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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. blogs are also down. any pages that use the refinery are down too. edit: seems like it's links in the forum that won't work properly, if you access the content via the main page of gdu you can open them.
  2. oh so that really is Scandinavia lol I thought it looked familiar
  3. there are 2 methods you can use. If the house tiles you want are in the tile set you are using or not. if they are in the tile set it's pretty easy. You'll want you events to be in the shape of the house (might be easier to make the house with the tile set and set the house events after so you sort of have a template) so example: Xs are house 0 is the door event XXXXX XXXXX XX0XX on the X events you have 2 pages. Page 1 is a blank event so the player can't interact with it. the page 2 has the event image set to the tile you want, with a "fixed direction", "same level as hero" and on switch/variable that activates when the player purchases the house. Once they give the resource you want to the builder it will activate the switch/variable, then the house will appear (if builder is close to the house you may want to transition so it doesn't look like magic just poofed the house into existence. If the player touches it or presses action on it it won't do anything, unless it's the door. On the door event's page 2 you will need the teleport command and however you want the door to open (there are tutorials for that) Method 2 is just you have to cut up the house image into a character sheet, once that is done it's the same except selecting the cut up character set for page 2. Hope that helps. If you're still having trouble i'm sure there is a quick tutorial online for this.
  4. If you set specific locations that buildings will always be, as in the player will have no choice on the location of the "armor shop" or no choice on the style the building is made in, then yes you could totally use event scripting. For the Crafter you could easily just open a shop. Bricks being one of the items he sells. The Builder could then ask what building you want built. Then he asks if the player wants to spend X amount of bricks/wood/resource you have. Conditional branch - yes or no. if yes, then conditional branch if player has X of items in their inventory. If they have the items, set switch/variable to 1 then at the building location, you have all the events setup looking like the house, and active on the switch or variable you designated. door event leads to map interior. If you have a day system or time system you could even have it take X amount of days to build.
  5. The first one isn';t too bad but the second is a pretty tall order. I believe the first one is available if you look hard enough. The second is probably going to be a custom script you need to make yourself. you'll have to anticipate every location in your game scripts that call sprites and have a ton of conditional branches that sort out the different aspects. It would be nice to have the kind of script for the look of your characters as they equip different things but it's pretty hard and labor intensive. Good luck with it. you might find a similar script if you look hard enough.
  6. cool stuff, I like the map gui. What program did you use to get the terrain? I'm always looking for a good map making program :)
  7. @Marked - cool stuff can't wait to see the finished product :) I saw your example and I'm sure it'll be impressive. @Ardaceus - sorry that your 2016 sucked, keep positive and I'm sure 2017 will be a great year for you. Good luck at Uni too. @Polraudio - I'll definatly show you guys pictures of the airship. I'll be taking pictures of my progress too and keep you guys up to date. I love voxel graphics, wouldn't mind seeing what you've made :) @Ryan Ferris - Good job, it can be really hard to finish a project like that, good luck with the final stretch
  8. Just thought I would see what every one has been up to these days and let you all know whats going on in my life as I have been absent for a little while. I've been pretty busy with my family, now I have 2 kids (boy 2 1/2 years old and a girl 9 months old). We moved into a new house a few months ago, and I finished my training at work am an now working solo installing peoples internet, cable and phones. What little free time I have i've spent working on my first full novel. It's nearly finished the first draft with over 70k words or about 130 pages in word (about 160 pages in normal novel sizes). I'm pretty excited as this project completes it's first phase. It's also been a heck take Christmas. With family and parties and other events I'd had even less time than normal. Now for the future. I hope to get more training at work, and finish writing then start editing my book. I also have a small project to build a remote controlled airship modeled after the Falcon in FFVI i'd like to start. That's all aside from the house maintenance I need to do to keep our home in shape lol and shovelling snow.....so much snow! Anyway, thats me. Whats up with the rest of you guys?
  9. cool stuff, i like it Mark.
  10. Welcome to the fold, i like the progress youve made on your game, looks cool
  11. You may be right. time to change the slogan to "The first rule of GDU is to spread the word of GDU!" Welcome to the forums Zepth Ayvuir, I'm not on as much as I used to be but if you need help with one of the engines just ask and we'll try and solve your problem :)
  12. I wasn't singling out your conversation with mark, it was meant as a broad everyone. To be honest I only skimmed it. It's hard to convey meaning through text some times, I apologize.
