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Everything posted by RMXPirate

  1. Do you need the character set to be like that? Cant you just get the parts of it you need and make it rmxp compatible? Also maybe the 8 way movement script someone can make an edit and you can use it that way.
  2. RMXPirate

    moving event

    I dont know if that is possible unless you have a way to call a script in the event to make that tile an 0 as for the script you want fro turning the direction then walking i know of one like that :D i will search for it for you and edit this post when i find it :D. Good luck on trying to get this to work if i knew how i would help more sorry.
  3. It doesnt help alot but alot of the scripts have things in it that really are not needed at all! Then you go and add a custom script in it which pretty much sets up that variable etc again so you have it twice. All these small things..
  4. So a member of my forums posted this and it was a basic topic on how to reduce lag, here is his post: A simple note also is to raise the fps like this: Graphics.frame_rate = # place that under main and make the # anywhere from 40 to 120. I suggest 60 as ts perfect and doesn't make the game run too fast like 90 does!!
  5. I would love to help as well!! We can be a team. I am on all the time and am not new at RMXP but i am still not that great at all so yeah!
  6. I want to test the VX version as well!! Vx has much ore capabilities then Xp for MMO's but Xp can still do it if you raise the fps which is quite easy :D. I also found a way to make any game less laggy without using the Anti Lag script from a great member on my forums, ill post that later. Any who that's off topic, this looks really awesome and i cant wait to try the vx and even the xp version!!
  7. Well for some of us it just comes to us! We sit there and next thing you know we get idea. It all depends on who you are really. Some of us are creative and can make it fast some of us have writers block and it takes forever!! As for writing it for me it doesnt take long at all, all but 5 or 10 minutes is really all i need unless its a huge story! The one i have for my game now isnt that huge so it wast all that long to write, also because its already based of an actual novel im writing so yeah.
  8. That map is awesome!! How do you do it lol! I hope you post more tutorials because I am not a great mapper at all and yeah. This is an awesome tutorial, i have learned a lot since the last time i was taught mapping(when XP first came out :D)
  9. This game sounds pretty interesting! Also i agree that the 2nd map looks awesome. I am willing to help with writing and possibly a bit of mapping if you still need the help. Keep up the good work!!
  10. As do i, i also hope its easy to set up because that would be awesome! Getting it to run well would be easy too with a bit of code to change the fps and you can make it able to hold a bunch of people!! Also with the patching thing i found out how to do to patch maps easily. Any who i'm just typing my thoughts lol.
  11. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited!! I hope you have a wonderful stay here, if you have any questions feel free to ask :D. Thanks for joining, your gonna like these forums!
  12. Awesome sites guys!! You all know mine, or i hope you do :D http://rpgmakerforums.ipbfree.com/index.php
  13. http://files.filefront.com/CharacterMakerX...;/fileinfo.html theres another link that has a whole bunch of things already added into it so that you dont have to :D
  14. I understand what you mean but for the people who do like it i will add it but you can still change it to the other one :D
  15. I just compiled the tilesets and charactersets other people made and put them together so dont give me any credit. but no problem :D more things will be in the next version :D
  16. RMXP to VX V.1.0 Make Your VX like XP! Do you hate the VX RTP? Want VX look like XP's? Well now you can. With this hefty tool, thanks to bussbuzz and RPG Wizard i have combined there work so that VX is like XP! The tilesets, and (added) charactersets are now compeltly XP! I want to thank them for there wonderful work! So go ahead and download this to use with VX and start making The VXP game of your dreams! Download XP_to_VX.zip http://www.savefile.com/files/1480588 Things in it so far Charactersets - Just the main ones, not monsters etc those will be in another version! Tilesets - Most of the tilesets are there, more will be added whenever busbuzz updates his tilesets. More to come!! Updates None as of yet but i plan on adding more of the things Xp has like the window skin etc in future versions. Soon VX will be completly like xp! Credits busbuzz - Tilesets edit original topic RPG Wizard - Charsets edit original topic If you use this please do not credit me AT ALL please credit the above people!
