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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. What is the point of blocking off a broken escalator? Just put a sign next to it that says it's temporarily stairs.

  2. Mark, chat is broken. Everytime someone tries to send a link, the send button gets stuck on the loading thing until you post something else

  3. Added 2 new characters Olrig Age: 2000+ One of the people involved in the "legend" of Arcatis, but has been forgotten. The wizard who created The Mana Orb ironically, was not, although his name is unknown. He is also supposedly to blame for the dark orbs being so common. He did something terrible and is returning to finish what he started. Leon Age: 2000+ One of the people involved in the "legend" of Arcatis, but has been forgotten. All that is known is that he was a great hero and was the original wielder of The Lion Blade
  4. Great idea. I especially like how two of my things are there already :P
  5. Just added the videos to the first post, and a bit of information on Arcatis III. I haven't planned much farther than what I wrote about it. It's too early to be planning any farther ahead anyway. There's more information on the game here => http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=blog&blogid=113
  6. Where are all the scripters? And I don't have enough imagination to make a sprite for a character's dad

    1. Bigace360


      I actually didn't know what you wanted, which is probably why no one else posted. There needs to be a template or something for writting request because most of the time people write jibberish in there topic.

    2. Marked


      Well I know Lizzie has gone off the rails... constantly sending me dirty snap chats and im all waaaat

    3. Bob423


      i thought I was pretty clear. What I want is actually really simple, I just dont know how to do it. What about my topic gibberish and/or confusing

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  7. 3 new videos. 1 shows the current opening, and the other 2 show event systems I'll be using http://youtu.be/bVj5NQFZO1w http://youtu.be/VWbmf8-vuns http://youtu.be/mc4GllNCRrs
  8. It was my reaction to Pol winning. Neither of us (Pol and I) expected him to win. He didn't even want to win.
  9. I've got another idea for a game, and it involves sorta starting over with FFXP. This game will be completely unrelated to the others except for the Final Fantasy parts. Just like FFAce, I probably won't work on it much...If I ever start it. So far I have a basic story and a few characters. There are a few things inspired by Kingdom Hearts, and probably something else too that I just can't think of...I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist a few days ago for the first time. Maybe that will inspire something...but I finished watching it a few days ago too. The characters will have last names for once. mostly because I want their names to have certain meanings...Also there's a General who I didn't want to be named like...General Steve or something stupid like that. He's also one of the main characters. I think I'm getting better at coming up with ideas for characters and names and stuff :D Originally I was just gonna call it "The Golden Knight", but realized I could make it into a FFXP game. I'm most likely still going to change the title though. 99% of what I've thought of so far: Looking back on this now I'm thinking it's a little weird, but I don't know, it's a start I guess.
  10. Sometimes I lie awake at night and fill in plot holes in my game's story. Fortunately I've planned far enough ahead that they aren't even really plot holes yet.

  11. Bob423

    New Stat for Armor

    It's been awhile. Hoping someone who hasn't seen this sees it.
  12. So I was remaking Harry's house and thought about the locked door in there. Because of events in the first game that I can't say because spoilers, I made a sidequest out of it. In the quest log, I'll probably have sidequests separated into sections, like the main quest, and numbered. (i.g. if the quest was called the missing apple, the sections will be called the missing apple 1, 2, 3, etc.) The main quest is separated into quests that will take longer to complete than most of the side quest sections. I took another screenshot, but the name of the quest is a spoiler too :P Maybe I'll have sidequests that add to the story instead of just giving rewards. That would be cool.
  13. I think, when I upload something, from now on I'll move it to my desktop first. that way the uploader thing doesnt start from a different folder all the time. gets kind of annoying

  14. I have another idea for a game, and I'll probably use it to revive FFXP and sorta start over with it. I have so many ideas and no time to do anything with them :(

  15. Ah can't feel ma face. ah need to bruth ma teef more tho thith doethn't haffen nexth time ah go to the dentitht

  16. Found another blog bug. Clicking the blog entries tab, and going to a blog that way on the forums page under the "other stuff" box gives a "Sorry, we couldn't find that!" error page. Also I can't seem to edit blog posts. some of the "options" drop down menus seem to have glitchy links
  17. in the blogs section, the add entry button gives this error "Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/marked/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/ips/gallery/sources/classes/gallery/image.php on line 3413 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/marked/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/ips/gallery/sources/classes/gallery/image.php on line 3413 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/marked/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/ips/gallery/sources/classes/gallery/image.php on line 3413" but still seems to work if you click on the blog first and dont use the options drop down menu
  18. First of all, The Hidden City of Arcatis is finished if you didn't know. Here's the topic http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/6758-rmxp-the-hidden-city-of-arcatis/ If you find ANY bugs, please read this list And if your bug isn't mentioned, let me know via PM, a comment here, or a comment on the topic. If you're willing to review the game for me, please do, I would love to know what people think of it. As for Arcatis II, I have many great ideas for the story, but the things holding me back are my inability to do more than simple sprite edits. If someone could make a sprite of someone that looks like they could e the father of the RTP Gunner01 I would be very grateful As for my ideas for the story, I'm adding a race of Elves with a history based on the story for Final Fantasy Ace, a minor character from the first game will return and become a major character, Harry's past, the identities of Jon, Adrian, Brandon, and the people having a mysterious conversation when you enter Caeli Temple, will be revealed, and much more. I suggest watching the two bonus scenes in the first game too. Adrian has more reasons for his actions at the end of the game than he says. The legend that Harry tells you about isn't the whole story, and isn't 100% true. The reason the prison bars exploded is also explained. Also, there will be a Tower of Ordeals bonus dungeon in the sequel. After defeating a few bonus bosses, and beating the game, you will have access to a tower which will contain more bonus bosses and stronger enemies for grinding. Beating the first game and using the mini project I made will give you a password to unlock things in the sequel. These include, but are not limited to... Items like: -Hero's Sword (Desc: Once wielded by a forgotten hero. Said to be the sword of evil's bane) -Hero's Tunic (Desc: A green Elven tunic once worn by a forgotten hero.) -Fairy Bow (Desc: A magic bow once wielded by a forgotten hero.) -Empty Bottle (Desc: A very old, empty glass bottle with a label written in an ancient language) -Cracked Ring (Desc: A magic gold ring set with a large, cracked, black stone.) -Weighted Clothes (Desc: TBD) Yes, they all have a use and the only item not a reference to something else, is the weighted clothes. If you cant figure out what the Cracked Ring is from, here's a hint: I plan to make it give the wearer the "Resurrect" skill which will revive an ally with 50% HP and uses no MP. The ring also poisons the wearer and lowers all stats a little.
  19. I was confused for a second when I saw this. http://i.imgur.com/yaCkiVg.png and then I read the whole thing. Still really confused.

    1. Marked


      Lol I was just thinking of posting a similar notice here :3

  20. Oh. So where's the "all statuses" page? edit: oh, I found them. they're at the bottom of the forums page
  21. Well it looks cool, but I have one question. The status update link seems to have moved again. Where is it?
  22. Bob423

    How is everybody?

    I did right after I posted that. Now I just got up. Good morning :P
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