  13. I remember you Metaclaw, nice to see your return.
  14. Wow, 10 years...makes me feel old cause i've been using RM for over 12 years now XD
  15. Wow, this is a bit of drama I never expected from GDU. I agree with Saltome, it's good you came out and told the truth, but not every one will be ecstatic about your lying to them. Personally I don't hold any grudges, mind you I wasn't very close to you or anything. I do believe you'd be a great scripter for MV if you decide to learn it. To be honest, you probably already know 90% and just need to get used to a few syntax differences and call differences. Good luck with what ever you do. I know how life with kids is so try not to exhaust yourself.
  16. wow, thats kinda crazy. Lets hope this doesn't happen again.
  17. my suggestion would be to take what levels you have now and get a few people to test it. Ask them to chart a few metrics for you which might help. 1. What level they were when they entered an area? 2. What level they were when they left that area? 3. Did the enemies seem easy or hard in each area? 4. Did they feel the need to grind to beat certain bosses or enemies? 5. How did they spend their money before each area, and did they need to return for more equipment? 6. Did they get all the treasures in a given area or did they skip any and why did they skip them? The problem with trying to discern these things yourself as the designer is you know exactly where to go and what is the best path. Which skews the results of these questions. It doesn't hurt to run through the game a few times yourself to get a feel for it but it's harder to tell if how things are progressing.
  18. there are a few on here who have the skills you want but your best bet is to make them yourself. most people don't have a lot of time. since you have a good place for the originals i'd suggest try cropping out hair styles from the and switching them up or making your own.
  19. Thank you Marked! you were right i was the syntax and you have the right command! works perfect now! Apparently it's f8 for the debug btw lol
  20. Okay, i've started working on this plugin that will check around the event that activates it for a specific event name. I'm using this for a scarecrow event that when the day starts the filed/plant events evaluate if the scare crow is around them and if not there is a chance the plant get destroyed. now the problem i have is with the script getting the events location. When checking a specific coordinate, the script works fine, but when if asks for the events location I get crazy errors. I was told a line $gameMap.events()[this._eventId].x; should get the x coord for the event, but it doesn't seem to. same code switch x for y to get the Y coord. anyway, here is what I have so far. On lines 25 and 26 i set static numbers and commented out the dynamic xy. if any one knows whats wrong let me know. /*: * @author Dolarmak * @plugindesc Checks if a scarecrow event is within 3 tiles of the event * * @help * ============================================================================= * What does it do? * ============================================================================= * * Checks if a scarecrow event is within 3 tiles of the event * * ============================================================================= */ var aliasPluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand; Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) { aliasPluginCommand.call(this, command, args); if(command == "scarecrow") { //----- Check if Scarecrow Event is in range -----// //$gameMessage.add("checking"); var sc_event_x = 4; //$gameMap.events()[this._eventId].x; var sc_event_y = 4; //$gameMap.events()[this._eventId].y; var sc_event_true = false; for(var sc_event_y_check = (sc_event_y - 3); sc_event_y_check < (sc_event_y + 4); sc_event_y_check = (sc_event_y_check + 1)) { for(var sc_event_x_check = (sc_event_x - 3); sc_event_x_check < (sc_event_x + 4); sc_event_x_check = (sc_event_x_check + 1)) { if ($gameMap.isXyHasEventName(/scarecrow/i,sc_event_x_check,sc_event_y_check) == 1) { var sc_event_true = true; } } } //----- End Result ----// if (sc_event_true == true) { //----Scarecrow is in Range ----// //$gameMessage.add("Scarecrow detected"); $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'A'], false); $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'B'], true); } else { //----Scarecrow is not in Range ----// //$gameMessage.add("No scarecrow detected"); $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'A'], true); $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'B'], false); } } }
  21. lol well i'm glad you solved the problem. I know how some keyboards are silly, I need to be careful of mine cause there is a Sleep Wake and Power button on mine above the home buttons.
  22. sorry to hear that the problem is persisting even after reinstalling. I'm not an expert but if you completely uninstall (registery, rtp and everything), reboot and install a fresh copy of version 1.02e (which i think is the last version for pc, tho it might be 'f') it might fix it. your version of looks to be an older version which might be the cause of the problem which was later fixed in an updated version. If you need a copy let me know in a PM and i'll show you where to get it.
  23. hmm, not sure what the problem might be. I've never had that issue before. have you tried googling the problem, you might find a solution on the developers forums?
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