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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. Well that's a lot of info. Nice to see you know what you're doing at least :P Sounds like you're making a huge crossover game for anime nerds? If so, you'll probably want characters from dbz, naruto, etc, which should be really easy to find. Or are you asking for more, and/or a specific style? I'm sure someone here can help in some way. Maybe you should post a topic about your game. that is, if you have enough info and images for one.
  2. Not enough people here like Doctor Who, what's going on here?

    1. Marked
    2. zahraa


      lol I love Doctor Who so...Am I a massive nerd too?I guess I'm the only one who likes Doctor Who in our school...

      Uh I wish Doctor could give me some "time" for my bday...I really need it :|

    3. madanchi


      I used to like it, but I dropped it once Christopher Ekleston left. He was the best Doctor imo.

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  3. It's very rare that you would need to pay anyone for rpg maker resources and very difficult to find someone who will help you and dedicate their time to working for you. Especially if they don't know anything about you or your project. It would be easiest to get some friends together for a project than what you seem to be doing. Not to mention good spriters are hard to come by. Your best bet I think is to give us some examples of things you want done, and people can try to do it for you. They'll most likely only do one or two things because they're busy though, if anything at all. So...good luck! :D edit: This is also in the wrong section. Should go in RPG Maker XP Requests. You've posted in VX Ace (Wish I were a mod so I could fix this)
  4. I love when people say something reall rude or angry sounding, get flamed, and then tell people they were joking. Sure, "joking". Also I think I'll get X. I'd rather have Yveltal over Xerneas, but X has better mega evolutions and I've decided that having a flying type legendary is actually not a good idea for how i play the games

  5. Pokemon X or Y? I'm thinking Y, but idk...

    1. BlueSparks540


      X! Charizard mega form in it is awesome!!! :3

    2. Bob423


      but what about Yveltal?

    3. BlueSparks540


      hmm.. good point. choose what you like :3

  6. Welcome to RMU! If you need help, the first place to go is the tutorials section. Most of us will be happy to help you if we can though :D
  7. I sometimes forget that there are actually people who haven't played Ocarina of Time. By the way, I was thinking...If this game had voice acting, Rauru would be voiced by Christopher Lee. He just would, idk...

  8. Bob423

    Yay I WON!!!

    No Idea what I got when I did it yesterday, but I remember dying a lot only near the end. The first time I died I thought "Crap, I regenerated!"
  9. So I was thinking the other day... Something that happened 2000 years ago is going to be remembered differently today. That's just how our minds work. None of us have perfect memories. And since I already have a partially true legend for the city of Arcatis, and there are 3 different countries in my game, why not make 2 other versions of the legend? Well I did, and all 3 versions of the legend have some truth to them. The truth is not, however, just a mix between all 3. There is a part to the story that no one got right because no one knows about it. It's not just incorrect, it's not there. I think I may have exaggerated before about the size of the story (of the trilogy as a whole), but It's certainly deeper than any story I've thought of before, although that's not saying much. It feels big to me at least.
  10. My new avatar is perfect http://i.imgur.com/rPwKUFk.gif

    1. Bob423


      Also, coming sooner or later: Super Simple Scripted Sprinting System. AKA Sx5

    2. Marked
  11. They could at least try to make the bots believable...

    1. Polraudio


      There were a few last year sometime. Posted in the correct section and the content was almost correct.

  12. I thought it might be a joke and I was debating actually saying what I said, but then I saw what noob said and I felt like I had to respond to that. By the way, does the site itself have a birthday? I've been here for almost 3 years now (exactly 3 on the 28th) and I don't remember one. Also pol has the same birthday as a certain British TV show and I'm jealous. Except for the 1963 part. He's 23, not 50 lol
  13. Your friends in real life should remember your birthday or at least try. No matter what age you are. No idea what noob is talking about. You shouldn't expect an online community to remember your birthday though. Most people don't go around to people's profiles and check birthdays and there's no birthday notification here. Just say "It's my birthday!" In a status update or something and say your age. People will say "happy bday" or something and you can celebrate irl.
  14. TIL: My laptop's screen's contrast was too high, causing the scroll bar to be very difficult to see on websites with dark backgrounds like imgur. I had to move my house over it to find where it was. Now I don't have to :D

    1. Bob423


      *MOUSE. Not house wtf.

    2. Bob423


      Well cursor actually, but whatever

    3. Polraudio


      i actually read that as mouse lol

  15. Seriously considering just making Arcatis II longer and not doing a third game. I wanted III to be about 2 years later, though. Hm...

    1. Polraudio


      Could always do a whole 2 years later transition in the game. But its a tricky thing to do correctly and may break immersion.

    2. Bob423


      I bet I could pull it off with what I have planned, but because of the way I want the game to be and my obsession with making sure things make sense and ironing out the silly fiction logic, I would have to pull an Ocarina of Time and then make it so, if something is done in the future, it can be a done a second time in the past and it would get confusing and I might end up breaking the game and making it more complicated than it needs to be with the addition of crazy time travel.

    3. Bob423


      Time travel is confusing to us because our minds arn't meant to think about it! Leave the time traveling to more advanced races, like Timelords.

  16. I nominate xTsukihime for contributor because of his scripts
  17. Even if youtube fixes the comments, the suggestions system is still pretty broken...among other things. There really is no hope for google since they don't listen to the users since they know that no one will stop using google and youtube.

    1. Polraudio


      i doubt google looks a the comments. they most likely look at stats and say "hey comments are being used more now that were using G+" so if people stop using the comments(wont happen) then google will listen.

    2. Polraudio


      just like the xbox one. they only removed the DRM thing cause they didnt get the pre-orders they wanted cause people not buying it. if people were to pre-order and still yell about the DRM then they wouldnt have removed it cause people are buying it still. Company's only listen when it runs into profits lol

    3. FleshRenderStudios


      ^ what pol says is completely true :)

  18. I hate it when I accidently cheat and then mess up the whole game.

    1. Bob423


      It's kinda complicated lol

    2. Bob423


      It's really something that only I can do. I'm weird like that.

    3. Polraudio
    4. Show next comments  129 more
  19. WOOT! Everything's fine now.

  20. Why is there no simple guide to going into safe mode with win8?

  21. I love it when a break my graphics card...

  22. Just made the simplest tutorial ever. I felt it was necesarry, because it took me forever to realize it was possible and I'd image there are other people who don't know how

  23. If they were deleted from your project folder, then it isn't a problem, they're still there. If you deleted them from the RTP, you just need to reinstall it. Not the whole program of course, just the RTP.
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