not bump in under 48 hours -Credit all resources supplied to you. -Always be polite when making a request -Use proper English. No Chat speak is to be used. -Make a reasonable request. Do not ask for too many things at one time. For example, 200 sprites is not a reasonable request. When your request has been completed, report the topic to be moved to the resolved topics forum. References Battlers/Character sets/Face sets/Animated Battlers Tilesets Battlebacks Music WindowSkin[/url]
  11. Ok, thats fixed. I was rushing. Can you be more descriptive than Interesting? I would like the members comments on this.
  12. To increase the RPG Maker XP activity on the forum, and as well as being a unique forum, we have changed the forum structure. Below is the new and old forum structure, showing the changes made. Key: Categories Forums Sub-forums New Forum Structure Main Center -Announcements & News -Feedback, Suggestions & Forum help(Merged Feedback & Suggestions with RMXP Unlimited Support) -Contests & Events -Completed Contests -Greetings, Farewells & Birthdays -The Cafe -Debate Forum -Anger Area RPG Maker XP -General Discussion -RPG Maker XP Utilities & Enhancements -RPG Maker XP Support -RGSS Support -Resolved Topics -Resource submission & Requests -Resource Requests -User Submitted Tutorials -RGSS Tutorials -Script Submissions & Request -Script Request -Events & Event System Archive -Projects & Teams -Recruitment -Completed Games Other -The Design Studio -Storys and Literature -Graphics & Art -Music & Sound -Movies -Entertainment -Manga & Anime -Movies & tv -VideoGames -Music Discussion -Role Playing & Interactive Story Telling Old Forum Structure Main Center -Announcements & News -Feedback, Suggestions & Forum help -RMXP Unlimited Support, REMOVED -Contests & Events -Completed Contests -Advertising, REMOVED -Greetings, Farewells & Birthdays -The Cafe -Debate Forum -Anger Area RPG Maker XP -General Discussion -RPG Maker XP Utilities & Enhancements -RPG Maker XP Support -Resolved Topics -Resource submission & Requests -Resource Requests -User Submitted Tutorials -RGSS Tutorials -Script Archive -Script Request -RGSS Support, MOVED -Events & Event System Archive -Projects & Teams -Recruitment -Completed Games The Design Studio -Stories & Literature -Graphics & Art -General Discussion, REMOVED -Art Showcase, REMOVED -Graphics & Art Tutorials, REMOVED -Support Forum, REMOVED -Music & Sound -General Discussion, REMOVED -Music Showcase, REMOVED -Music & Sound Tutorials, REMOVED -Support Forum, REMOVED -Movies -General Discussion, REMOVED -Movie Showcase, REMOVED -Movie Making Tutorials, REMOVED -Support Forum, REMOVED Entertainment -Manga & Anime -Movies & tv -VideoGames -Music Discussion -Role Playing & Interactive Story Telling -Destiny's Star, REMOVED Other, REMOVED -Computer Help and Discussion, REMOVED -Programming & Scripting, REMOVED -Website Design, REMOVED -Internet, REMOVED There have been many forums removed, but really, many of them have just been compressed. I hope everyone is happy with the new forum structure, and I hope the RPG Maker activity picks up because of the new structure. All comments and feedback are welcome.
  13. I made a promise saying that if I ever returned that I will make the members here realize how important you were. Because from these posts, it makes you look like you were just a normal member, not knowing what affect you had. Well! Before I made this forum, and a couple of months after I discovered RPG Maker XP, I saw a topic made by Ravenclaw. It was for battler requests. So I made him a few battlers, and it felt good to help someone I guess. I was new to all this forum business at the time. So, it was probably Ravenclaw who influenced me into making a forum. SCMike and Blazinks came after the forum was made. I then asked Ravenclaw to become a moderator at RPGXP Unlimited. I remember thinking, I sure am glad I asked him to come. He helped me a lot back then. So, you can thank Ravenclaw for being here. Thank you for all the help Ravenclaw. I hope one day you will be able to return. Because I will be right here waiting for you.
