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Everything posted by vincestick

  1. Buying games used (especially on the internet) is a gamble because apparently I'm the only one who actually takes care of their game discs. I just like having a tangeable copy of a game that I own but I don't like it when the disc looks like they gave it to their hyperactive kitten.

    1. CrimsonInferno


      I hate that too. Whenever, at least most of the time, I buy a used game it looks like trash even though the description said otherwise.


      I take care of my games like they were my babies. xD

    2. Bob423


      my friend never puts his discs in their cases and just kind of throws them around. at least he holds them correctly...

    3. CrimsonInferno


      How does he hold them? Because I see too many people touch the back with grubby fingers. xD

  2. Beat Olmec first try in Spelunky with only climbing gloves, spike shoes, and 12 bombs. Couldn't believe myself. Now I gotta join the rest of the world and try to get to Hell...

    1. Marked


      post more sketches :>

  3. "I have nipples, Greg, can you milk me?"

    1. Polraudio


      LAWL i love that movie.

  4. Never has drawing a tiny toy car for your final been so stressful. I now have an irrational fear of Hot Wheels.

    1. Bob423


      That sounds pretty rational to me.

  5. Hmm, was thinking about making a small 2d action game similar to Zelda II. Does anyone have any maker programs they recommend? I was thinking of just using Game Maker.

    1. Bob423


      There might be a way to do it with XAS for rmxp, but I don't know for sure.

    2. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      There's that one maker the enterbrain has, it even comes with a zelda type demo game.

    3. vincestick


      Oh, forgot about that one. IG Maker, right? It's a bit pricey, but I'll look into it.

  6. In one of those foul moods you get in when you see someone with shaved eyebrows.

  7. Apparently one of my drawing things went from like 500 to 12.6k likes/reblogs on Tumblr in one week. Domino effect, I guess?

    1. vincestick
    2. Polraudio


      Those are awesome! My fav one would have to be the hydra and hades one.

    3. Marked
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Lovin' Far Cry 3 so far...but shark hunting is so nerve wracking. Something about the vulnurability of being underwater when skinning them is more terrifying than hunting other predators.

    1. Wyzrd


      Man I know how you feel. I remember my first time looking for sharks. I swam between to parts of land and seen no shark. Got up on land and turned around to see like 3 sharks behind me. So then I got one to chase me to the edge and killed him. Then started swimming back to the other side and seen no sharks again. So then further down the beach I noticed a jet-ski. I went and got on it. Then I noticed a shark so I decided to see if I could run him over with the jet-ski. It worked, took a coupl...

  9. Apparently when Microsoft designed the Xbox 360 Slim to have touch pads for the disc tray and on/off, they didn't take into account any consumers who have a cat that likes to HUG EVERYTHING WITH ITS FACE.

  10. Diggin' the site's new menu. Anyway, just bought Far Cry 3 for $30 new on eBay...pretty excited after watching some video look at's.

    1. Polraudio


      It's a crazy messed up game but fun as hell.

    2. Wyzrd


      I agree. Very good game. Enjoy it.

  11. I always seem to convey a different feeling when it comes to RPG character and place names. For instance I enjoy names in like Skyrim or Dark souls because they incorporate real-world elements into them, however when I hear names in WoW or even Kingdoms of Amalur I feel they're just being convoluted for the sake of being cheesy, generic fantasy.

    1. Bob423


      I like to base names of places off of latin words. like "Glaciville" which comes from the word glacies, meaning ice. or glacier :P

    2. Bob423


      or Mare Maris, which is a city with a beach and stuff, and the name means sea...or something like it.

  12. If it's not working for you then I don't know, maybe you skipped a step or maybe there's something screwing up in your OS in general. Try cleaning your computer, disc defrag/cleanup, antivirus and malware scans, see if anything with the OS like drivers or what not need updating, then reinstall RMXP and run it using the recommended settings mentioned previously. If it still doesn't work then I don't know what to tell you, as the above recommendations seem to work for everyone else. Windows 8 is fairly new and, for the most part, it's pretty bad because it's new, so worst case scenario (if you didn't want to) is to downgrade to W7. If you're stuck with 8, then you might just have to settle for not using RMXP. Even with compatibility mode on W8 RMXP runs so slow you're probably better off because it's much more stable on 7. For all I know, 8 might not even be that much similar to 7, so we're not really sure how many XP/7 programs can or cannot run on 8.
  13. well, when I had Windows 8 RMXP installed pretty normal if you had the compatibility mode for XP like Pol said above, also have the check box 'run as administrator' checked. Problem is that W8 is fairly new so it's not set on whether or not which programs run that well with it. That and Windows 8 Admin accounts aren't really Admin accounts at all. However even with all that it would take way too long to start up after clicking the icon. when I had my friend wipe my laptop and install W7 RMXP installed and ran with no problems by setting the compatibility mode to Windows XP (service pack 2) and with the 'run as admin' box checked. Started up, ran and playtested games normally.
  14. Hi guys! Just got a new laptop for the holidays (which I might add is a vast upgrade from my dinky 2006 netbook) but the only problem is that it was pre-installed with Windows 8. Now, from my toying around with it I've concluded, personally, that Windows 8 is a horrible, horrible OS, especially for keyboard laptops. But some third party programs tinkered with it and made is look more...Windows 7 and XP-sh. Plus I don't have the neccessary folders to downgrade the OS to W7 or XP. BUT this isn't my issue...just wanted to put that out there. My problem is running RMXP on this enigma of an OS. I know it's labeled 'XP' but I've seen it work on other OS's like 7 and Vista so I figured why wouldn't it work on 8, right? Well, I was right but here's the problem. Every time I start up the program -mind you the program runs and saves and playtests and works properly- it takes a reeeeaaaalllllyyyyy long time to start up. I'm talking slow as molasses here, we're looking at a full 5 minute start up after clicking the icon. I was wondering, before I beat around the bush any longer, if there was a workaround to make it start up faster. I know that W8 is fairly new and most of you probably aren't using it or are familiar with it (and I suggest you stick with what you got because this OS is EEUUGGHHH) but it can't be THAT much different than 7...right?....Right? I followed the W7 video tutorial somewhere in these forums on installing RMXP so the check boxes in the properties are set to Compatability Mode Windows XP (service pack 2) and I'm already on the 'hidden' Admin User account but just in case the box is checked to 'Run as Administrator'. To reiterate the problem the program runs fine after starting, but the time between clicking the icon to the program actually starting up is abysmal. A. 5. Minute. Gap. Thank you for reading my...essay.
  15. Fable 2 customization has so far been a great reference for character designs. :D

