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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. I wish at least one of the rmxp RTP sprites had a scarf so I could make a reference to something. 100 imaginary points to whoever guesses what I want to reference.

    1. Kushito
    2. Bob423


      Wait...would probably help if you knew more about the game...the color of the scarf might give it away for some people lol

  2. *codes menu* ...I can't do much else with RGSS

    1. zahraa


      lol I remember I used to feel so powerful when I edited the default menus in RMXP...But now Unity makes me feel stupid xD

  3. Teamspeak is free too...unless you're talking about a server.
  4. I think he means, "You may be salty, but you're our salty." Or something to that affect.
  5. *Begins super secret rmxp project*

    1. Bob423


      This the only one that's not just ideas. I can't do anything Eltoria or Pi Squared because I need graphics and Eltoria's currently too big. My super secret one, being in rmxp, has a lot of the work done for me lol. I just want to SOMETHING done tbh and this seems like the best way to do it.

    2. zahraa


      lol Pol once said "projects are like girls." So my advice is to stick with one :P

    3. Kitsuki


      Not necessarily, I know a person who is working on three or four projects at the moment and they are coming out fine. It depends on the situation and the person, but for me it's about working with what you have :)

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  6. Wait what? I never thought about what happened to the old domain...huh. Also, Marked, I'm not gonna start calling you Roochu. Never gonna happen. I guess since posted I need to do this now too... What brought you to this site? Google. Looking for an RPG Maker site that could help me with rmxp Why did you decide to make an account to post? I wanted to share my crappy game I made when I was just messing around with rmxp. Don't ask what it is and don't try it find it, it's embarrassing. Why are you still here? Made some friends and then just kinda stayed...I guess I subconsciously thought I needed a home on the internet and I guess this is it. This is like...the second site I made an account on and the first one where I used this username. I didn't regularly use the internet much at all before I came here to be honest. Except maybe Youtube...
  7. No, I used to want this, before I decided to switch to turn-based.
  8. Gonna be learning software developement crap at college...hopefully this fall.

    1. Polraudio


      @Omar im getting by perfectly fine without really learning math or physics lol. Its all stuff that can be learned as needed.

    2. ShinkuAura


      You want me to show you math? Is that what you're trying to say?

    3. Kitsuki


      I just came to say that i hate maths


      And cool, Bob, good luck learning!

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  9. So a couple months ago I saw a youtube video of someone playing this game when it was in closed beta. Now it's in early access on steam and has a free demo. It's called Secrets of Grindea http://steamcommunity.com/app/269770 When I wanted to make an action RPG, I wanted the battle system to be similar to this game's. I didn't know that what I wanted was similar to this game until I saw the youtube video though. Definitely gonna be buying this as soon as possible. Here's the description on the store page so you don't have to click:
  10. I can understand why drugs would be both illegal and legal, but are there special illegal dildos? Asking for a friend...
  11. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    Banned because I just found this giant can of spam.
  12. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for reviving this topic.
  13. Reason I hate Reddit #32: It took me way too long to learn how to do a line break.

    1. Polraudio


      Welcome to reddit.

  14. Basically I just played some video games and thought "hm...what if there was one that was like this..." and then one day my brother downloaded RPG Maker 2000 and we liked that, so we eventually bought RMXP.
  15. Home at last, home at last! Thank God Almighty, I am home at last! ...wait that's not right...

    1. Marked


      But B-Bone, you were always home. Coz this is your home and WiFi is everywhere.

  16. Hm...that might be interesting. Mind if I steal it? I already have a few characters in mind for it lol.
  17. Just got back from the wedding I went here to go to. I leave for home tomorrow. It's been 100 degrees outside pretty consistantly here lol

    1. Kitsuki


      O.o 100 degrees outside constantly? Get back to your place in one piece, Bob P:

    2. zahraa


      haha Texas reminds me of my hometown xD so glad we're not there during the summer

    3. Bob423


      Luckily it's actually chilly inside every single building lol.

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  18. Well I'm in Texas now. Remembered The Alamo, had some BBQ at the original Rudy's, baked in the hot sun at 100+ degrees F.

    1. Marked


      I had a lecturer from Texas once, we got on. Oddly enough.



  19. Bob423


    Well max level is 9999, so...
  20. Bob423


    She's like level 2000. That's not gonna do anything, dood!
  21. Bob423


    Black Mage and Dusty are the only ones who care. I was running away from Etna, then Mark caught me. She's gonna kill us both when she finds me, dood!
  22. I'd say more than 20 if you count the fact that Meteor left Midgar a little broken. Not completely destroyed, but I'd say a about a hundred people could've died from that. Still no where near what Kefka did of course. I'm not sure if he's the best villain, but one of the best video game villains is definitely Albedo Piazzolla from Xenosaga. This guy is what's called a URTV (U-DO Retro Virus), which are a series of biological weapons and the 669 children of Dmitri Yuriev created to fight U-DO, which is a consciousness in a higher plane of existence often referred to as "God Himself" that was causing problems in our universe. The first 665 had a hive-mind and all went insane and killed each other during an incident known as the Miltian Conflict, which ended in the planet Miltia disappearing. Numbers 666-669 were special and given special abilities and survived the Miltian Conflict. Some of them grew up. 666 and 667 were conjoined twins (Albedo is 667). When they were split, 666 (aka Jr. or Rubedo, one of the 7 main protagonists) kept the part of him that prevented cell growth, giving him eternal youth, while Albedo got the part that caused cell growth, allowing him to regenerate any part of his body, even his head, making him essentially immortal. At some point during his childhood, he went a little nuts (he already was a little weird) when he discovered that not only could he not die, but his brothers could. So later, when he got a little too much exposure to U-DO, he decided, you know what? FUCK. EVERYONE. He's just one of the best crazy villains. There's a cutscene with him that's just great in a disturbing kind of way. He kidnaps an artificial human known as a Realian, who happens to look like a little girl and has some very important data stored inside her, then shows her how immortal he is by cutting off his own arm and regrowing it, then ripping off his own head while laughing, continues to laugh with his head on the floor, then steps on it. He later mind-rapes the girl in order to get the data out of her. (and seemingly mind-raped her sisters too) You have been warned. His theme song, which plays in that scene is great too. His accomplishments don't quite match up to Kefka, but he's still a great villain.
  23. Gonna be going to Texas on the 13th for my former Scout Master's wedding. Hope I don't get heat stroke.

    1. ShinkuAura
    2. Bob423


      Los Vegos. Son Fronsisca. Los Ongeles. Son Ontania

    3. Marked


      My site, my spelling. Jokes. But we legit spell things differently. Grey is a colour and colour is spelt colour, as opposed to color. Although I've prollies typed color more often on account of CSS.


      Actually, I'm thinking about making an administraterial decree that your username be spelt backwards: boB.

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