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Everything posted by Marked

  1. We also have a collection of sprites specifically for fan-games, and we have a category for Mario: http://www.gdunlimited.net/resources/cat/general/mario
  2. ^ Agree with Pol. Even without the storage limit, its still quite inefficient. In additional to cloud backups, you may want to look at a backup script to protect your files, eg http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-vx/system-enhancements/auto-backup
  3. Congratulations to the one of the world's most deranged societies in (not officially) catching up with the rest of the modern countries by solving potentially the most insignifcant inequalities in human history. Please stfu about it, I'm so sick of hearing about it. We gave our gays rights ages ago, and that was that.

    1. Bob423


      Gay? Penguin? I'll have you know neither of those is true. It's a dead human in a demon-penguin suit doomed to work as an indentured servant for eternity to pay for it's sins in the Netherworld.

    2. Marked


      @bobbles: it's not just ppl from US... that's why im sick of hearing bout it... i don't even read US news. Also, you mean a totally gay dead human in a demon-penguin suit.

    3. Kitsuki


      "Also, you mean a totally gay dead human in a demon-penguin suit."

      ~Mark 2015


      Thank you for the image that has been seared into my mind for all eternity, Mark. *applauds*

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  4. Congratulations to the one of the world's most deranged societies in (not officially) catching up with the rest of the modern countries by solving potentially the most insignifcant inequalities in human history. Please stfu about it, I'm so sick of hearing about it. We gave our gays rights ages ago, no one gave a shit.

  5. Went trekking in the Borneo rainforest yesterday in search of proboscis monkies... didn't find any :(

    1. Kitsuki


      sounds like you're having some adventures out there :D

      Make sure you don't fall off a steep cliff!

  6. This goes in support, it's not a request. Request is like please make me a script, please sprite a sprite for me, etc. Moved.
  7. Hahaha, salty.

    1. Kitsuki


      I love duck salty :D

  8. BANNED. Uh yes, the PM system is working correctly. So is the notifications: I'm not ignoring you. I can honestly say I have no idea what you're trying to talk to me about :) And I'm too busy to read your PM. I'm getting on a plane in a few hours to jet away from this winter and into the tropics :D Are you sure it's important that I read it? Also I didn't get the email notification for this one.
  9. Yeah. It's an old system. I can actually put a notification in like there used to be (that little red thing with the counter), the old one got lost in all the new designs we've had. Back in those days I was more optimistic and thought there would eventually be so many submissions that we'd need to have an approval system. The additional code that goes into an approval system... I spent some crazy hours on this when I was learning to code things. I think maybe we'll get rid of it entirely and just delete that ones that aren't good enough quality to be published. The main idea behind the approval system was the abiliry for mods to give feedback.
  10. Basically it's me or one of the mods who have a look and approve. The trouble is that its a very old system, one of the oldest that I coded that is still existing on the site, so no one but me really looks there except occasionally. So if I miss it then you can PM me.
  11. VX ACE is being sold at an 85% discount, in case anyone forgot how to use torrents.

    1. ShinkuAura


      The Engine is too outdated and the engine should be free because Unity and Unreal 4 is out in the market for free.

    2. Marked
  12. Lol all good. It was the short-hand of the proper youtube video that is the problem. You have to paste the full URL in there, and you don't need any BBCode tag, just paste the URL into the textbox. The BBCode system works by having a look over the entire block of text and see if any rules can be matched. If there's a standalone URL that contains "youtube.com" then it'll change it into an embedded video.
  13. Wow, last month we had 100,000 pageviews. Business hasn't been that good since 2010. D:

  14. Sorry for the late reply. There's a couple of ways to do it. The reason it starts out with demo content is to show that all you need to do is post the link and the video will render. If that's not working, post the URL here and I'll see why it's not working. Moved to Games Section Support.
  15. Since its inception I have been thinking about how to incorporate discussions into the games section. The comments are just as if the games were topics... it's a single conversation, which doesn't really fit. I am thinking instead of removing the comments entirely and replacing them with a type of simple forum for each game page. The categories would most likely be fixed and include News & Updates, Bug report, feedback & critque, reviews, support. Something along those lines. It's a way to keep the discussion going in a way that comments don't facilitate. It will open new doors for developers to seek feedback and grow their fan base. Thoughts?
  16. In terms of using sprites for your game, before you start, make sure you can easily obtain all of the sprites you're going to need and any matching graphics (ie battler graphics, facesets) that you're going to need. If I was going to start another game, I would find the best matching set of sprites/batters/facesets that fit my game, knowing that I don't require the time or skill to create my own from scratch. Therefore you probably don't have a great choice on style. If you're going to have main characters with dialogue in a text window (chances are you are) then I highly recommend using facesets with expressions. So this should be a factor.
  17. OMG. I literally love you. TQ :love:
  18. So I got a finance exam coming up. Actually this isn't extremely important, but I think it's probably something I got to do. One of the valuation formulas we gotta learn involves using the standard normal probably table. You know that thing where you got a z value (say 1.12) and you look on the left side for 1.1 then you look along the top for 0.02 and find the p value aka the probability. Well in this exam our z values are greater than 2 decimal places... It's more like 1.1264. The true p value lies somewhere between 2 of the probabilities listed in the column (if its 1.1264 then its something between the 0.02 and 0.03, ie between 0.3686 and 0.3708. We're given this table. So my question, how do I find the correct the p value using these inputs? In my class it was referred to as a linear approximation, but then we weren't ever told how to do this. Actually its not that important because it will only change the answer by a few decimals and its more about understanding that calculations. But still... this is really bugging me coz i can't figure it out or find the answer on google. I hope someone here can T.T
  19. Who wants to have a lan party.

    1. Marked


      u guys are r so anti social. I'll make my own lan party without u guys. With Bob.

    2. black mage

      black mage

      But we're miles apart . . . :v

    3. Marked


      Next Sunday if you look up into the sky you will see me :3 Meet u in Kuala Lumpur and/or Borneo.

  20. Alex mate. Mate Alex. How oh how can we judge the window skin if it isn't applied to a window? Give us a screenie of how it looks in the main menu. Everything but the background looks cool, which I anticapte is too distracting to be a background.
  21. I should probably apologize. But I literally lol'd. :grin:
  22. That's dedication. What do you mean by the logo is still blank? Where is it supposed to appear? I actually removed funtionality for a logo, so nothing you try will actually work. This display on the right generates what is shown in the public listing. Those displays are generated from the same code so that this is always accurate no matter how many times I change the way games are displayed in public listing (which was a lot). Because the logo is no longer aded to the cover page, it will appear blank. But, your cover image is still showing. And you haven't set one. Do you spot the hint? ;) Yeah... I should remove the logo upload....
  23. Super busy with life right now, just downloaded Witcher 3. Why.

    1. ShinkuAura


      Because, Why not?

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