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Everything posted by Marked

  1. What the.... this is a graph of the site's daily pageviews: http://i.gyazo.com/8fb3290380f1dc09fe08d527faf3ff13.png I think someone viewed every resource in the gallery >.>

    1. Tomo2000


      I've been known to do that from time to time, but not this time.

    2. Bob423
  2. Are other people have this issue? I want to try and reproduce it but it's working so far for me....
  3. Attached is the original PNG I have. Given the very fine borders it doesn't scale well. I want to get a vector of it (it was originally made from a vector but chief didn't save it). I'll need to do that at some stage. Esp for the mobile version. I hate bad quality logos when I'm browsin' mobile styles.
  4. Marked

    May Nominating

    Omar... he hates compliments.
  5. I deleted it from the... source code... and changed the logo image. But if you were looking for the code it was in global.js. EDIT: Actually its still there at the top :D I hadn't fully decided on removing the color changy-ness.
  6. Marked

    May Nominating

    Added! Voting shall start tomorrow :)
  7. Hi all, For anyone considering purchasing RPG Maker VX Ace, Steam is having a 75% off sale this weekend: http://store.steampowered.com/app/220700 Arguably, this is what the reasonable price for this software is anyway. For those of you who cannot afford that, or don't feel like supporting a company like Enterbrain, a simple google search will return a positive result. I do not encourage that. If you are considering buying it, don't forget to read the reviews by the steam community!
  8. Blame mark for a broken link... or praise mark for distributing it to 10,000 ppl?
  9. Therre's something wrong with the spoiler output :( I can't figure out why its doing that right but... remind me later? :S Also thanks for letting me know re the tuts and scripts, all fixed!
  10. I've been worried about people thinking im lazy. I think everyone, particularly you, should just assume I'll need reminding.
  11. Shit, I wish I wasn't so busy when you made this topic :( Fixed now.. sigh..
  12. Marked

    May Nominating

    Technically I could add him... but he only posted in the sig background topic this month.. so I hope you nominated him last month! @Omar510! Reply! :
  13. This issue is fixed. Please report any bugs with the spoilers in this topic.
  14. You could try this script: http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-vx-ace/environment-and-field-scripts/camera-target I'm just theorizing here, but what if the char hits a trigger event that when touched by the player, the call script function sets the camera to another event which is in the center of the screen once that trigger event is touched. After the player is forcibly moved through the tunnel, the camera shifts back to the player.
  15. Nah coz its a random account, i just changed the username to that. Like I said, web dev stuff. It's a random user account so the ID is 20k something, the avatar is set to my own account, and thus missing, and its franklin's username. So its complicated :P EDIT: just had another idea for this... activity graphs :D
  16. So would I. What I'm going to do is work on the customization of the appearance first. Imma have no GDU header to make it more brandable for the developer, and a whole bunch of design features. That's first on the list. Next is the contents which is a bit more complex' It's a bit ironic because the username was actually RKO-Franklin because his username is so long that I use it to test stuff. The reason its wyzrd is because I know your ID off by heart and I edited the HTML live and used that to get your avatar in that screenie. Developer stuff. It actually looks like this
  17. Hi all, I'm going to jot down a few ideas I have but can't work on due to my schedule. This also isn't a commitment by me to continue working on GDU, but I do get bored from time to time. The idea is a tab displayed globally (or maybe just on the forums and homepage) right in the middle of these two boxes The tab basically be a link that will expand and reveal its contents. So it's like a spoiler, only revealing content when you want to see it. Inside will be your GDU, a history of you. This starts with your content: a list of your topics, scripts, tutorials, resource uploads and games, including stats like comments and views and dates. Apart from being really convenient, this doubles as the motivation our members can be found lacking, "why post here, no one sees my stuff". Yeah they do, shut up. It will also allow you to keep track of where all your stuff is so you may want to update it, or whatever. There will also be interactions. So a list of topics (or other content... we can comment everywhere on this site these days) that aren't started by you but you've participated in them or maybe liked a post, participated in discussion. This may even include a history of your status updates. For me personally that'll be useful, I've made some pearlers. The idea is to be able to quickly find or pick up whatever you've been doing (or done) on GDU. This will particularly useful for returning members, given we're 8 years old, it'll be a good refresher. Two other features I'd consider are first an internal bookmarking system. We're developers right, so we find an interesting tutorial to read later, a game we want to follow, or a script we want to use later. Or maybe even great resources that don't quite fit into our current project but are definitely useful to keep handy. Bookmarking will centralize all the content you want to keep track of. Lastly is a tag idea where you list your interests, say, "rpg maker xp" or "zombies", and you click these whenever you want and it will bring up the latest content involving those keywords. The best thing is that this isn't very hard to code :) Thoughts, ideas, suggestions? EDIT: Here's a mockup of the tab
  18. Marked

    May Nominating

    Under what category / why? (refer to rules)
  19. Good to hear :> Such comments are very difficult to squeeze outta the current crop. My plan is before anything else getting rid of all these little bugs.
  20. Good advice Chief. Even if you're going to use jQuery in your career, don't be a lazy bum, learn javascript. I know very little about javascript, but I can write a whole bunch in jQuery... but that's because I did Bcom/LLB at university :P Here, computer science pretty much excludes web development entirely. Its more python, C#, etc.
  21. Of course, I meant to model on in creating the sprite.
  22. Just fixed the script creator thingy! Weeee, take a looksy http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/create

    1. Bob423


      Awesome! :D I like it when you fix stuff.

    2. Marked


      I've been thinking lately I should fix more stuff.

  23. The only way it will fit into the RTP will be to redo it as a sprite. I thought there was existing flags in the tilesets somewhere that could be used.
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