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Everything posted by Marked

  1. status updates aren't for advertising like 10 links... We have a forum for that but you need 5 posts to make a topic.

    1. Bob423


      You have yet to teach me how to status AT someone.

  2. Marked

    May Nominating

    Lol. I nominate zahraa under friendly/helpful.
  3. Marked


    Huh, you're 15 how do you rmb win98? @tomo: Doom YES. it was one of those games that got me into game makin along with the crash series. We hav family videos of when I was a child and you'd just hear a machine gun go off and monsters dying coz my dad was playing doom. These is mid nineties. Doom still good to play with the his res packs! You can turn it full 3d and its like a modern game.
  4. Marked

    May Nominating

    I conquer, our bobbles always replies to all support topics, even if its just to say "dude, what?..".
  5. May Nominating!! Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: -Bob423 -Zahraa -RATED-RKOFRANKLIN -Omar350 Contributor: Misc.: --- TAKING OVER FROM POL WHO WILL PROBABLY SCOLD ME FOR STARTING NOMINATIONS ON THE 25TH :D
  6. ...I wonder if the CSS didn't refresh for some of you... You guys see this, right?
  7. :grin: Finally someone comments on it.
  8. I'm Ok, I'm just really busy with university at the moment and I've got a mountain of work to do, but yesterday I was bad... and made all these changes (which do exist) to the design. Isn't it a huge improvement?
  9. Marked


    Well I consider web dev my hobby and it has led me to 2 part-time jobs while studying where I get paid pretty well. I also didn't use a computer until around 12 or 13. I think its as pol says but I would frame it differently, and add a caveat. If you know what your career is and its something to do with using a computer and use the computer to do that, then its probably good to spend a lot of time on it. If you're career involves a computer and you're just gaming... well... No matter how beneficial to your career, humans are social creatures and they need human interaction to be happy. Using the computer at the expense of socializing and building or maintaining relationships is a stupid thing to do. I'm also not addicted. Sometimes may seem like I am (to you guys) but I was just dedicated. Without working on this website, there's not much for me to do on the computer....
  10. Epically awesome as usual tomo. I wish you'd make more of hope afloat.... zombie rpg shooters rock!
  11. Hi all, I'm sorry for all these changes. I feel like I messed up on the last design... I've got so much pressure with assessments and I got carried away today, but I thought it was such an improvement I may as well go live with the design tweaks. It's unfinished in many places, but I still think its a lot cleaner and better. Thoughts? I think stuff like this look way more professional and like published articles, which is the intention. http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/t/rpg-maker-vx-ace/camera-control-techniques-for-your-game
  12. Finally got to 100+ facebook likes.

  13. Is it the lack of active staff, or the lack of advertising to developers? :P I think its peculiar to point to a "lack of staff", do you mean that the lack of moderation (ie closing topics, moving topics, telling ppl to behave) is crippling? Or the lack of perception that there are many members with the title "moderator". I think it really comes down to activity generally, no matter what the title of the member is. Therefore, we're back to square one. If you want the site to survive so bad, its artificial without a purpose. Maybe there should be a purpose and that should be the focus rather than merely keeping the site alive. I really wish people will share, that is sorta the purpose of the site. It's a community for sharing, but people here don't.
  14. I second that, although good work detecting the ol' give me your skype / email trick. Welcome to GDU anyways :thumbsup: Interesting to see a 16 year old girl who's into programming. I literally can't find anyone in real life to talk to about codin' stuff.
  15. Dont know if mean reign or raman...
  16. ...seriously? What was your old username? I think I can deduce this... you poms are easy to spot :P EDIT: Madanchi is the only other member from the motherland, and I'm sure I'd recognize your personality.. *confusion*
  17. I don't when it happened, probably some time this month, but I officially reclaim my place as the highest GDU poster :grin: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=members&module=list&max_results=20&sort_key=posts&sort_order=desc&filter=ALL It has taken me years to pass the MIA Kiriashi. That guy could post... But in the days, we'd celebrate these things. Whenever #1 changed, you have to make a topic for bragging rights (even if its your own site).
  18. Yeah it's the wrong section Is this really that hard to spot? (I'd like to know, in case things need to be made clearer :) )
  19. Procrastinating hard... thoughts on this? http://i.gyazo.com/2b7a320df9d70f9983f499cc6ebe42ba.png

    1. Polraudio


      The darker look for the menu looks nice. The title with the background instead of its own little separator looks nice :D

    2. Polraudio


      What happened to user menu and my games under the user in the upper right?

    3. Marked


      I made the screenie by screwing with the live site so I deleted them in that image

  20. You both have points there - this site always struggled to attract developers. It was only Leon / Lizzie, foreverzer0, evilcabbage etc. who were developers. There is or was a lot of people doing things, making things, but they hardly shared anything. Everyone wants to get recognised, theirs a perception that there's no point because no one will see, I guess recognisation has been more important than helping the masses of visitors. Moving away from RPG Maker 100% is too hard for me. The reason is, once you strip away RPG Maker, what is there? I am now a web developer, not a game developer. Being unspecific to any engine is however more easy, but its a risk. It's either it works, if you're straight into the ground. The games section was my biggest attempt at bringing in non-engine specific content. I still think it has potential if I were to develop it. It's pretty average right now, but the concept is there. The polish is not. That's debatable. But I'm currently too tired to argue :exhausted: I accept responsibility for failure :cry: It's hard not to regret lost time but we've got members here with 5+ years experience, we succeeded in being a community. Also, its not the first time I have contemplated the site's demise... Lol, i was such a girl back then. That was a looooong time ago.
  21. Marked

    little Doubt

    Google translator fail? I can't understand you >.
  22. Le new background.

  23. Not at all :) There was literally no discussion. Always good to someone with different views, especially on a topic where I see no merit on the other side whatsoever. I completely disagree. "opens the door" = private was never corrupt in the first place. It's quite the opposite. If corruption was the issue, you would definitely go from private to public. Who is more corrupt, private companies (whose purpose is profit maximization) or the government? You may must be assuming you've got one hell of a corrupt government, and maybe you do, but its almost certainly a lot less corrupt than private run health business. Also, please refer to your own comments about the duopoly running health insurance. That is taking the word free out of context. Everyone pays taxes. It is... its free in the sense its subsidized by government. It's not really a point of argument. I already touched on this in my post above. Health is a societal issue. If you got terminal cancer, would you say well shit that's unlucky, guess I'll just go die because I can't afford healthcare. Healthcare should be a human right because not everyone in society can afford it. One of the main purposes of government is to look after society. Shelter is not more necessary to survival than healthcare...dude, if you're dying? Do you care if you have a roof over your head? Health is the single most important thing a person can have, without it you don't have life. Why should anyone pay for you to go school? Or take a bus into town, or get a welfare benefit when you're country goes down the crapper and you can't get a job? This is your argument, except so much weaker because, why shouldn't your taxes go to preserving peoples health? It's more important than anything else. You simply need to look at those countries who do have free healthcare. It works far better. There are no problems. Ok keep posting, unless you're immune to ration, I will convince you. I kept my comments on "why should I pay for other peoples health" nice and succinct.
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