    1. madanchi


      It's always good to get influence from great features a game holds.

  16. Woah...the site. WOAH. WOAAAHHHHH...WOAAHHHH...I've turned into Keanu Reeves WOAHHHHHHH.

    1. Wyzrd


      I know it looks awesome!

  17. Hi! I'm here again to show two drawings I did earlier today. They're both crossovers of Invader Zim and Thor (the Marvel Thor). They weren't made for any particular reason. I colored them with photoshop although the coloring was kind of a rush job. I also have my Tumblr url on it because I seem to be doing that subconciously now and I have my watermark/logo on it too just to be safe. But you're not here to read this, you just wanna look at these :P so here they are! Dib/Thor Zim/Loki
  18. Most of my creations in Kerbel Space Program are usually gargantuan flying death traps...but hey, I didn't get the game to be practical!

    1. Polraudio


      LOL. i love to crash mine.

  19. WELL....my Gameboy Color finally died.

    1. Marked


      My condolences

    2. Bob423


      broke? or just ran out of batteries?

    3. vincestick


      It turns on, then makes a weird glitch sound then shuts off. I'm pretty sure I had new batteries in it...do batteries lose energy by just sitting in the device? I'll try with new batteries but if It's "broken" broken...well, that sucks because I was gonna mod a light screen in it.

  20. IIRC, you can use the RTP in commercial games made with the RPG Maker engine specifically. When you buy the program you buy the right to make and sell RPG Maker games commercially as long as you're not ripping the RTP and using them in, say, Game Maker or something, unless you buy an additional license to do that. That being said, not much of the community is into commercial RPG Maker games using only the RTP. Not when there are a lot of games using custom made material that are free to download. On the visual side, most would most likely buy an RPG Maker game if it has custom made graphics, music, etc. BUT! Even if you use the RTP exclusively, some will be willing to pay for it if it's really good. My advice would be that, if you take that route, make a free demo when your game's done, to give people a taste of the content before deciding if they want to buy. Sometimes a really well written story or well developed characters make up for the fact that you're using the RTP in a commercial game. All in all, though, it really doesn't matter. The RTP is free to using within the RPG Maker engine so why not use it? My on-and-off project uses remade sprites from other RPG Makers, although this one's most likely gonna be a free game since this is my testing the waters project, seeing how well I can actually make a game in this engine. I think my commercial project, if I ever make one, will be based on one of my comics and have custom sprites and tilesets and what not. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, do what you want with the RTP. You want to make a game with only RTP? I do not see a problem with that. Want to make it a commercial game? You can do that, too. It's your choice, I'm just informing you of how commercial games using only RTP are usually received. As long as you price it to where the purchase feels justified. As far as content goes, take a look at some iOS RPGs like Zenonia or something. Those are like a dollar but have quite a bit of content. Pardon my essay-post, and Good luck!
  21. Anyone else have a consistent name they give their characters in games that let you name your character? For me it's usually "Red", giving homage to the original Pokemon games, and sometimes I give him a red characteristic, like red hair or red eyes.

    1. Bob423



  22. I hope ACIII is as good as it looks. I tried playing Revelations again but because I've been so burned out by AC I got bored after 30 min...damn it Ubisoft you see what happens when you annualize a franchise?

  23. Got bored so I jumped off a flying boeing 737 I was surfing on in Just Cause 2 and timed myself. I fell for almost 5 minutes.

    1. Ecowolfsteen


      Freaking love that game.

    2. Polraudio


      i love messing around on that one dark island that shoots aircraft down. I think its in the upper right of the map.

  24. Got paid 30 bucks just to eat cereal for 10 minutes. Feels good.

    1. CrimsonInferno


      One bowl, or did you have to eat the cereal fast and reload the bowl? Either way though, good score of money! xD

    2. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      why? I MUST KNOW!

  25. Univeral Studios (both Florida and LA) is recreating the whole of Silent Hill for their yearly Halloween Horror Nights! The town, the Otherworld, the frozen world, all of it! :D

    1. Broken Messiah
    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Wow. Thanks for the status update, that's wicked neat news.

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