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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. 'Prt Scr' button does it easily and without using a mouse lol just open a paint program and 'paste' should do it.
  2. Ah, but thats how you learn Shin, keep messing with it and have fun is the best.
  3. Of course you have, you started this thing lol lol I signed up a month before ShinGamix but didn't post much for a long while.
  4. It's set this way because that's the size of the game window. You can't change that for just 1 map, there are ways to make the window bigger but that means messing with the engine itself and few people are pro enough to do that. The solution is to use black filler on either side. Make it so that the black is impassable by the player. It'll look like you put up those cinematic bars other video games use, but it gets the job done. Don't worry about something as height or width. You can have a map with only 1 square this way but it's impractical.
  5. Lol, well don't i just put a wrinkle in your 100% posting today :P what are you going to do about it eh Shin? lol I just hope more people will be active and start talking. Chats been dead for a while too.
  6. Congrats on finding an easy fix. Makamura there is a 'Best Answer' button you can press that will highlight the useful comment for other users trying to find this same solution. This will help RMU users. Thanks. (I know I'm not a mod but i try to help Marked out if I can)
  7. no need to worry, i'll stay here. I like where the site is going and can't wait to see it develop.
  8. This is a similar kind of thing I'll be doing with my Online Magazine. If you want to collaborate maybe we could work together? I'm a decent editor. Maybe I could publish them with the magazine, or feature them and link them to your tutorials?
  9. I love these tile sets, they're awesome. I was just missing the interior, so thanks for sharing :D
  10. Seriously, whats up with that? Come on people it's time to step up!
  11. This is pretty awesome, good job Noob on getting them all together. Tho i know I won't use them it's good to see that they are available for people who want them.
  12. Oh thanks Marked, I appreciate it. I try as best I can to help people if I am able.
  13. dolarmak

    Google Graveyard

    Yeah Pol, i don't think you'll have to worry about those features getting closed. lol right now I think 3/4 of the US and Canada use them on a daily basis. Well since i didn't use any of those products it doesn't really bother me, but if they got rid of something i like i guess i would be. Hopefully that won't happen.
  14. By sprite do you mean walking sprites, battle sprites, or the drink Sprite? lol If you have any screen shots i'd be interested to see. Good luck with your project, and welcome to the forum.
  15. I like the idea of using it outside the device, like a ring XD that would just be cool. twist to type.
  16. If you'd like I can give you tips for Atoa's Battle system to get the look you want. 99% is just making new graphics. You only need to change one line to get a FF feel in the battle system Step 1 ACBS | Config1 Basic Line 79, Move_to_Attack = false This will make it so they don't move next to the enemy when they attack Step 2 Now it's just to make battle sprites for your characters. Open one of the main sprites from Graphics/Battlers and see how they did it. basic ones are made with 4X11, but you'll notice special ones. I would keep to 4X11 that way you don't need to edit each characters battle pose frame rates in the config, but if you want more frames per pose, at the end of 'Config2 Advanced' it has instructions on how to edit them. near the bottom of Config1 Basic they have a list of the poses, they change slightly from the version you get but basically they are: Idle_Pose = 1 # Wait pose (Recomended never change, because it can cause funtion losses) Hurt_Pose = 2 # Pose when Taking Damage(Recomended never change, because it can cause funtion losses) Danger_Pose = 3 # Idle pose when HP is low Defense_Pose = 4 # Idle pose when guarding Advance_Pose = 5 # Moving foward Return_Pose = 6 # Return move pose Attack_Pose = 7 # Pose when attacking Skill_Pose = 7 # Pose when using Physical Skills Magic_Pose = 8 # Pose when using Magical Skills Item_Pose = 8 # Pose when using Items Dead_Pose = 11 # Dead Idle pose If you want to change the pose they use just change the number and it'll use that row in the characters battler sheet. The rest is just tweaking the graphics, set a new battle background, make and edit enemy sprites...tedious but thems the breaks.
  17. well give Minkoff or Atoa's a try, they do have better sets of instructions and have plenty of things you can do with them.
  18. lol i know, but i donno who to nominate :P oh well
  19. Oh i don't think anyone was really worried about getting the awards late or anything. besides you still have 2 weeks to make them if you're really intent on doing it, plenty of time. I will nominate Marked! for his awesome site. I think he deserves a pat on the back for what he's done for us here.
  20. I would say the Artsy Side forum would be your best bet for now until Marked makes a music forum. To be honest we haven't had many people making music so i guess it wasn't a priority. Your track is pretty good, is this your first time trying to make one? Very industrial sounding.
  21. Well to be perfectly honest you might not find exactly what you're looking for unless you build it yourself. That's not to say you won't be able to find something similar and that you might be able to "fake" or modify what you want it to be. Most of the time it's just fixing graphics to get the look you want. There are tons of Side Battle Systems available, so since I'm not sure what you've checked out i'll list a few I know that are simular to FF. Minkoff's Animated Battlers Atoa Custom Battle System 3 Both have tons of custom scripts that might be helpful and can be customized to be exactly like the FF battle system. I know that for a fact cause I've used both of them. I'm currently using Atoas script for my Breath of Fire game.
  22. lol, oh well, i guess i beat ya to it maybe next time Lizzie.
  23. Hey welcome back Eco, always good to see an old member return
  24. It seems people were too busy to participate in your treasure hunt Marked. it's in Madanchi's post in http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/2494-official-members-sig-background/page-5
  25. As i said before to you Marked I'm really looking forward to what you have planned. I know I don't do a lot of scripting or anything but I try to help people with the knowledge I have and am glad to see that focus for the site, to help people. Overall I think this will grow to be a great site filled with people helping build projects that otherwise couldn't be done. Thanks Marked for keeping up the good work despite the hard times.
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