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Everything posted by vincestick

  1. Gamefreak is actually second party, they developed games for PC-Engine, Sega Mega Drive, and PlayStation. They didn't only do Pokemon, either (even though that's what they're mainly known for) they developed Yoshi, some Japanese puzzle game and the Game Boy Camera. Here are some first party guys Nintendo has: Intelligent Systems (Like Joey stated above) Monolith Soft Retro Studios Brownie Brown (lul) Project Sora Nd Cube HAL Laboratory EAD Groups 1,2,3,4,5 EAD Comprehensive Group Oh wait.....you didn't specifically say first-party developers. whoops.
  2. Here is something I did yesterday! Normally I don't do watercolor stuff, but I think this came out okay. My attempt on "Misty Day - Remains of the Judgement":
  3. I think the games look worse with the 3d on, but when I turn it off they look good, so if I ever get a 3ds I would keep the 3d off. I played some games at Wondercon and Gamestop stores, and the 3d is unimpressive and kinda hurts my eyes. I know that sounds counterproductive (What? Buying a 3ds and keeping the 3d OFF?) but there are other features of the system that I'm interested in, plus certain DS games will control better with the joystick they have now. Nintendo has been working and testing no-glasses 3d since 2001 with the gamecube and gba sp, but limitations prevented them at the time. To be honest I kinda don't want the 3d to prosper, because to be honest I hate this new 3d craze that the media and entertainment is spewing out. These days EVERYTHING has to be in 3d -_- now they have 4d for some things. 4d. as in smellivision. w.t.f. But I digress.... No matter what, though, Nintendo will always be on top in the handheld market because they actually GET the concept of handheld gaming. Handhelds are systems on the go that have games that are like pick up and play for maybe about 30 minutes or so on a car ride, train, bus, etc, then put it down. Others like Sony try to put console games on a handheld, trying to give the console experience on the go. When they started with the PSP these 'handheld console' games controlled like crap because of the one joystick on the PSP, as the reduced number of shoulder buttons on the system. They couldn't really deliver console gaming on a handheld then. Now they have the Vita, which has like two joysticks and touch screen features and stuff like that. We'll just have to see how the Vita holds and how the games are. It won't matter if the Vita has more games than the 3ds if the games don't control well or aren't any fun. the same can be said for 3ds games too. I can name a few ds games that control like jank, but every system has games like that. This isn't the first time, though. the ds had a rocky start too, and the psp had a barren selection when it came out (save for GTA:LCS). I had a psp first....the original but it finally died this year, I got a Dsi last year. Tbh, I think that the psp library for games is still pretty small, compared to the ds, even though some ds games are just shovelware. But sorry for the rant-thing, OT: The decrease in price will no doubt increase sales, but it will also make Nintendo lose money in the process. But the price sounds more consumer friendly, at least good news for me lol.
  4. lol...uh, Lizzie...Hollywood threw that rule about remakes out the window a looooooong time ago. There are a few remakes that I like better than the originals (ex: The Hills Have Eyes. THE FIRST ONE. The 2nd one is dead to me and doesn't exist.), but generally remakes, or really generally movies, of this generation are bad. No...they're terrible. No...they're terri-bad. (It might sound unfair...but that's my opinion)
  5. I think they could have made the old Freddy, they do have control of what they can do. Robert Englund isn't dead, so they could have had him do the voice. Like Crimson said, they could make him look however they want because it's computer graphics. It might be because this recent Freddy is more recognized these days 'cause of the remake. It's whatever, though. I would have preferred the Robert Englund Freddy, but no matter which one they use we can all agree that his fatalities look pretty sweet :D In fact.....everyone's fatalities look f***in' awesome, I'll have to pick this up when I have the spare cash. I haven't played a MK game since MK2 on snes.....and MK Mythologies: Sub Zero on N64 (god, I HATED that game as a kid lol) one question remains for me, though....I'm out of the MK loop.....what happened to Goro?
  6. Really? He looks more like a reject pink Voldemort to me...
  7. He looks like he'll control like Baraka...that might just be me, though. wait....what? This is the new "revisioned" Freddy, isn't it? No Robert Englund Freddy, no good :( Grrr
  8. I'm using Blizzard's ABS for my game, and I'm hoping I can make the characters animated for when they attack (like the character swings his sword). Does anyone have, or does anyone know, if there is a template sprite for ABS animated sprites?
  9. My attempt on the Fable II box art (top part)
  10. That pretty much answers my question :) thanks! I'm mostly asking concerning the OoT enemies/bosses. This is progressively becoming one of the best projects I've seen for RMXP. I think I know what my next project is gonna be lol
  11. put down my preorders for Skyrim (cause it's awesome) and Dark Souls (cause I'm a masochist)

