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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Oh ok :excited: The trouble is that I see stuff so much that I get bored with it, it slowly looks worse and worse then I wana change it :annoyed:
  2. Uh according to this new zealand slang website: It's a positive thing :3 Lol you just put hyphens between the syllables :P The "dra-sil" is easy. Lemme try, "yig-dra-sil"? ig as in ignite.
  3. No, not to that size. We're on free hosting and I don't want to open it up to that. On the assumption people will actually use the games pages, we'd exhaust our resources (eg space and bandwidth) very very quickly. I'm only able to get hosting because of my former employer. Otherwise the site would cost far too much to keep open. Can you just upload it to drop box? On this server, I'm not sure what other options we can really have. I could add a bunch of hosts, of course. Dropbox seems the most likely not to cause 404's down the track.
  4. Nah I duno. It was called project cards and if I ever get a spare day to waste maybe I'd bring it back. All the old project cards should have died in februrary with the expiration of rmxpunlimited.net. I had preserved links until feb2014. I'm not sure re the design, or the advertising. I am thinking about changing the design back to an earlier design. I'm not a designer and it's really hard to get feedback from you guys these days. Not even from a single staff member T.T The games profiles is a good start, but there's a billion things I could do and want to do to make it a lot better. But not sure if its worth it. We can't really get any grip with engines other than XP so we may as well go out before it does.
  5. Just aced codebabes.com. To test my knowledge.

    1. Bob423
    2. Polraudio


      WTF did i just go to :P

    3. Marked


      Such a contradiction: you want to entice people who are better than anyone at finding naked women on the internet... Or in my case, I check the long list of links that Bob and Pol sent me.

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  6. Last time I checked... you don't need an account to download resources. Right?

    1. DekoSanae


      I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by that.