  14. 3-October 06(The new forums is made) This is when I first started the new forum. With completely new members and posts. I didn't want to lose all of the data from the previous forums, but it would take up to four weeks to get the Database, so we had to start over. Things started ok, but then it started to go down hill. The forum was hacked by Arab Hackers who did not like Westerners, according to the page which replaced the forums. So every time I went on the forums, I had to fix the forums again. And again. The forums were hacked because the people doing it had access to the host. The host then decided to format its servers, and every account was deleted. This meant the forums were down, for two whole months. I could not restore RMXP Unlimited for two months, so I had nothing to do. That is when I visited the old test forum I made a while back. I needed to see if InvisionPlus would be picked up by Google faster(Didn't know how it worked at the time), so I made a forum there to see if it would. Well when i visited it again, I played around a bit, and made RMXP Ultimate. It was just a test, so I made an account, Neon, and got one or two active members. One of the first guys was Jake. I didn't know anything at all about him. But I sent him a PM saying that I was leaving for one month, and if he looked after the forum, he could have 50% of it when i returned. One month past, and I come back. Jake did ok with the forum, so I gave him 50%. RMXP Ultimate being on InvisionPlus, I couldn't do anything with it, that i could on invisionfree. So we moved to Invisionfree. Here I added a lot of features, and even made a website. Things were pretty good, and the forums were quite active. I made a banner and Advertised on Creation Asylum. That is where I picked up Advent Cloud. He was quite forward, and asked straight away to be a moderator, in fact, that was the first thing he said to me. I think he liked the forums, and wanted to help. So, Advent Cloud being the master advertiser he was, we soon picked up hundreds of members, and the forums blasted into life. This is also where i met Leon, and Dark Dragon, who play a big part in this also. By this time, I had Unlimited up again. So i had two communities, one as Marked and the other as Neon. I felt like I was lying to everyone, which i was, Ultimate just being an experiment for me, so I quite as administrator from Ultimate, and changed my username to Marked. Jake then gave Advent Cloud the position of Administrator in my place, and I bet he is over there right now working on the forums. 24-December 06(RMXP Unlimited is up again) I quite administration of RMXP Ultimate sometime on Jan 4 2007. So, I finally got RMXP Unlimited back up again. By this time, I was on my own. I had lost contact with Blazinks(Who disappeared on 20th December), SCMike, and Ravenclaw(The only staff member from RPGXP Unlimited). So I was on my own. I wanted to get the forums active, and fast, so I accepted any member who applied for a staff position. This caused problems of course. I had new staff, but they didnt do anything, I guess they thought that it wasn't a serious forum. But then a couple of friends came from Ultimate. Dark Dragon forced the link to the forums from me, and Leon found his way here. Things were going well from there on, posting was good, we were getting more members, and so on. 4-January 07(I make my last post on RMXP Unlimited) This is a bad day. One I would rather forget, I did something that you should never do on forums, and I paid the price. This changed the way I run and act on forums, and, everything really. Things will never be the same again. Even now. Well anyway, I give the forum to Leon that day. This was bad of me. He made a post on RMXP Ultimate sayhing that he had to go, because he was so busy. And then I go and give him a forum. I then leave all the forums that I was active at, and sort of disappeared myself. RMXP Unlimited stayed quite active, and SCMike and Wyzrd were made Administrators(Not root admins). I went to RMXP Unlimited and RMXP Ultimate as a guest, just to check up on things. At this time, more and more bots where coming. And tons of their posts and accounts were being deleted. Then one day something bad happens while a modification is being installed. When I visited RMXP Unlimited, there was a post saying what had happened, and all that they were starting again. Since I restored the old database to get things working in December, I knew how to work with database tables, and how 110mb.com worked, and luckily SCMike made a back up of the database. So I knew I could restore the database, and get things working again. 10 hours later, I got RMXP Unlimited working again. This is when things started going down hill again. I cant remember why, but for some reason, I had to do this again. Anyway, by this time, most people had given up on RMXP Unlimited. SCMike stayed of course, and with all the bots coming, things just got tiresome, well I assume, I was only a guest. Soon enough, there were no posts being made. 30-March 07(I ask Leon for Administration again) On this day, I told Leon I didn't want RMXP Unlimited to die, so I asked for administration back. And he told me he was 100% sure about this decision. I never saw it in my mind that Unlimited was going to die, it just couldn't. The effort that people have put in...I couldn't let that go, and that is why I asked him. I then moved the forums to a new account, to remove the bots, and have the new url. I then installed all the mods we had once before, including some new ones. This happened just a few days ago from the time I am typing this. I told Leon I could get the forums active, and that pretty much brings us to now. 6-April 07(Blazinks appears from no where) I was on MSN, then suddenly Blazinks starts talking to me. After 5 months, he suddenly appears. I tried to explain to him what happened while he was gone, but that didn't go that well. So I told him I would type up a quick summary of what happened. And that brings us to exactly what I am typing. And now I am left with what I have been trying to do for 11 months. I have failed to many times...but this time is different. 26-June 07(I give the forum to SCMike) I finally decided it was time to leave for good. I tried my best for over a year, and did all that I could. I was perfectly happy with the decision. SCMike was the most loyal member, and I knew he was a good administrator, so he was the obvious choice. The forums are here because of him anyway. I was confident the forums would do ok. 28-June 07(The forums move) Even with me no longer the administrator, there was still the problem of the forum being with my host. Noob saibot offered payed hosting, and a domain name. An irresistible offer. SCMike accepted. It was my job to move the forums. I had the forum moved and working, with all the redirects set up within a few hours. I then had no power at all over the forums. 