  12. Quick question, though: will the kit eventually have more enemy sprites (like Ganondorf, Ganon, Volvagia, and others from OoT, WW, TP and so on...)?
  13. Well, there is a Hell in the Grand Cayman Islands: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell,_Grand_Cayman a typical tourist trap, though.....I also notice that there's a North Pole in Alaska: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Pole,_Alaska
  14. Lol...I'm pretty much self-taught. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember...which is a pretty long time :P Reading through a lot of 'how to' books payed off pretty good. It's just something that I like doing and...well....I guess I just got progressively better. I think at this point I'm a bit above average.
  15. What I have is that I'm using game_guy's Quest Log Script, which uses the default windowskin but you can change that, but I digress. It's very simple and easy to use...the only thing that I find time consuming is that the "Quests" are items, and if it's a quest that takes multiple steps to complete you'll need to make a separate item for every step :/ Anyway, I made an item called the Quest Journal, and linked that item to a common event that calls the script.
  16. I think writing is a nice alternative to drawing. I do a bit of writing myself, too (well...I'm doing a few comics so writing helps lol). I'm sorry to hear that you lost your sketch book (Happened to me one time..fortunately it was only a few pages filled.), I would have been interested in seeing it.
  17. Here's one more I did earlier yesterday. One's the full pic and the other is a close up to see some of the details more clearly. EDIT: I moved it to the OP, it's the Jabberwock one :)
  18. An 18th-century German named Matthew Birchinger, aka "the little man of Nuremberg," played four musical instruments including the bagpipes, was an expert calligrapher, and was the most famous stage magician of his day. He performed tricks with the cup and balls that have never been explained. Yet Birchinger had no hands, legs, or thighs, and was less than 29 inches tall. Larry Lewis ran the 100-yard dash in 17.8 seconds in 1969, thereby setting a new world record for runners in the 100-years-or-older class. He was 101. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
  19. Lol thank you! The short answer to that is....a really long time lol I don't know exactly when...
  20. Well, here I am again...lol Anyway! I have put together a small collection of some art that I did over this year. I don't start school until next year so I'm just practicing and building up a portfolio...which is pretty much what I always do. Anyhoo, here they are: This is a random medley from my one of my sketchbooks: Some hands I drew for practice A drawing of a tree design I made for a friend a long, long time ago: Some skulls: Sonic: Raichu: Dr. Octogonapus...BLAH! Dr. Fetus from Super Meat Boy (mildly explicit) A dude's back: Some anatomy: Some more anatomy: A Big Daddy sculpture I made in my ceramics class: Nyan Cat I made with Microsoft Paint 'cause I was bored: Fanart for a band some of my friends are in: Green Castle Crashers knight with Giraffey and Rammy: A Santa-themed character for my comic (His name is Klaus, pronounced like in "Klaus Baudelaire".) A portrait of Jack, another character in my comic-to-be: A Mole, a mutated creature in my comic: More anatomy, and M80, another of my comic characters, on the bottom, and a random face: Another mutated character in my comic, Vitruvius: Ganondorf: Link: Jabberwock from American Mgee's Alice Close-up of Jabberwock A random girl I drew (Mostly to warm up with drawing females more often) Griffon (Another character in one of my comics) ...and more to come!
  21. It might just be me...but the paths look a little too straight to me... I would probably suggest decreasing the number of trees, maybe replace a few trees in the town itself with a few stumps, and to put in some foliage 'cause to me the ground looks pretty bare. that's my two cents anyway, take it however you will :)
  22. Holy dookie I'm alive!

    1. Polraudio


      YAY!! long time no see

    2. Enigma
    3. Kiriashi



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