  7. Welcome to the GDU Sketch competition. This is a competition of the best sketch based on a particular description. Each submission will have their own spin on how it will look, and what style it is drawn in. The sketch I'm not sure how this is going to go, but lets try ... a humanoid crocodile battler. With or without a human face. Decorated in various strategically placed amour. Holding a wooden shield in one hand and possessing extended claws in the other (interpret that how you will). Probably a bit complicated for the first one, but lets see how it goes. The sketch must be hand-drawn (or digitally with a tablet). Just scan or take a photo so it can be posted. Due date 5th May (7 days) Submissions Either by PM or posting in this topic (depending on whether you want to stay anonymous) Voting Voting will be done via a community poll. Images will be displayed without usernames and voters asked to vote on the best sketch. Prize First place - 300 points PLUS a badge in your profile and under your avatar in topics. Second place - 100 points Third place - 50 points
  8. WELCOME to GDU :thumbsup: I saw your game, it looks mean az. Btw, how do you pronounce "Yggdrasil"? :dizzy:
  9. Only that :( I listed so many things.
  10. omg urhappyplz is vincestick? You shoulda just PM'd me so I could unlock it. Mine is boring. My name is Mark. I came up with Marked after the admin of RMXP Underground Constance had in his signature "You've been conned". So I thought, yeah, Marked. My first username was fugly because that's what my parents call me. http://www.creationasylum.net/forum/index.php?showuser=2281
  11. I disagree with no5. The only difference between marriage and a civil union is the title (in that scenario). Even in practice, homosexuals would choose marriage, like everyone. Why would anyone choose a civil union over marriage when civil unions were made just to give the homosexuals something like marriage but with non-legal status? Number 5 is Christians saying give us back marriage, its ours. I'm not quite sure where the "US" is (isn't it a state of Australia?), but that's an interesting viewpoint. It think that's tricky because the legal rights associated with marriage are quite important: dealing with personal property when two people separate, adoption, and tons of other things. You're saying that its a law that regulates how we are to live our lives, but idk, I feel like the law should always exist around marriage and reflect societal values. In particular the crime of bigamy (crime to marry whilst already married) which enforces monogamy, but who is the government to say that's how we should live our lives?
  12. I think we ought to address the issue here and now, finally. This site does need to adjust based on the level of activity, as Heretic said. Omar is new and its really hard to bring together a group of staff who are always active. One staff member's mistakes, if repeated, is the responsibility of those above him such as admins. Heretic, the wise person we know him to be, is correct. I agree with the post entirely, it really is just sensible. There seems to be some confusion over what the "rules" are. It even confuses me when people bring up the rules, because I know there are none written down. You certainly cannot say a member is ignorant of non-existent rules. So the rules of closing topics, is not really a rule, its not a historic trend and its not suited to our level of activity. So from now on I would all mods to only close where there is a flame war or spam. I really don't care about necro posting. I also don't care about going ever so slightly off topic (eg, this current discussion in this topic), because it really is stopping posts and just doesn't make sense. This is efficient. Of course is a topic went way way off in a tangent, then fine, close it. In all cases its up to your judgement, but in this community we need to be a lot more relaxed in applying "traditional" forum rules. A CDN is an external dependency, unless its on like a subdomain. The amazon CDN is hugely popular given how cheap it is. I see your point. It's a trend that is growing hugely but in my opinion its a great thing, but only if you have a fallback for people like yourself, and I think a lot of sites do not. I completely overlooked that. I will definitely look into this for you. Could you let me know what software you use to block the google stuff so I can test it out myself?
  13. Ah, IPB2.x and 2011, that brings back memories :> (I'm talking about the forum software, which used to be the same back then. Back then it was awesome when it first came out, but they've sorta moved away from that previous awesomeness :()
  14. I changed it for you :3 I'm glad I'm getting feedback coz therr wasn't much in the announcement :(
  15. O.o that's strange. I never understood what firefox's versioning system. I probably have the latest? Anyway, the icons are simply images missing, but the disappearing is probably javascript or less likely CSS. I'll have to get it disappearing for me first before I can fix it.
  16. Haha, yeah :oops: I've never really been a designer, I really just enjoy building websites.
  17. Great. Coz I'm making an eCommerce for my gf who has acquired a whole bunch of jewellery-related products from a closed down physical store. So we're brainstorming names, and I need YOU guys to get creative and help us out. It could be a unique, random name or a combination of a common words. Either way we're after something instantly memorable, and brandable. Thanx. If we used your recommendation you get 100 points! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  18. I have been too busy getting the new updates out. Which I've been doing piece by piece since Feb. I'm more busy than I've ever been. I actually doing 2 part time jobs plus finishing off my degree by taking the maximum course load at uni. Anyway, I will be working on getting rid of the bugs. Please redirect bugs related to the new updates into the announcement topic from now on. @pol: what browser? I can't seem to get it to disappear. I must admit that I haven't tested it in chrome.
  19. We'll see how it goes, but for now, I don't think the games section is ready.
  20. Glad you like :) The Games section is probably what I'm looking to work on most. I only wanted to clean up the site and upgrade our CSS framework (bootstrap) to the new version, which is a big job because all the syntax changed. So I am planning to make the games section better than ever, in particular, removing the GDU header for everyone, and, logos!
  21. Welcome to the new GDU 3.0 update. Most noticeable in this update is the design tweaks, which are a fair bit different, but not really. There's a different background and different nav, different buttons. Overall its more of a flat design. A lot of the updates are web dev related things, for example The CSS has bee majorly refined without custom layout and style CSS combined into a single file and a ton of old, unused (but loaded) styles removed A lot of HTML cleanups and updates to better, cleaner HTML markup Cleaned up forum design Better forum - website integration (note the footer) Then there are the features, such as New homepage Improved search system Forums for unity, mobile games and "other"s Newsletter / Subscription signups in the footer Return of the fixed header Improved BBCode editor in the comments systems (and chatroom!) Here's a look at some new stuff: As always, I'll need to have you guys reporting any bugs you see.
  22. I miss that guy.... he just disappeared one and never came back :(
  23. Of course you do, Bob. One day you'll probably end up in one of these lists.
  24. Exactly, as our good friend Lizzie S said, why shouldn't they be miserable like the rest of us? (who're married). But yeah, it's a weird time to be born. I think globalization is taking us over, particularly coz of the interweb and technology. People discriminate against the unknown but I can easily foresee a future we're everyone's just going to say, this just another person, who cares that they're different? To b honest, its the old people who are racist homophobes. Maybe minorities (eg my girlfriend) walk around detecting racism like they're walking around with metal detectors (eg exaggerate or esp. sensitive to it). Or maybe I'm just being stupid coz I'm a majority. There's nothing wrong with healthy competition between borders. Like, lets sanction them damn dirty yanks coz of who they are, etc. :P
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