7-July 07(Leon creates RM Galaxy) Leon got frustrated with what was going on here, so he decided to create a new forum called RM Galaxy. In the process, he takes the active RMXP Unlimited members. RMXP Unlimited starts to get more and more inactive. 10-September 07(Return of the originals) Dark Dragon, Demondaze, Ryanrulz and even myself come back to the forum all at around the same time. All past staff members. Dark Dragon makes a post demanding the members to become active again. This sort of sparked a reaction. The forum starts to slowly pick up in activeness. Like it has so many times before. Things are starting to look up again... 19-November 07(Another Start Over) The forums go down once again(This is late October), Noob Saibot(who supplied hosting and a domain name) had suddenly decided that RMXP Unlimited was dead, and he gave up on site. Removing our hosting and domain name, we are left with nothing. All the traffic coming through would be completely destroyed thanks to the domain name not working at all. Mid-November I goto SCMike and offer to restore Unlimited as an administrator. I setup the forums at the domain rmxp.trap17.com, a big downgrade from rmxpunlimited.com. I restored my trap17 account, and retrieved the database. After restoring the forums, and fixed almost everything and installed almost all the mods plus some extras in attempt to restore what we had lost. However there was still the problem of next to 0 traffic. The loyal members still at the Dev forums could make it through, and i sent out bulk emails to old RPGPX Unlimited(Invisionfree forum) memebers, and setup redirects at all my 110mb.com accounts(Theres a few). With RMXP Unlimited nearly wiped out once again, I am back to restore it. Although i am unable do anything for another 2 weeks, as I have final exams. Infact I have an exam in 3 hours as im writing this. Things look dull at the moment, but i will try to get the forum active once more. 6-December 07(First signs of activity) I have started to selectively advertise the site, and it seems to be working. From no posts for the last week, 13 new members register in the last 48 hours as well as 60 posts made. Google has been at the site for three days, indexing over 5000 pages, and only after 20 days at the new url. Some new members come back, and affiliates re-affiliated. The gallery and downloads manager are finally being used. Things are finally starting to look up for the site, but nothing to get excited about. The activity at the moment can come and go at complete random, and in no way is the forum "active" yet. There's still a lot of hard work to be done, but the few old members returning seem like they want to help. Other than activity, new RMVX forums are made in preparation for the release of RPG Maker VX. 12-December 07 According to the Statistics, half way through this month, and already its been the best overall month since February. Apart from the first two months of this year, the forum is doing the best it has ever been doing. However a lot of old members have come back. Most of the active ones from before actually, so I think this may be just a short period of activeness. Even though there have been a few new members coming in and posting. Which is a good sign. My own activeness is dropping also. Having given up RMXP a long time ago, the only reason I'm here is to restore this forum. And since its almost as active as it ever has been, I don't have a purpose here anymore. I'm planning to leave the forum AGAIN in February permanently(AGAIN) as this is when my final year of high school starts.
  15. This looks like a great project. Sounds like you have worked on this a lot. I like they way you made your first post, with the images, it makes the topic more interesting. And those concepts look amazing. This is the first time I've seen this project, looks like its been here a couple of months. I'll download the demo now.
  16. I'll enter this one, although I'm not the best mapper in the world. Do you we just post them here?
  17. hmm...sure you guys aren't just saying that? Im going to see if i can get one made first.
  18. hmm...may take longer than I thought. But I will try and get one as soon as I can. I am very bad at making banners, and not very confident with it. Here is what I tried to do http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/8909/bannerunlimitedhg9.gif Its very...blue
  19. Sure thing. I'm working on it. Before the forum was uploaded this account, I organized for a new banner, but didn't get a reply. It says RPGXP Unlimited because that is what the old forum was called. I will organise for a new banner to get made right now. Im not sure how long it will take, but we should have one soon. Thanks for the suggestion.
  20. This has now been added to the RPG Maker XP drop down menu at the top of the forum. Thanks Zeriab.
  21. The only thing that makes PKE scripts easier is a couple of lines? Cant you add those to the legal version before you start to develop a script? I think you are just used to them. I think that the PKE versions text was translated from Japanese, and the Legal one was made in English. So the legal one has the proper names.
  22. Marked


    Grandor, the link in your post leads to a 404 page. You will need to fix that up. If you want to be an affiliate with RMXP Unlimited, Click here to apply.
  23. Leon, you did a great job with the forum. There are going to many changes in the forum, and as you can see, there already are. Almost all past modifications have been installed again, and this time the Gallery is working. So you can upload all your graphical RPG Maker XP resources. Images cannot yet be uploaded. But we are going to be quite strict with it, any resource not credited to its author will be removed. This also goes for any resource posted on the forum, excluding requests. I am aware that Invision Power Board does not work 100% on this host, and im working on getting some on these things fixed. But as soon as I can, we will be moving to another host, that is fully functional, along with our own domain name. As soon as I can get it working, all the components on the forum will be grouped into neat drop-down menus. There have also been a few demotions on the forum, and we will not be short off staff for a while. It is possible that the forum structure may change also, to focus more on RPG Maker XP, although i have not decided yet. I hope everyone enjoys the new features, and the new forum. We have a lot to look forward to in the future. Feel free to post any of your comments.
  24. Dont worry about it. There are many things i can do. Lucky for you, I turned off guests having to log in before viewing the board. You guys just report if you see anything. We are testing something at the moment to stop this.
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