  17. This topic is suppose to be in the resource request section moving it there now. This topic is also resolved Closed!
  18. I deffinitly learned something today, thanks dude! VX mapping is a bit different then xp and to me a bit more difficult :D. This helped alot hope you come out with more for other types of maps :D
  19. Awesome thank you marked!! I found this along time ago on face makers official site but unfortunately it being a jap site it was not in english and no one had translated it :(
  20. It must be something wrong with the site, its weird, it was working earlier why wont it work now? I guess ill reload it for you guys. Edit: I reloaded it!
  21. 3,413 downloads

    Scrive 3.0 and 4.0 Beta 4 By: Last Resort Entertainment Forums: http://myscrive.net/forums/ 4.0 Beta can be found in the downloads below. [spoiler=Program Info] Scrive Are you tired of searching and searching for a script for RMXP? Well now you don't! Scrive! is set to change all that ... Scrive! is a different way of finding scripts because its a script archive. Whats a script arcvhive you may ask? Well its a program full of scripts for you to search for and copy right into your games, no more looking on the net for hours or though 100 of forum pages. With scrive the scripts are right there! [spoiler=Optional Downloads and Scrive 4.0 Beta]3.0 Stable Download: http://myscrive.net/files/Scrive.zip 4.0 Beta Download: Installer http://myscrive.net/files/Updates/executables/scrive.msi Non Installer http://myscrive.net/files/Scrive_4b4.zip
  22. Scrive By: RMXP Unlimited Updates: NEW! Current 5.0 Alpha Version: 5.0 Alpha 1 Released: Wednesday, May 27th Current Offline Version: 3.5 Final Release 1 Released: Wednesday, May 27th - Current Online version: 4.5 Final Release 5 Released: May, 31st Current Organizer version: 4.5 Final Release 1 Released: May, 30th <span onClick="this.nextSibling.style.display=((this.nextSibling.style.display=='none')?'':'none');" onclick="this.nextSibling.style.display='';"><div class='spoilertop'>About Scrive</div></span><span style='display:none;'><div class='spoilermain' >Us here at Scrive: Project Lead: RMXPirate Head Programmer: Formlesstree4 Co Programmers: FF12_Master and RMXPirate What is Scrive? Scrive is a online or offline(Version 3.0) Script database that lets you search through scripts for RMXP/VX and use in your game. With Scrive you get all the info you need for the script(from the Author to if the SDK is required) making it easy to put in your project without really needing to view the support topic. But the support topic is always there for you! With Scrive finding a script is easier then a google search or searching through 50 pages on a forum! With 5.0 just around the corner it will have over 100 scripts! Scrive History Scrive started in 2007 by RMXPirate as a very small program with nothing in it at all and only about 15 RMXP Scripts. The program then grew several times first in late 2007, then again in 2008 with 3.0 and soon late 2008 for version 4.5. Now in early 2009 5.0 Alpha has been released! Back then scrive was nothing like you see in 4.0 and even 5.0 is a big step from 4.0 series. The programmers and I are happy to see what Scrive has became!</div></span> <span onClick="this.nextSibling.style.display=((this.nextSibling.style.display=='none')?'':'none');" onclick="this.nextSibling.style.display='';"><div class='spoilertop'>Screenshots</div></span><span style='display:none;'><div class='spoilermain' >Scrive 5.0 Alpha Scrive 4.5 Scrive 3.3: </div></span> <span onClick="this.nextSibling.style.display=((this.nextSibling.style.display=='none')?'':'none');" onclick="this.nextSibling.style.display='';"><div class='spoilertop'>Change log</div></span><span style='display:none;'><div class='spoilermain' >Scrive 4.0 Changelog: Instead of separating each update for all the versions we will have the patch notes etc for all versions below. The updates will be dated from here on after what you see below to make it easier for you to know what change log is for which program. 4.5 Release 5 >> Removed organizer from program, organizer is now separate program. >> Fixed some patch issues and IO errors possibly... 