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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. Well I can tell you whats happening, but since I don't use ace I couldn't tell you where you need to edit the script. Basically You made the new class and weapon class in RPG Maker's database, however the Battle Script (Tankentai) itself has to be configured for it. Basically the battle script looks at a set of instructions when preforming the "attack" action and asks the database what weapon type the character is using to preform the animation. Now here is the problem, Tankentai doesn't have the definition of your new weapon, it's blank. it sees "Weapon type = X" and they checks what it needs to do with weapon type X, but it has no information on "Weapon Type X" because you didn't add it in the script, so instead it does nothing. This is a common problem with battle scripts. They often require a level of modification to do anything original (not in the default RM database). Now I don't know how easy Enu's Ace script is to configure, but I do know that Enu's XP script was a nightmare. Few instructions and even fewer notes on what everything does.
  2. dolarmak

    Progress Bar

    so basically like a huge surprise party :D
  3. I think your idea is brilliant. Can't wait to see it in action. I get that not all scripts can co-mingle (heck not all XP scripts can work together) but if people try they could probably fix those compatibility issues. It would be cool to see what people could do with access to all RM scripts, and better use of keyboard, mouse and resolution. Heck I'd be happy with RMXP with better keyboard, mouse and resolution abilities, let alone use more than one RGSS
  4. dolarmak

    Progress Bar

    Hey I just saw this nifty new progress bar we got. 50% of the way to RMU 2.0! can't wait to see what Marked has in store for us.
  5. Just curious, why did you change to a sideview ATB?
  6. well.....technically we support all the RMs... but RMXP FTW! lol Welcome to the board, hope you enjoy your time with us.
  7. hmm that is odd, I've never see that problem before. i'll test with my version to see if a short midi will do the same. EDIT Okay I tried it with several 30-40 second midi tracks that I have and I didn't recieve any problems. It might just be your version of RPGmaker. My suggestion is back up all your files and try reinstalling it.
  8. Welcome back dude! nice to see you did something creative :D
  9. Its not only about being as active, it's also what you do. Getting a full game out there is a great accomplishment and it shows dedication.
  10. As you might have guessed, my user name is Dolarmak on both Steam and Xbox live I don't get on XBL much any more simply due to the fact that I don't have a wireless adapter for it, and i'm too lazy to run the ethernet cable down stairs lol.
  11. I think thats actually a game and not an anime lol I dono which are my #1, i just have a few i really like One Piece Naruto Shippuden Fairy Tail Last Exile Monster I totally recommend monster btw for people who are really into psychological messed upness lol it was a great anime.
  12. You'll get it eventually Shin :) I'm voting Bob since he finished his game! Way to go Bob
  13. Me too! Good to see some one actually achieving their goal :)
  14. Star Ocean had MP death? I don't remember that....but it has been years since i've played it lol Cool Pack of Add-ons Ace.
  15. Maybe it's just me but what system is this for when you say natures classes. Are you referring to RM games, or a broader range of games? Mostly cause in D&D Druids (your nature summoners) can be pretty bad ass. Summoning strangling vines, ferocious animals, animating trees or even summoning mighty Treants and Elementals. Not to mention they're pretty good at Melee fighting. I guess it's down to the people who play/make the class as to how the character develops, combatant or support.
  16. Is this the final version (goes to the end of the game) or will you still be adding to it?
  17. Looks great, I can see many uses for this UI.
  18. Looks cool, good job. I'll give it a play when i have more free time.
  19. If you could post a demo with it I think you would get a better response. People like to see how something works before adding it to their games.
  20. Umm is this based on the anime of the same name?
  21. thats a pretty nifty compromise there Marked, gets the best of both worlds :D
  22. I think it's fine, And Marked's reasoning is right. I've tried recently to find scripts via the old search and came up empty handed. I knew they were on the site cause i used them before, and after 20 minutes of searching i finally found them. after trying again with the google search, it found them right away.
  23. dolarmak


    You and me both. lol Nightprince75, avoid double posting if you can. if no one has responded yet, just edit your previous post.
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