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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. My suggestion is to reinstall the program, backup your game stuff first tho. If it still persists then get a new copy of RPG Maker XP and install it. If you have a new copy and it gives you an error about your game being from a different version of RMXP there is a simple fix by editing the files I can give you.
  2. yeah, earthbound had awesome psychedelic backgrounds for the fight scenes. good luck getting it to work if you can.
  3. looks cool, let me know how you like it when you've had a chance to use it.
  4. Looks cool, i'm looking forward to it
  5. thanks for the heads up, i'll keep an eye out when i look at the plugins.
  6. okay, i get the mythology bit, but i still don't see why you said psychology plays a large role? so far I see a basic plot that many games have used in the past.
  7. it's a decent start, but with this story you never really gave Annie any motivation? Is she searching for her memories, or do the voices want her to do things? does she have a choice to follow the voices or can she disobey them? if she disobeyed them would there be consequences? if she follows the voices do they reward her? and does the actions of following or disobeying become more difficult as the game progresses?
  8. welcome back to the forums, once marked see this i'm sure he can unlock the account for you. next time you're in join us in chat if you see any one. :)
  9. Hey welcome back Nisage, and happy new year every one. Hope you all had fun :)
  10. i opted for vegetable gardens for my town, it's not a very rich place.
  11. There are a few critiques I can give you on your town. Don't use the same building tiles for every house. It looks nice but if you want a semblance of reality is that not everyone will have the same contractor, and not every one can afford the same building supplies. If you want to remember that every society has 3 basic social economic groups: Low, Middle and Upper Classes (it's obviously more complicated in real life but this is a good start) To keep in mind people social class in a town you have 3 factors: Size, Quality and Luxury. Size is obvious, more money means bigger houses. You have this factor well in hand. :thumbsup: Quality is pretty self explanatory too, more money a house hold has, the better materials their house will be made of. This is where not every house should look like the same contractor built them of the same materials. also use different colors for roofs just because not every one wants the same colors. Poor families generally have shacks of cheap lumber and roofs of cheap thatch or lumber. Some of these cheap houses may not even have windows, rather just shutters. Middle class homes generally have better quality lumber, bricks or even decent stone work depending on the contractors with roofs of tiles and possible windows. Rich homes are made of expensive stone like marble or finely crafted and styles bricks and their roofs are usually just as expensive tiles. Don't forget about upkeep, not every place will be in perfect condition. Finally Luxury can be a bit tricky, sure rich people will have a lot of frivolous stuff (patio set, groomed gardens, and statues ext..) but even the Low and Middle classes have some. Middle class families might have a small garden or nice trees/potted plants, maybe a family grave. Low class families might have vegetable gardens, tools might be around the property. My suggestion on flavor things you might add is flower gardens, in poor spots vegetable gardens, and every one needs wood to heat their homes so a stack or 2 of fire wood wouldn't be a bad idea. Also if your town has shops, maybe have some crates or barrels by the shop lots of places don't always have time to bring everything in at once, maybe some exterior vendors? Here is my first city map for the test game i'm making. it's not perfect, but uses many of the qualities i suggested.
  12. Cool stuff. This works for now until i decide if i'm making this into a full game or not. So far it's just be testing a few features and working on a beta script.
  13. Hey welcome to the forums Jaluna, it's always fun to meet new people getting into the game making scene. I saw you are using VXAce as your primary RPG Maker, have you givenMV a try? It doesn't have as many cool scripts for it yet but there are a lot of really great ones being developed, and over all it's a much better RPG Maker. We have the free trial on the site (and if you're quiet about it we might share the secret) lol. As for the arcade, it's just lonely cause no one plays games on it any more lol too much time working on our own games.
  14. Yeah i get what you mean, and why are there only like 12 sprites of the 60 enemies? Like no snakes, spiders or other basic sprites for typical animal enemies
  15. I can't guarantee how often I'll be online now-a-days. With a young and growing family my time is stretched as it is lol. best not to make commitments i can't keep.
  16. While I agree completely with the Towns, people and nature parts, i disagree with the over abundance of text on every object. Not everything needs to display text because after a short while most people just get sick of it. It also makes the player feel like there is nothing to be found in places like drawers and pots when for the empty ones you still get text. it'll some times make the players stop checking things. what i think is more palatable for players is to make a few findable objects in drawers or pots at the start of the game, and then periodically add findables in other places. Not even ever drawer/pot needs an item and not displaying any text is a quicker way to show the player it's empty. I think the key is to keep things consistent. don't only have drawers in town X have items and then town Y only the pots have items. That's my opinion.
  17. Same here, I understand why marked reduced our positions, no point if a person is never online
  18. cool stuff, why not make a game page for it in the game section of GDU?
  19. hey welcome back Noob, good to see you in the game making biznez again lol
  20. a guy on another forum showed me how to do it with States. the item puts the player in a permanent state which grants an add skill type trait.
  21. It should be able to do it, you just have to enable the menu to open when a message box is open. not sure where. If i remember correctly your message window would be over top the menu windows.
  22. I think maybe having the feature disabled if the game is still in development, or the option to disable it since how can you rate a game that isn't finished. cool look tho
  23. I gotta say I'm really happy with how GDU looks now. It's polished and clean, but still has elements of fun.
  24. To be honest I wasn't expecting much so I was surprised at a few of the features they added. Its no where near perfect but it's steps up from VX/Ace and given time and new plugins being made I'm sure it'll be fine. My biggest complaint now is that the size of the file is huge when deployed...I can't really understand why the games are 5-20 times bigger than the engine even when there is nothing in the game....literally just 1 map and resources...makes no sense.
  25. I do like some of Yanfly's stuff, unfortunately the only thing i need isn't in it.
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