4.5 Release 4 Patch Notes >> Fixed database issues 4.5 Release 3 Patch Notes >> Moved to new database so scripts should load faster >> Upon moving to new database the scripts images now work 4.5 Release 2 Patch Notes >> Bug with screenshots not showing fixed >> Removed the need for load script button 4.5 Final Update Notes >> Made Vista Compatible (No need to run in Administrator Mode now!) << >> Cleaned up some coding for applying settings >> Debugged a few issues >> No GUI Changes 4.5b1 Update Notes >> More settings in place to disable image downloads >> Custom Title Bars and buttons in most places >> Multithread complete, meaning no more lock ups >> Codebase rewritten and ready >> Scrive Tutor images have been added, which >> provides helpful information when going over >> certain buttons or areas. >> Added new DLL files. If you get errors about >> missing DLL files, contact formlesstree4 4.5b1 Information Notes >>>>>> This is just a information patch <<<<<< >> Background settings now work across the program. >> Hopeful feature: Add script from online directly to offline! >> Get Settings for the 'Scrive Helper' completed. >> Rewritting entire codebase. >> Update functions should be less buggy, which means less errors! >> Pray I can release this correctly. >> The entire bug reporting system is complete. 4.0b4 Update Notes >> Fixed a bug with .dll files not being found. 4.0b3 Update Notes >> Scrive Organizer Fixed up and working. >> Cleaned up queries. >> Bug Reports cleaned up a bit. >> Fixed a few bugs, cleaned up minor coding. >> *MAJOR* Offline Database Successfully added and read from. >> Release Coming soon, finishing bug work on the Organizer. >> Rewriting the Online Version for future versions after the 4.0 Final release. 4.0b2 Update >> Added Program Chooser. Major!! >> Added Scrive Organizer to the program! >> Added the credits window to the program. >> Fixed script info to show in the info window >> Added bug report and feedback(may not be functioning right) >> Several minor bug fixes --------------------------------------------------- >> Added autoupdater >> Added bug reporter >> Finally got an installer! >> Adding scripts debugged permanently. >> Did lots of debugging around functions. >> Program now utilizes two databases: One for XP Scripts, and one for VX Scripts! >> Scripts being added, bear with us! 4.0b1 Update October 28, 2008 >> Database added to bring down program file size. >> Added Auto-updates to stop users from having download updates all the time. >> Changed program GUI (will not be final look will change drastically through beta). >> Add script option adds scripts directly to database to bring down file size and allow for less downloading of new versions. >> My script option taken out for now as a new feature for your own scripts will be available in the new version </div></span> <span onClick="this.nextSibling.style.display=((this.nextSibling.style.display=='none')?'':'none');" onclick="this.nextSibling.style.display='';"><div class='spoilertop'>Downloads</div></span><span style='display:none;'><div class='spoilermain' >5.0 Alpha 1: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2yc5iy55zym 4.0 Online Download: Installer http://rpgmakersforum.com/Scrive/Files/scrive.msi Non Installer http://rpgmakersforum.com/Scrive/Files/Scrive4.5R5.zip Scrive Organizer: Program: http://rpgmakersforum.com/Scrive/Organizer...5_Organizer.rar Source Code: http://rpgmakersforum.com/Scrive/Organizer...izer_Source.zip 3.0 Offline Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2zrviry2fme [/code]</div></span> <span onClick="this.nextSibling.style.display=((this.nextSibling.style.display=='none')?'':'none');" onclick="this.nextSibling.style.display='';"><div class='spoilertop'>System Requirements</div></span><span style='display:none;'><div class='spoilermain' >The following requirement are what Microsoft has set as the requirements for most Visual Basic created applications. Although these are the requirements seen below, Scrive may run on computers under the requirements. Processor 400 MHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Minimum); 1GHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Recommended) RAM 96 MB (Minimum); 256 MB (Recommended) Free hard disk space 12 MB recommended Operating Systems Windows Vista (Any), Windows XP (Any), Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003. Needed to work: 800 x 600, 256 colors (Minimum) .Net Framework 2.0(Scrive 4.0/3.0) .Net Framework 3.5(Scrive 3.0) *Not needed but 3.5 is the most up to date and other programs may use this version.</div></span>
  23. That would be awesome dude, very useful!! Once i release the version and finish the new coding for the coding i lost(soon) i will send you the coding and project file in a .zip :D, thanks man!
  24. This is a good script dude!! Definitely a good idea for the save menu as in your screen shot. You should make a demo for it with some examples as well for people who will have troubles setting it up :D
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